Surprisingly, 629 potential human or animal bacterial pathogens accounting an average of 1.21% of total 16S rRNA gene were detected and these bacteria were mainly affiliated with Helicobacter, Staphylococcus, Acinotobacter, Streptococcus, Mycobacterium and Enterococcus. In summary, this study provides baseline data for the diversity and abundance of core microbiome and potential pathogens in composts. Reuse of treated wastewater for crop irrigation has been widely adopted to mitigate the effects of water scarcity on agricultural yields and to help preserving the integrity of aquatic ecosystems. This paper presents the outcomes of one-year monitoring of a full-scale agro-industrial wastewater treatment plant designed for water reuse, with a multistage tertiary treatment based on sand filtration, membrane ultrafiltration, storage and on-demand UV disinfection. We aimed to test flow cytometry as a monitoring tool to provide on-site indications on tertiary treatment performances and on the quality of treated wastewater along the treatment scheme. Membrane ultrafiltration retained prokaryotic cells and E. coli (>3 log). During storage of treated effluents, a significant decay of E. coli was observed together with the growth of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and the UV disinfection was effective only against fecal indicators. The microbial quality of the treated effluent was comparable to the control groundwater locally used for irrigation. On-site rapid assessments by flow cytometry allowed unveiling crucial aspects affecting the microbiological quality of ultrafiltration permeate and treated effluent immediately after sampling, including plant operating performances and microbial removal patterns across the treatment train. In this study, we investigate the tylosin degradation in sheep feces during composting. The sheep feces containing tylosin were composted using the laboratory-scale composting units. Tylosin was degraded during composting, and the half-life of tylosin degradation decreased with increasing temperature from 40 °C to 65 °C. The tylosin degradation in sheep feces can be attributed to the microorganisms in the feces and not to heating because tylosin did not degrade over a period of 48 h at temperatures of 0 °C-65 °C in sterilized water. The artificial rainwater solution extracted from the composted sample did not inhibit the growth of Raphidocelis subcapitata, a type of green alga. Our results indicate that composting the feces containing tylosin is effective in degrading tylosin, which may result in the preservation of agricultural fields as well as nearby aquatic environments. V.The performance of a lab-scale integrated anoxic and aerobic inverse fluidized bed bioreactors (IFBBR) for biological nutrient removal from synthetic municipal wastewater was studied at chemical oxygen demand (COD) loading rates of 0.34-2.10 kg COD/(m3-d) and nitrogen loading rates of 0.035-0.213 kg N/(m3-d). Total COD removal efficiencies of >84% were achieved, concomitantly with complete nitrification. The overall nitrogen removal efficiencies were >75%. Low biomass yields of 0.030-0.101 g VSS/g COD were achieved. Compared with other FBBR systems, the energy consumption for this IFBBR system was an average 59% less at organic loading rates (OLRs) of 1.02 and 2.10 kg COD/(m3-d). Bacterial community structures of attached and suspended biomass revealed that the dominant phyla were Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Epsilonbacteraeota, etc. The relative abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOBs) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOBs) in the aerobic attached biomass were 0.451% and 0.110%, respectively. COD mass balance in the anoxic zone was closed by consideration of sulfate reduction, which was confirmed by the presence of genus Chlorobium (sulfate-reducing bacteria) in the anoxic attached biofilm with a relative abundance of 0.32%. In biological wastewater treatment systems, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are continuously excreted as a response to environmental changes and substrate conditions. It could severely affect the treatment efficacy such as membrane fouling, dewaterability and the formation of carcinogenic disinfection by-products (DBPs). The heterogeneous dissolved organic matter (DOM) with varying size and chemical nature constitute a primary proportion of EPS. In the last few decades, fluorescence spectroscopy has received increasing attention for characterizing these organic substances due to the attractive features of this low-cost spectroscopic approach, including easy sample handling, rapid, non-destructive and highly sensitive nature. In this review, we summarize the application of fluorescence spectroscopy for characterizing EPS and provide the potential implications for online monitoring of water quality along with its limitations. We also link the dynamics of fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) in EPS with operational and environmental changes in wastewater treatment systems as well as their associations with metal binding, membrane fouling, adsorption, toxicity, and dewaterability. The multiple modes of exploration of fluorescence spectra, such as synchronous spectra with or without coupling with two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2D-COS), excitation-emission matrix (EEM) deconvoluted fluorescence regional integration (FRI), and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) are also discussed. The potential fluorescence indicators to depict the composition and bulk characteristics of EPS are also of interest. Further studies are highly recommended to expand the application of fluorescence spectroscopy paired with appropriate supplementary techniques to fully unravel the underlying mechanisms associated with EPS. The direct effects of large-scale disturbances are readily studied because their effects are often apparent and result in large changes to ecosystems. Direct effects can cascade through the ecosystem, leading to indirect effects that are often subtle and difficult to detect. Managing anthropogenic disturbances, such as chemical contamination, requires an understanding of both direct and indirect effects to predict, measure, and characterize the impact. Using a replicated whole-ecosystem experiment and path analyses (assesses the effects of a set of variables on a specified outcome, similar to multiple regression), we examined the direct and indirect effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide and nutrient enrichment on wetland communities. The latter did not impact any measured endpoints. The strongest drivers of macrophyte, benthic invertebrate, and amphibian assemblages were the ephemerality and the size of wetlands, factors which were not altered by herbicide applications. The herbicide had a direct negative effect on macrophyte cover, amphibian larval abundance, and the proportion of predatory benthic invertebrates.