Fibromyalgia is a rheumatologic syndrome leading to increased pain sensitivity, sleep disturbance, fatigue, stiffness, and tenderness of joints, muscles, and tendons due to dysregulation of neurophysiological functions. In the present case report, a 42-year-old, non-Indian, nonsmoking, nonalcoholic, female presented with complaints of severe difficulty in walking, joint pains, and generalized loss of balance of the body. The patient was an established case of fibromyalgia. The treatment plan for the patient included 9 months of yoga therapy. No concomitant allopathic medication was given during this whole treatment period. The patient was given special yoga postures to improve flexibility and movement of joints, daily 1 hour, 6 days/week in the morning, and evening for 9 months. The muscle fatigue, quality of life and sleep was assessed at the baseline, 3rd, 6th, and 9th month. The result of present case study demonstrated reduction in muscle fatigue and improvement in quality of life and sleep. Copyright © 2020 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care.Fever as an indicator of disease has always been and remains a clinical symptom of great importance. It may be a manifestation of any inflammatory process of the thyroid and also may be presenting feature of thyroid storm. Melioidosis, is an infection caused by the gram negative bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei and the commonest co-morbidity observed in India is diabetes mellitus. Here we present a case of Graves disease (hyperthyroidism) who was referred by primary care physician with history of prolonged fever of more than one month duration and later diagnosed to have melioidosis. It is important in primary care setting as family physicians need to be aware of this infection as it can affect many organs and early diagnosis and treatment will result in cure of this condition. Copyright © 2020 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care.Destructive periodontal diseases are rare occurrences in the paediatric population. Moreover, the regenerative potential of the periodontal tissues and supporting structures of teeth is even rare, once irreversible damage has occurred. The aim of this paper is to discuss the regeneration of alveolar bone defect in a 14-year-old using concentrated growth factors (CGF). Following crown removal, scaling, debridement and site preparation, CGF was placed and secured in one-walled defect in the mesial side of the lower right permanent molar. The crown was replaced on to the tooth and the patient was followed up at 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months for clinical and radiographic evaluation. After 12 months, the radiographic evaluation revealed the defect to be filled with alveolar bone and probing pocket depth had reduced significantly. Thus, CGF can be an effective agent and can act as a potential scaffold for periodontal regeneration in adolescents with bone loss. Copyright © 2020 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care.Hepatic Tuberculosis (TB) is extremely rare without miliary involvement in immunocompetent patients. Even in countries like India where TB is a major public health problem only few cases have been diagnosed and treated. We report a case of an immunocompetent patient who presented with undiagnosed pyrexia of 11 days, was initially diagnosed as pyogenic liver abscess, he did not responded to treatment and on liver biopsy was diagnosed as hepatic tuberculoma. Antitubercular treatment (ATT) was started and the patient responded well. We concluded that though hepatic TB is rare in immunocompetent patient, it is important to keep it as a differential diagnosis in patients of liver abscesses who are not responding to treatment in order to avoid needless investigations. Copyright © 2020 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care.Aim of Study A study of the medical records department of a multi super specialty secondary care hospital in NCR. Materials and Methods Primary data was collected through direct observation and retrospective study of documents maintained in MRD. Secondary data was collected from quality control department books, journals, scholarly articles, and internet. Results and Conclusion Sample sizes of 350 retrospective and current medical records were thoroughly scrutinized. Conclusion revealed the hospital has published as exhaustive medical records manual listing and the scope, objective, hierarchy chart, job description, policies, procedures, and processes. The MRD has a well-documented flow process of medical records, but on checking the flow of patient records between Nov 2016 to Feb 2017; it was revealed that in month of Nov 2016, out of the total 278 patients discharged only 276 files were received in MRD and 0.72% files were not received. Moreover, it took over 31 days for 71 patients (23.67%) to receive filef Family Medicine and Primary Care.Context Beta-thalassemia is a prevalent hereditary blood disorder in Saudi Arabia. Various clinical manifestations and hematological abnormalities are common among these patients. Aims To evaluate the clinical manifestations and hematological parameters of β-thalassemia patients in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. Settings and Design This is a cross-sectional study conducted in Jazan region, Saudi Arabia. Methods and Materials We included 36 β-Thalassemia major patients who admitted to PMNH during the period from February 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017. Clinical features were obtained via physical examination. The hematological parameters were obtained from the patients' medical records. Statistical Analysis Used Descriptive and inferential statistics were conducted using SPSS. Continuous data was evaluated using independent sample t-test and Chi-square was used to evaluate categorical variables. P less then 0.05 indicated statistical significance. Results Mean age was 18.56 ± 6.89 years. Males were 23 (63.9%). About 41.4% of patients were underweight. Exposing of the upper teeth was the most prominent feature (n = 19, 59.4%). The majority of patients were splenectomized (62.1%). About two-thirds have moderate anemia. More than half of the patients (58.8%) had high WBCs counts and 35.3% had a high platelet count, especially among those who underwent splenectomy. Approximately, two-thirds had a ferritin level higher than 2500 ng/ml. O+ blood group was the most frequent blood group among the patients (n = 15, 46.9%). Conclusions Deteriorated clinical and hematological parameters in our study justify the need for more efforts for regular evaluation and follow-up of the βTM patients and reevaluation of the management protocols to be improved or modified. Copyright © 2020 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care.