Through structural and biochemical characterization, we identify that MreB5 exists as antiparallel double protofilaments that interact with fibril and the membrane, and thus potentially assists in kink propagation. In summary, our study provides direct experimental evidence for MreB in maintaining cell length, helical shape, and motility-revealing the role of MreB in sculpting the cell in the absence of a cell wall.Flexibility and generativity are fundamental aspects of functional behavior that begin in infancy and improve with experience. How do infants learn to tailor their real-time solutions to variations in local conditions? On a nativist view, the developmental process begins with innate prescribed solutions, and experience elaborates on those solutions to suit variations in the body and the environment. On an emergentist view, infants begin by generating a variety of strategies indiscriminately, and experience teaches them to select solutions tailored to the current relations between their body and the environment. To disentangle these accounts, we observed coordination patterns in 11-month-old pre-walking infants with a range of cruising (moving sideways in an upright posture while holding onto a support) and crawling experience as they cruised over variable distances between two handrails they held for support. We identified infants' coordination patterns using a novel combination of computer-vision, machine-learning, and time-series analyses. As predicted by the emergentist view, the least experienced infants generated multiple coordination patterns inconsistently regardless of body size and handrail distance, whereas the most experienced infants tailored their coordination patterns to body-environment relations and switched solutions only when necessary. Moreover, the beneficial effects of experience were specific to cruising and not crawling, although both skills involve anti-phase coordination among the four limbs. Thus, findings support an emergentist view and suggest that everyday experience with the target skill may promote "learning to learn," where infants learn to assemble the appropriate solution for new problems on the fly.Many microbes produce stress-resistant spores to survive unfavorable conditions [1-4] and enhance dispersal [1, 5]. Cooperative behavior is integral to the process of spore formation in some species [3, 6], but the degree to which germination of spore populations involves social interactions remains little explored. Myxococcus xanthus is a predatory soil bacterium that upon starvation forms spore-filled multicellular fruiting bodies that often harbor substantial diversity of endemic origin [7, 8]. Here we demonstrate that germination of M. xanthus spores formed during fruiting-body development is a social process involving at least two functionally distinct social molecules. Using pairs of natural isolates each derived from a single fruiting body that emerged on soil, we first show that spore germination exhibits positive density dependence due to a secreted "public-good" germination factor. Further, we find that a germination defect of one strain under saline stress in pure culture is complemented by addition of another strain that germinates well in saline environments and mediates cheating by the defective strain. Glycine betaine, an osmo-protectant utilized in all domains of life, is found to mediate saline-specific density dependence and cheating. Density dependence in non-saline conditions is mediated by a distinct factor, revealing socially complex spore germination involving multiple social molecules.Many protein-modifying enzymes recognize their substrates via docking motifs, but the range of functionally permissible motif sequences is often poorly defined. During eukaryotic cell division, cyclin-specific docking motifs help cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) phosphorylate different substrates at different stages, thus enforcing a temporally ordered series of events. In budding yeast, CDK substrates with Leu/Pro-rich (LP) docking motifs are recognized by Cln1/2 cyclins in late G1 phase, yet the key sequence features of these motifs were unknown. Here, we comprehensively analyze LP motif requirements in vivo by combining a competitive growth assay with deep mutational scanning. We quantified the effect of all single-residue replacements in five different LP motifs by using six distinct G1 cyclins from diverse fungi including medical and agricultural pathogens. The results uncover substantial tolerance for deviations from the consensus sequence, plus requirements at some positions that are contingent on the favorability of other motif residues. They also reveal the basis for variations in functional potency among wild-type motifs, and allow derivation of a quantitative matrix that predicts the strength of other candidate motif sequences. Finally, we find that variation in docking motif potency can advance or delay the time at which CDK substrate phosphorylation occurs, and thereby control the temporal ordering of cell cycle regulation. The overall results provide a general method for surveying viable docking motif sequences and quantifying their potency in vivo, and they reveal how variations in docking strength can tune the degree and timing of regulatory modifications.Mammalian sleep expression and regulation have historically been thought to reflect the activity of neurons. Changes in other brain cells (glia) across the sleep-wake cycle and their role in sleep regulation are comparatively unexplored. We show that sleep and wakefulness are accompanied by state-dependent changes in astroglial activity. Using a miniature microscope in freely behaving mice and a two-photon microscope in head-fixed, unanesthetized mice, we show that astroglial calcium signals are highest in wake and lowest in sleep and are most pronounced in astroglial processes. We also find that astroglial calcium signals during non-rapid eye movement sleep change in proportion to sleep need. In contrast to neurons, astrocytes become less synchronized during non-rapid eye movement sleep after sleep deprivation at the network and single-cell level. Finally, we show that conditionally reducing intracellular calcium in astrocytes impairs the homeostatic response to sleep deprivation. Thus, astroglial calcium activity changes dynamically across vigilance states, is proportional to sleep need, and is a component of the sleep homeostat.