Secondary forests are increasing in the Brazilian Amazon and have been cited as an important mechanism for reducing net carbon emissions. However, our understanding of the contribution of secondary forests to the Amazonian carbon balance is incomplete, and it is unclear to what extent emissions from old-growth deforestation have been offset by secondary forest growth. Using MapBiomas 3.1 and recently refined IPCC carbon sequestration estimates, we mapped the age and extent of secondary forests in the Brazilian Amazon and estimated their role in offsetting old-growth deforestation emissions since 1985. We also assessed whether secondary forests in the Brazilian Amazon are growing in conditions favourable for carbon accumulation in relation to a suite of climatic, landscape and local factors. In 2017, the 129,361 km2 of secondary forest in the Brazilian Amazon stored 0.33 ± 0.05 billion Mg of above-ground carbon but had offset just 9.37% of old-growth emissions since 1985. However, we find that the majority of Brazilian secondary forests are situated in contexts that are less favourable for carbon accumulation than the biome average. Our results demonstrate that old-growth forest loss remains the most important factor determining the carbon balance in the Brazilian Amazon. Understanding the implications of these findings will be essential for improving estimates of secondary forest carbon sequestration potential. More accurate quantification of secondary forest carbon stocks will support the production of appropriate management proposals that can efficiently harness the potential of secondary forests as a low-cost, nature-based tool for mitigating climate change.Omecamtiv mecarbil (OM) is a selective cardiac myosin activator (myotrope), currently in Phase 3 clinical investigation as a novel treatment for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. OM increases cardiac contractility by enhancing interaction between myosin and actin in a calcium-independent fashion. This study aims to characterize the mechanism of action by evaluating its simultaneous effect on myocyte contractility and calcium-transients (CTs) in healthy canine ventricular myocytes. Left ventricular myocytes were isolated from canines and loaded with Fura-2 AM. With an IonOptix system, contractility parameters including amplitude and duration of sarcomere shortening, contraction and relaxation velocity, and resting sarcomere length were measured. CT parameters including amplitude at systole and diastole, velocity at systole and diastole, and duration at 50% from peak were simultaneously measured. OM was tested at 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, and 3 µmol\L concentrations to simulate therapeutic human plasma exposure levels. OM and isoproterenol (ISO) demonstrated differential effects on CTs and myocyte contractility. OM increased contractility mainly by prolonging duration of contraction while ISO increased contractility mainly by augmenting the amplitude of contraction. ISO increased the amplitude and velocity of CT, shortened duration of CT concurrent with increasing myocyte contraction, while OM did not change the amplitude, velocity, and duration of CT up to 1 µmol\L. Decreases in relaxation velocity and increases in duration were present only at 3 µmol\L. In this translational myocyte model study, therapeutically relevant concentrations of OM increased contractility but did not alter intracellular CTs, a mechanism of action distinct from traditional calcitropes.Cancer-derived myocardial damage is an important cause of death in cancer patients. However, the development of dietary interventions for treating such damage has not been advanced. Here, we investigated the effect of dietary intervention with lauric acid (LAA) and glucose, which was effective against skeletal muscle sarcopenia in a mouse cachexia model, on myocardial damage. Treatment of H9c2 rat cardiomyoblasts with lauric acid promoted mitochondrial respiration and increased ATP production by Seahorse flux analysis, but did not increase oxidative stress. Glycolysis was also promoted by LAA. In contrast, mitochondrial respiration and ATP production were suppressed, and oxidative stress was increased in an in vitro cachexia model in which cardiomyoblasts were treated with mouse cachexia ascites. Ascites-treated H9c2 cells with concurrent treatment with LAA and high glucose showed that mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis were promoted more than that of the control, and ATP was restored to the level of the control. Oxidative stress was also reduced by the combined treatment. In the mouse cachexia model, myocardiac atrophy and decreased levels of a marker of muscle maturity, SDS-soluble MYL1, were observed. When LAA in CE-2 diet was orally administered alone, no significant rescue was observed in the cancer-derived myocardial disorder. In contrast, combined oral administration of LAA and glucose recovered myocardial atrophy and MYL1 to levels observed in the control without increase in the cancer weight. Therefore, it is suggested that dietary intervention using a combination of LAA and glucose for cancer cachexia might improve cancer-derived myocardial damage.It has long been discussed to what extent related species develop similar genetic mechanisms to adapt to similar environments. Most studies documenting such convergence have either used different lineages within species or surveyed only a limited portion of the genome. Here, we investigated whether similar or different sets of orthologous genes were involved in genetic adaptation of natural populations of three related plant species to similar environmental gradients in the Alps. We used whole-genome pooled population sequencing to study genome-wide SNP variation in 18 natural populations of three Brassicaceae (Arabis alpina, Arabidopsis halleri, and Cardamine resedifolia) from the Swiss Alps. We first de novo assembled draft reference genomes for all three species. We then ran population and landscape genomic analyses with ~3 million SNPs per species to look for shared genomic signatures of selection and adaptation in response to similar environmental gradients acting on these species. Genes with a signature of convergent adaptation were found at significantly higher numbers than expected by chance.