CONCLUSION These data support the usefulness of Qol assessment in bariatric candidates as a sensible screening parameter, especially in patients with lower BMI, in whom MCS could identify the need for early psychosocial intervention. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level III, case-control analytic study.Qinghuang Powder (, QHP), an oral arsenic, has become an effective drug in the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) in Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences for many years, and the action mechanism of the compound or active ingredient As2S2 of QHP has been elucidated. Considering the relatively safety, chemotherapy-free and convenient oral profile, QHP is widely used in the clinical treatment for MDS patients, especially for elderly patients. In this review, the authors document the efficacy and safety of oral arsenic-containing compound QHP in the treatment of MDS, with a special focus on the association of efficacy of QHP with the cytogenetics, prognostic risk, DNA methylation, gene mutation, blood arsenic concentration, mechanism of action of As2S2 and the countermeasures against adverse reactions of gastrointestinal tract.INTRODUCTION The most commonly used tool for implant positioning are conventional instruments (CI) followed by computer-assisted surgery (CAS). A number of studies have investigated the cutting error of the tibial component when CAS is used, but most of them were focused on the cutting angles. The accuracy of CAS to determine the depth of the cut has not received much attention, even though implications are similar or worse, than with an angle mismatch. MATERIALS AND METHODS This was an ethics board approved, prospective study of 23 consecutive varus TKAs by a single surgeon. Implant positioning was performed using CAS; however, the depth of the tibial cut was determined with both CAS and CI. Targeted alignment was the mechanical axis and 3° of posterior slope. The planned and the achieved cut, as determined by CAS needed to match. The achieved cut was then measured using a caliper and compared to the depth of the cut as per CAS. Medial and lateral cuts were analyzed separately. Analysis of variance and Bland-Altman plots were used for the comparison. RESULTS Mean medial navigated cut was 6.3 (± 2.2) mm, mean measured medial cut was 6.6 (± 2.3) mm. Mean lateral navigated cut was 8.9 (± 1.8) mm, mean measured lateral cut was 8.8 (± 1.5) mm. There was a statistical significance for both the medial (p  less then  0.001) and the lateral (p = 0.004) navigated and measured cuts. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study suggest that the tibial cut depth, measured by the navigation, does not match the actual bony cuts performed, even if a perfect cut was achieved in both sagittal and coronal plane. Surgeons should be aware of the measurement error in the navigation system and potentially add an additional step for verifying the achieved depth of the cut.PURPOSE AQP7, a water/glycerol transporting protein, regulates adipocyte glycerol efflux and influences lipid and glucose homeostasis. Altered AQP7 expression in adults leads to impaired glycerol dynamics, adipocyte hypertrophy, and a predisposition to obesity and diabetes. AQP7 gene promoter variants lead to impaired AQP7-mediated adipocyte glycerol efflux and adipocyte hypertrophy. To assess its possible involvement in childhood obesity and metabolic abnormalities, the AQP7 promoter was studied in order to identify possible mutations and/or polymorphisms in children. METHODS Genomic DNA was extracted from the blood of 61 lean children (BMI  95%) (22 prepubertal and 19 pubertal). The samples were sequenced for AQP7 promoter region - 2580 (2421) to - 1161 (3840) using Automated Sanger sequence analysis. RESULTS One novel mutation -2185 (T2816A) was found in an obese prepubertal child with low AQP7 mRNA expression, high levels of serum glycerol, and low serum insulin levels. The novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) - 2291 (A2710G), - 2219 (C2782A), - 2091 (C2910A), and - 1932 (G3069A) were identified, together with the previously described SNP - 1884 (C3117T), rs3758268. The heterozygous state and the recessive allele of all four SNPs were related to a positive family history of diabetes mellitus type 2 (p = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS The novel mutation - 2185 (T2816A) might be associated with the lower gene expression of AQP7 and high levels of serum glycerol that possibly contribute to the obese phenotype. The heterozygous genotype of the four SNPs - 2291 (A2710G), - 2219 (C2782A), - 2091 (C2910A), and - 1884 (C3117T) in children may be related to a familial predisposition to diabetes mellitus type 2.In this study, we use the molecular orbital energy approximation (MOEA) and the energy difference approximation (EDA) to build linear correlation models for the redox potentials of 53 organic compounds in aqueous solutions. The molecules evaluated include nitroxides, phenols, and amines. Both the MOEA and EDA methods yield similar correlation models, however, the MOEA method is less computationally expensive. Correlation coefficients (R2) below 0.3 and mean absolute errors above 0.25 V were found for correlation models built without solvent effects. When explicit water molecules and a continuum solvent model are added to the calculations, correlation coefficients close to 0.8 are reached, and mean absolute errors below 0.18 V are obtained. The incorporation of solvent effects is necessary for good correlation models, particularly for redox processes of charged molecules in aqueous solutions. A comparison of the correlation models from different methodologies is provided. Graphical abstract.The electronic structure of isomeric graphene nanoflakes (NFs) heavily doped with boron and nitrogen atoms has been explored. Dispersion-corrected B3LYP functional has been used for the geometry optimizations. A complete active space method has been used for the energy evaluations. Combined boron and nitrogen doping promotes polyradicalic antiferromagnetic ground states in the NFs and affects the nanoflake geometry. There is a charge transfer from boron to nitrogen atoms which increases with the doping level. This transfer does not involve carbon atoms. Combined doping reduces both the ionization potentials (IPs) and the electron affinities (EAs) of the NFs similar to nitrogen doping alone. Boron does not affect either IPs or EAs being neither n- nor p-type dopant for the isomeric graphene NFs. All hybrid NFs show a tendency to increase the band gaps with doping level, which is promoted by the increment of the bond length alternation with doping. Finally, the hole reorganization energies for the NFs were found to be lower than the electronic ones, positioning the hybrid NF as hole-transporting systems.