Verb bias facilitates parsing of temporarily ambiguous sentences, but it is unclear when and how comprehenders use probabilistic knowledge about the combinatorial properties of verbs in context. In a self-paced reading experiment, participants read direct object/sentential complement sentences. Reading time in the critical region was investigated as a function of three forms of bias structural bias (the frequency with which a verb appears in direct object/sentential complement sentences), lexical bias (the simple co-occurrence of verbs and other lexical items), and global bias (obtained from norming data about the use of verbs with specific noun phrases). For reading times at the critical word, structural bias was the only reliable predictor. However, global bias was superior to structural and lexical bias at the post-critical word and for offline acceptability ratings. The results suggest that structural information about verbs is available immediately, but that context-specific, semantic information becomes increasingly informative as processing proceeds. A large number of systematic reviews and meta-analyses regarding the meniscus have been published. To provide a qualitative summary of the published systematic reviews and meta-analyses regarding the meniscus. Systematic review; Level of evidence, 4. A systematic search of all meta-analyses and systematic reviews regarding the meniscus and published between July 2009 and July 2019 was performed with PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE, and the Cochrane database. Published abstracts, narrative reviews, articles not written in English, commentaries, study protocols, and topics that were not focused on the meniscus were excluded. The most pertinent results were extracted and summarized from each study. A total of 332 articles were found, of which 142 were included. Included articles were summarized and divided into 16 topics epidemiology, diagnosis, histology, biomechanics, comorbid pathology, animal models, arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM), meniscal repair, meniscal root repairs, meniscal allograft transplantation (MAT), meniscal implants and scaffolds, mesenchymal stem cells and growth factors, postoperative rehabilitation, postoperative imaging assessment, patient-reported outcome measures, and cost-effectiveness. The majority of articles focused on APM (20%), MAT (18%), and meniscal repair (17%). This summary of systematic reviews and meta-analyses delivers surgeons a single source of the current evidence regarding the meniscus. This summary of systematic reviews and meta-analyses delivers surgeons a single source of the current evidence regarding the meniscus. On a questionnaire administered to athletes who had undergone anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR), some answered "yes" to a question regarding return to sports (RTS) at the preinjury level despite having lower postoperative subjective athletic performance (PoSAP) intensity compared with preoperative levels. To investigate the agreement between responses regarding RTS and PoSAP intensity after ACLR. Cohort study (diagnosis); Level of evidence, 3. A total of 44 individuals, 24.8 ± 18.4 months after ACLR, participated in this study. They completed a questionnaire in which PoSAP was graded as a percentage of preoperative performance level. They also gave dichotomous responses (yes/no) to the question of whether they had been able to RTS at the same level as before their injury (RTS question). Participants were divided into 2 groups according to their PoSAP scores using different cutoff values (100%, 90%, 80%, and 70%), and an exploratory analysis was conducted of the cutoff value for dividing PoSAP scores that provided the greatest agreement with the response to the RTS question. The mean PoSAP score was 87.5% ± 14.9%, and 33 participants (75%) answered "yes" to the RTS question. The agreement between the PoSAP score and the RTS question was lowest when the cutoff value was 100% (κ = 0.294) and highest when the cutoff value was 80% (κ = 0.676) and 90% (κ = 0.632). More athletes who had undergone ACLR answered "yes" to the RTS question even when their PoSAP score was around 80%. Asking only for dichotomous responses may result in overestimating the level to which these athletes' performance has recovered after ACLR. More athletes who had undergone ACLR answered "yes" to the RTS question even when their PoSAP score was around 80%. Asking only for dichotomous responses may result in overestimating the level to which these athletes' performance has recovered after ACLR. Disruption of the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL), posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL), and interosseous membrane (IOM) is a predictive measure of residual symptoms after an ankle injury. Controversy remains regarding the ideal fixation technique for early return to sport, which requires restoration of tibiofibular kinematics with early weightbearing. To quantify tibiofibular kinematics after syndesmotic fixation with different tricortical screw and suture button constructs during simulated weightbearing. Controlled laboratory study. A 6 degrees of freedom robotic testing system was used to test 9 fresh-frozen human cadaveric specimens (mean age, 65.1 ± 17.3 years). A 200-N compressive load was applied to the ankle, while a 5-N·m external rotation and a 5-N·m inversion moment were applied independently to the ankle at 0° of flexion, 15° and 30° of plantarflexion, and 10° of dorsiflexion. Fibular medial-lateral translation, anterior-posterior translation, and internal-exterfixation significantly decreased lateral translation in plantarflexion, whereas double tricortical screw fixation and hybrid fixation significantly decreased external rotation of the fibula compared with that of the intact ankle at 15° of plantarflexion ( < .05). Based on the data in this study, hybrid fixation with 1 suture button and 1 tricortical screw may most appropriately restore tibiofibular kinematics for early weightbearing. However, overconstraint of motion during inversion may occur, which has unknown clinical significance. Surgeons may consider this data when deciding on the best algorithm for syndesmosis repair and postoperative rehabilitation. Surgeons may consider this data when deciding on the best algorithm for syndesmosis repair and postoperative rehabilitation.