In this way, we demonstrate that the novel biosensor can be potentially applied for the mass screening of SARS-CoV-2 surface antigens without prior sample processing, therefore offering a possible solution for the timely monitoring and eventual control of the global coronavirus pandemic.We previously demonstrated that fresh fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) following triple antibiotic therapy (amoxicillin, fosfomycin, metronidazole (AFM); A-FMT) resulted in effective colonization of Bacteroidetes species, leading to short-term clinical response in ulcerative colitis (UC). Its long-term efficacy and criteria for donor selection are unknown. Here, we analyzed the long-term efficacy of A-FMT compared to AFM monotherapy (mono-AFM). AFM was administered to patients with mild to severe UC for 2 weeks until 2 days before fresh FMT. Clinical response and efficacy maintenance were defined by the decrease and no exacerbation in clinical activity index. The population for intention-to-treat analysis comprised 92 patients (A-FMT, n = 55; mono-AFM, n = 37). Clinical response was observed at 4 weeks post-treatment (A-FMT, 56.3%; mono-AFM, 48.6%). Maintenance rate of responders at 24 months post-treatment was significantly higher with A-FMT than mono-AFM (p = 0.034). Significant differences in maintenance rate according to the age difference between donors and patients were observed. Additionally, sibling FMT had a significantly higher maintenance rate than parent-child FMT. Microbial analysis of patients who achieved long-term maintenance showed that some exhibited similarity to their donors, particularly Bacteroidetes species. Thus, A-FMT exhibited long-term efficacy. Therefore, matching between donors and UC patients may be helpful in effectively planning the FMT regimen.We introduced atomic sulfur passivation to tune the surface sites of heavy metal-free ZnSe nanorods, with a Zn2+-rich termination surface, which are initially capped with organic ligands and under-coordinated with Se. The S2- ions from a sodium sulfide solution were used to partially substitute a 3-mercaptopropionic acid ligand, and to combine with under-coordinated Zn termination atoms to form a ZnS monolayer on the ZnSe surface. This treatment removed the surface traps from the ZnSe nanorods, and passivated defects formed during the previous ligand exchange process, without sacrificing the efficient hole transfer. As a result, without using any co-catalysts, the atomic sulfur passivation increased the photocurrent density of TiO2/ZnSe photoanodes from 273 to 325 μA/cm2. Notably, without using any sacrificial agents, the photocurrent density for sulfur-passivated TiO2/ZnSe nanorod-based photoanodes remained at almost 100% of its initial value after 300 s of continuous operation, while for the post-deposited ZnS passivation layer, or those based on ZnSe/ZnS core-shell nanorods, it declined by 28% and 25%, respectively. This work highlights the advantages of the proper passivation of II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals as an efficient approach to tackle the efficient charge transfer and stability of photoelectrochemical cells based thereon.Water scarcity and frequent drought spells are becoming critical challenges to sustainable agricultural development, especially in arid and semiarid regions. Thus, this work aims to investigate the effect of deficit irrigation and varying mulching materials on soil moisture content, salt distribution, and potato yield. The experiment consisted of three irrigation regimes (I100%, I80%, and I60%) of crop evapotranspiration (ETc), designated as I100%, I80%, and I60% of ETc, and five mulching treatments viz. (i) without mulch (WM), (ii) poultry manure mulch (PMM), (iii) rice straw mulch (RSM), (iv) white plastic mulch (WPM), and (v) black plastic mulch (BPM), which were continued for two consecutive growing seasons. The results showed that soil salinity was affected by mulching and irrigation levels as the salt content increased from the initial soil salinity. Moreover, I60% recorded the highest salt accumulation in the soil profile for WM treatment compared to the rest of the irrigation and mulching treatments. It was also revealed that PMM remained unmatched by significantly producing the highest potato yield compared to other mulching materials. However, the average potato yield decreased by 13.83% and 29.16% in the 2016 season for I80% and I60% and by 12.95% and 30.91% in the 2017 season, respectively, in comparison to full irrigation (I100%). So, when sufficient irrigation water is available, full irrigation (I100%) and PMM treatment are recommended to achieve the maximum potato tuber yield, which has a minimum impact on increasing salinity. However, when the discharge is insufficient, deficit irrigation (I80%) and PMM treatment are recommended to conserve 20% of the irrigation water applied with a minimum reduction in tuber yield and a slight increase in soil salinity.Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) may enter a non-replicative, non-culturable, low metabolically active state, the so-called coccoid form, to survive in extreme environmental conditions. Since coccoid forms are not susceptible to antibiotics, they could represent a cause of therapy failure even in the absence of antibiotic resistance, i.e., relapse within one year. Furthermore, coccoid forms may colonize and infect the gastric mucosa in animal models and induce specific antibodies in animals and humans. Their detection is hard, since they are not culturable. Techniques, such as electron microscopy, polymerase chain reaction, loop-mediated isothermal amplification, flow cytometry and metagenomics, are promising even if current evidence is limited. Among the options for the treatment, some strategies have been suggested, such as a very high proton pump inhibitor dose, high-dose dual therapy, N-acetycysteine, linolenic acid and vonoprazan. These clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties will represent fascinating challenges in the future.Animal training is meant to teach specific behavioral responses to specific cues. Clicker training (CT) is a popular training method based on the use of a device that emits a sound of double-click to be associated as a first-order conditioned stimulus in contingency with positive reinforcements. After some repetitions, the clicker sound gains some incentive value and can be paired with the desired behavior. Animal trainers believed that CT can decrease training time compared to other types of training. Herein, we used two-month old miniature piglets to evaluate whether CT decreased the number of repetitions required to learn complex behaviors as compared with animals trained with voice instead of the clicker. In addition, we compared the number of correct choices of animals from both groups when exposed to object discriminative tests. Results indicated that CT decreased the number of repetitions required for pigs to learn to fetch an object but reduced the ability of animals to make correct choices during the discriminate trials.