In summary, our study improved the annotation of known miRNAs, identified a large number of novel miRNAs, and predicted target genes for all pig miRNAs by using massive public data. This large data-based strategy is also applicable for other nonmodel organisms with incomplete annotation information.Given the close division of power in D.C., how might health reformers pursue their bolder aims? In particular, how might they pursue the robust public option that is a centerpiece of Joe Biden's reform proposal? This ambitious plan, which would allow all Americans to enroll in subsidized public health insurance, is not in the cards right now. However, I argue for conceiving of it as an inspiring vision that can structure immediate initiatives designed to make its achievement more feasible. First, I explain just how far-reaching the mainstream vision of the public option now is. Second, I describe a self-reinforcing path to that endpoint that involves what I call "building power through policy"-using the openings that are likely to exist in the near term to reshape the political landscape for the long term. This path has three key steps (1) pursuing immediate improvements in the ACA that are tangible and traceable yet do not work against the eventual creation of a public option; (2) building the necessary policy foundations for a public option, while encouraging progressive states to experiment with state public plan models; and (3) seeding and strengthening movements to press for more fundamental reform. Intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) reduce a newborn's risk of group B streptococcal infection (GBS) but may lead to an increased childhood body mass index (BMI). Retrospective cohort study of infants (n=223,431) born 2007-2015 in an integrated healthcare system. For vaginal delivery, we compared children exposed to GBS-IAP and to any other type or duration of intrapartum antibiotics to no antibiotic exposure. For Cesarean delivery, we compared children exposed to GBS-IAP to those exposed to all other intrapartum antibiotics, including surgical prophylaxis. BMI over 5 years was compared using non-linear multivariate models with B-spline functions, stratified by delivery mode and adjusted for demographics, maternal factors, breastfeeding and childhood antibiotic exposure. In vaginal deliveries, GBS-IAP was associated with higher BMI from 0.5 to 5.0 years of age compared to no antibiotics (P<0.0001 for all time points, Δ BMI at age 5 years 0.12kg/m 2, 95% CI 0.07 to 0.16kg/m 2). Other antibiotics were associated with higher BMI from 0.3 to 5.0 years of age. In Cesarean deliveries, GBS-IAP was associated with increased BMI from 0.7 years to 5.0 years of age (P<0.05 for 0.7-0.8 years, P<0.0001 for all other time points) compared to other antibiotics (Δ BMI at age 5 years 0.24kg/m 2, 95% CI 0.14 to 0.34kg/m 2). Breastfeeding did not modify these associations. GBS-IAP was associated with a small but sustained increase in BMI starting at very early age. This association highlights the need to better understand the effects of perinatal antibiotic exposure on childhood health. GBS-IAP was associated with a small but sustained increase in BMI starting at very early age. This association highlights the need to better understand the effects of perinatal antibiotic exposure on childhood health.In humans, FMR1 (fragile X mental retardation 1) is strongly expressed in granulosa cells (GCs) of the female germline and apparently controls efficiency of folliculogenesis. Major control mechanism(s) of the gene transcription rate seem to be based on the rate of CpG-methylation along the CpG island promoter. Conducting CpG-methylation-specific bisulfite-treated PCR assays and subsequent sequence analyses of both gene alleles, revealed three variably methylated CpG domains (FMR1-VMR (variably methylated region) 1, -2, -3) and one completely unmethylated CpG-region (FMR1-UMR) in this extended FMR1-promoter-region. FMR1-UMR in the core promoter was exclusively present only in female GCs, suggesting expression from both gene alleles, i.e., escaping the female-specific X-inactivation mechanism for the second gene allele. Screening for putative target sites of transcription factors binding with CpG methylation dependence, we identified a target site for the transcriptional activator E2F1 in FMR1-VMR3. Using specific electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we found E2F1 binding efficiency to be dependent on CpG-site methylation in its target sequence. Comparative analysis of these CpGs revealed that CpG 94-methylation in primary GCs of women with normal and reduced efficiency of folliculogenesis statistically significant differences. We therefore conclude that E2F1 binding to FMR1-VMR3 in human GCs is part of an epigenetic mechanism regulating the efficiency of human folliculogenesis. Our data indicate that epigenetic mechanisms may control GC FMR1-expression rates.The occurrence and progress of osteoporosis (OP) are partially caused by impaired osteoblast differentiation. Interleukin-I receptor antagonist (IL1RN) is an immune modulatory molecule that commonly functions by means of competing the binding site of IL-1R with IL-1. Although it was recently reported that IL1RN is involved in osteoblast differentiation, the role of IL1RN in osteogenesis remains unclear. In this work, we first investigated the expression pattern of IL1RN in ovariectomy mice and in vitro osteogenic induction of MC3T3-E1 and C3H10T1/2 cells. To verify the exact role of IL1RN in osteoblast differentiation, we established IL1RN-downregulated/upregulated cell lines. The results indicated that IL1RN was constantly expressed in MC3T3-E1 and C3H10T1/2 cells. Interestingly, an increase of IL1RN expression in osteoblasts occurred when osteoblasts were cultured in osteogenic medium (OM). As expected, silencing of IL1RN attenuated the osteogenic effect of OM, while IL1RN overexpression increased the osteogenic staining and promoted the expression of osteogenic markers, including alkaline phosphatase, osterix, and osteocalcin. In addition to evaluating the function of IL1RN in osteoblasts, we also investigated the molecular mechanism of the role of IL1RN in osteoblasts. We found that IL1RN interacts with integrin β3 to activate β-catenin signaling, which finally regulates osteoblast differentiation. Taken together, this study provides the framework that IL1RN, as a novel regulator of osteogenesis, may be a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of OP.