tive infraspecific taxa within C. buxbaumii requires further studies throughout the distribution range of C. buxbaumii, addressing habitats, morphology and genetics (including a chromosome count or a combination of different genetic methods), particularly as the variability in C. buxbaumii may be associated with the species' polyploid origin.A partial skeleton of a hybodontiform shark-like chondrichthyan from the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay Formation of Dorset, England, is described and designated as a new genus and species, Durnonovariaodus maiseyi gen. et sp. nov. The holotype and only known specimen, which is represented by disarticulated splanchnocranial elements with associated teeth, a single dorsal fin spine, the pelvic girdle, as well as unidentifiable cartilage fragments, plus countless dermal denticles, exhibits a puzzling combination of dental and skeletal features, providing important new insights into the morphological and ecological diversity of hybodontiforms. Durnonovariaodus gen. nov. displays a unique set of dental characters, showing close morphological resemblance to Secarodus from the Middle Jurassic of England, which was erected for distinctive, strongly labio-lingually compressed multicuspid cutting teeth originally described as Hybodus polyprion. Skeletally, Durnonovariaodus gen. nov. resembles Hybodus and Egertonodus in having a palatoquadrate with a palatobasal process and an ethmoidal articular surface, combined with the possession of dorsal fin spines ornamented with costae. Therefore, and given the absence of any conclusive phylogenetic framework, Durnonovariaodus maiseyi gen. et sp. nov. is here tentatively referred to Hybodontidae until more complete material becomes available in order to enable a more reliable suprageneric identification. The holotype of Durnonovariaodus maiseyi gen. et sp. nov. contains two separate pelvic half-girdles, a feature previously considered as evolutionarily primitive among hybodontiforms. However, unfused pelvic half-girdles also occur in the supposedly closely related species Hybodus hauffianus and may in fact have been more widely distributed among hybodontiforms than previously thought, thus rendering the phylogenetic utility of separated pelvic half-girdles for inferring hybodontiform interrelationships difficult and unresolved.Seaweed growth is often limited by light. Artificial light supply has been well studied in terrestrial agriculture, however, much less is known about its effect in seaweed aquaculture. In this study, the effects of four artificial light sources (white, red, green, and blue LEDs light) on a brown alga Sargassum fusiforme and a green alga Ulva pertusa were investigated. Seaweed growth, accumulation of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and carotenoid), and soluble protein were evaluated. White LED light was the optimal supplementary light when cultivating Ulva pertusa and Sargassum fusiforme, because it promoted seaweed growth while maintaining protein production. Meanwhile, red LED was unfavored in the cultivation of S. fusiforme, as it affected the seaweed growth and has a lower residual energy ratio underneath the water. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/b102-parp-hdac-in-1.html LEDs would be a promising supplementary light source for seaweed cultivation. Gliomas are the most common primary tumors of the central nervous system. The complexity and heterogeneity of the tumor makes it difficult to obtain good biomarkers for drug development. In this study, through The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA), we analyze the common diagnostic and prognostic moleculer markers in Caucasian and Asian populations, which can be used as drug targets in the future. The RNA-seq data from Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) were analyzed to identify signatures. Based on the signatures, the prognosis index (PI) of every patient was constructed to predict the prognostic risk. Also, gene ontology (GO) functional enrichment analysis and KEGG analysis were conducted to investigate the biological functions of these mRNAs. Glioma patients' data in the CGGA database were introduced to validate the effectiveness of the signatures among Chinese populations. Excluding the previously reported prognostic markers of gliomas f signature can forecast the risk of Glioma in TCGA effectively, moreover it can also predict the risks of Chinese patients through validation in the CGGA database. HSPA5 and MTPN are possible biomarkers of gliomas suitable for all populations to improve the prognosis of these patients.Land mammals support and move their body using their musculoskeletal system. Their musculature usually presents varying adaptations with body mass or mode of locomotion. Rhinocerotidae is an interesting clade in this regard, as they are heavy animals potentially reaching three tons but are still capable of adopting a galloping gait. However, their musculature has been poorly studied. Here we report the dissection of both forelimb and hindlimb of one neonate and one adult each for two species of rhinoceroses, the Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) and the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). We show that their muscular organisation is similar to that of their relatives, equids and tapirs, and that few evolutionary convergences with other heavy mammals (e.g. elephants and hippopotamuses) are present. Nevertheless, they show clear adaptations to their large body mass, such as more distal insertions for the protractor and adductor muscles of the limbs, giving them longer lever arms. The quantitative arch mass and calls for further investigations in other clades of large body mass.The invasive Spanish slug (Arion vulgaris) is an important pest species in agriculture and horticulture in Europe. In the last decades it has spread across the continent where it outcompetes native slug and snail species, thus posing a threat for biodiversity. A popular anecdote suggests to promote Roman snails (Helix pomatia) in gardens because they are able to control A. vulgaris. We examined a potential interrelationship between these two species using a mesocosm experiment with lettuce plants. 13C-15N stable isotope labelling of lettuce allowed us to investigate interactions between Helix and Arion on weight gain/loss and herbivory. Additionally, we wanted to know whether different watering regimes (daily vs. every 3rd day watering of weekly amount) and earthworms alter these interactions. Egg predation of Helix on Arion eggs was further tested in a food-choice experiment. Arion showed a five times higher herbivory per body mass than Helix in a single-species setting. However, in mesocosms containing both species percentage of herbivory per body mass was significantly lower than in Arion-only mesocosms, especially when watered every three days.