RESULTS Ixekizumab was less costly and provided more quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) than secukinumab in bDMARD-naïve and -experienced patients based on list prices, although cost savings and QALY gains were small to modest. In bDMARD-naïve patients, total costs were £155,455 compared with £155,530 for secukinumab (year 2017 values). Total QALYs were 8.127 versus 7.989. In bDMARD-experienced patients, the corresponding values were £140,051 versus £140,264 for total costs and 3.996 versus 3.875 for total QALYs. CONCLUSION Ixekizumab provided more QALYs at a marginally lower cost than secukinumab, and the results were most sensitive to changes in drug costs. Other factors, such as patient preferences for the number of injections and confidential price discounts, may be important considerations in clinical decision-making.Rhizobacteria emit bioactive metabolites with antifungal properties that could be used for biocontrol of fungal diseases. In this study, we evaluated the potential of diffusible and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by avocado rhizobacteria to inhibit the growth of Fusarium kuroshium, one of the causal agents of Fusarium dieback (FD) in avocado. Three bacterial isolates (INECOL-6004, INECOL-6005, and INECOL-6006), belonging to the Bacillus genus, were selected based on their capacity to inhibit several avocado fungal pathogens, and tested in antagonism assays against F. kuroshium. The three bacterial isolates significantly inhibited F. kuroshium mycelial growth by up to 48%. The composition of bacterial diffusible compounds was characterized by the analysis of EtOAc and n-BuOH extracts by using ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). The three bacterial isolates produced cyclo-lipopeptides belonging to the iturin, fengycin, and surfactin families. The antifungal activity of n-BuOH extracts was larger than that of EtOAc extracts, probably due to the greater relative abundance of fengycin in the former than in the latter. In addition, isolates INECOL-6004 and INECOL-6006 significantly inhibited F. kuroshium mycelial growth through VOC emission by up to 69.88%. The analysis of their VOC profiles by solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) coupled to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) revealed the presence of ketones and pyrazine compounds, particularly of 2-nonanone, which was not detected in the VOC profile of isolate INECOL-6005. These results emphasize the need to further investigate the antifungal activity of each bioactive compound for the development of new formulations against fungal phytopathogens.Even though fertility is reduced, conception and delivery are possible in all stages of CKD. While successful planned pregnancies are increasing, an unwanted pregnancy may have long-lasting deleterious effects, hence the importance of birth control, an issue often disregarded in clinical practice. The evidence summarized in this position statement is mainly derived from the overall population, or other patient categories, in the lack of guidelines specifically addressed to CKD. Oestroprogestagents can be used in early, non-proteinuric CKD, excluding SLE and immunologic disorders, at high risk of thromboembolism and hypertension. Conversely, progestin only is generally safe and its main side effect is intramestrual spotting. Non-medicated intrauterine devices are a good alternative; their use needs to be carefully evaluated in patients at a high risk of pelvic infection, even though the degree of risk remains controversial. Barrier methods, relatively efficacious when correctly used, have few risks, and condoms are the only contraceptives that protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Surgical sterilization is rarely used also because of the risks surgery involves; it is not definitely contraindicated, and may be considered in selected cases. Emergency contraception with high-dose progestins or intrauterine devices is not contraindicated but should be avoided whenever possible, even if far preferable to abortion. Surgical abortion is invasive, but experience with medical abortion in CKD is still limited, especially in the late stages of the disease. In summary, personalized contraception is feasible, safe and should be offered to all CKD women of childbearing age who do not want to get pregnant.Internalizing and externalizing problems increase during adolescence. However, these problems may be mitigated by adequate parenting, including effective parent-adolescent communication. The ways in which parent-driven (i.e., parent behavior control and solicitation) and adolescent-driven (i.e., disclosure and secrecy) communication efforts are linked to adolescent psychological problems universally and cross-culturally is a question that needs more empirical investigation. The current study used a sample of 1087 adolescents (M = 13.19 years, SD = 0.90, 50% girls) from 12 cultural groups in nine countries including China, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Philippines, Sweden, Thailand, and the United States to test the cultural moderation of links between parent solicitation, parent behavior control, adolescent disclosure, and adolescent secrecy with adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems. The results indicate that adolescent-driven communication, and secrecy in particular, is intertwined with adolescents' externalizing problems across all cultures, and intertwined with internalizing problems in specific cultural contexts. Moreover, parent-driven communication efforts were predicted by adolescent disclosure in all cultures. Overall, the findings suggest that adolescent-driven communication efforts, and adolescent secrecy in particular, are important predictors of adolescent psychological problems as well as facilitators of parent-adolescent communication.Academic success is a strong predictor of adolescent adjustment and subsequent adult social, psychological, and economic well-being. Importantly, research has established a negative relationship between family economic hardship and children's educational outcomes. Despite being disproportionately represented among the most financially disadvantaged, African Americans remain an understudied group. The current study utilizes a longitudinal study design and prospective data from the Family and Community Health Study (n = 422, 52% girls, average age = 10.5 years at Wave 1), an African American sample, to investigate the impact of economic hardship on adolescent academic engagement by testing explanations offered by two commonly employed perspectives the parental investment model and family stress model. While both models yielded significant results when tested separately, only the processes specified by the family stress model remained significant in a combined model, demonstrating that it is the superior explanation.