Given reports of changes in dietary habits during covid-19 lockdown, our aim was to assess weight changes, over a 3-month Covid-19 national lockdown in a cohort of NAFLD-HIV patients on a dietary intervention trial. After NAFLD screening in an outpatient Infectious Diseases Clinic, NAFLD patients were randomly allocated to general dietary recommendations (SC group) or to a structured dietary intervention based on the Mediterranean diet (intervention group). During lockdown, follow-up consultations in the intervention group were done by video and/or phone. After 3 months of lockdown, all patients (intervention and SC group) consented to a telephone interview which aimed to characterize eating habits and lifestyle changes and evaluate stress and depression. Biochemical data when available, was compared between the peri-period of confinement. One hundred and twelve patients were screened. From the 55 NAFDL identified, 27 were allocated to dietary intervention and 28 to SC and were followed before lockdown ange in dietary habits and physical activity pattern, preventing a substantial increase in body weight. Patients with cancer frequently present with disease-related malnutrition and functional decline. The scored Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA©) is a malnutrition screening and assessment tool commonly used in patients with cancer. The aim of the current study was to translate and culturally adapt the original English PG-SGA for the Greek setting, including assessment of comprehensibility, difficulty and content validity in patients and healthcare professionals. Our study was conducted according to the ten steps of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Principles of Good Practice for Translation and Cultural Adaptation. Comprehensibility and difficulty of the Greek translation were assessed in 100 patients and 100 healthcare professionals (HCPs) from Greece. Content validity of the translation was assessed among HCPs. Item and scale indices were calculated for comprehensibility (I-CI; S-CI), difficulty (I-DI; S-DI), and content validity (I-CVI; nt for use in Greece. Energy and nutrient intakes of community-dwelling older adults in Indonesia are inadequate whereby milk consumption is among the lowest in the world. Lactose intolerance is probably one of the reasons for such low milk consumption, but information on the burden of this problem and its consequences for dietary intake is lacking. We obtained data on the prevalence of lactose intolerance and dietary intakes in Indonesian older outpatients, thereby comparing dairy users and non-dairy users. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2019 involving 103 community-dwelling older adults in the outpatient geriatric clinic, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. A structured questionnaire was used to categorize participants as dairy- or non-dairy users. Food records were collected to assess nutrients intake from the diet. The prevalence of lactose intolerance (LI) was estimated based on the results of the hydrogen breath test (HBT) and on symptoms of lactose malabsorption. The difference in LI prevalence between dtakes of proteins and some micronutrients are a concern. Strategies to tackle lactose intolerance are most relevant as to open the door for more nutrient-dense foods in the diet of Indonesian older adults. This study uncovered the large size of the lactose intolerance problem in Indonesian older adults. Especially in non-dairy users, the intakes of proteins and some micronutrients are a concern. Strategies to tackle lactose intolerance are most relevant as to open the door for more nutrient-dense foods in the diet of Indonesian older adults. Oral mucositis is the most common side effect in response to anticancer therapies in the head and neck region. It has a debilitating potential for the health of affected individuals, negatively interfering with nutritional status and quality of life. Due to the great complexity of its pathogenicity, different forms of interventions for prevention and treatment are being studied, including nutritional supplements with vitamin E, zinc and glutamine. This study aimed to review the literature on the influence of nutrients, in supplement form, for prevention and/or treatment of mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer. A survey of studies related to the definition, treatment and prevention of mucositis with nutrients was carried out between January 2018 and July 2019, using the Pubmed, Cochrane Library and Scielo databases. In the end, 61 relevant scientific publications were selected between the years 2004 and 2019. Nutrients such as vitamin E, glutamine and zinc are forms of supplementation that have positive effects on the manifestation and severity of oral mucositis due to their antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties. However, some studies reveal that antioxidant properties may reduce the effectiveness of antineoplastic therapy. This study suggests the effectiveness of vitamin E, zinc and glutamine in preventing and treating oral mucositis. However, the importance of new clinical researches to clarify possible doubts is highlighted, as well as the creation of a protocol that includes the dose, route and time of administration, for greater safety in use. This study suggests the effectiveness of vitamin E, zinc and glutamine in preventing and treating oral mucositis. However, the importance of new clinical researches to clarify possible doubts is highlighted, as well as the creation of a protocol that includes the dose, route and time of administration, for greater safety in use.Bodybuilding is a sport in which competitors' physiques are judged on their muscular size, symmetry, and leanness, as displayed in a number of different poses. In the pre-competitive period, bodybuilders attempt to reduce body fat stores as much as possible while maintaining fat-free mass (FFM). This is achieved via a sustained negative energy balance, generally induced by a combination of decreased energy intake and increased energy expenditure. This study aimed to assess the ability of bodybuilders to resist fatigue during resistance exercise based German Volume Training (GVT), as well as the affective response after carbohydrate refeed following four weeks of moderate or severe energy restriction. Eleven male bodybuilders (28.4 ± 2.3 years old) with experience in competitions were randomized into two groups Moderate Energy Restriction (MER; n = 6) or Severe Energy Restriction (SER; n = 5). On the 2nd day (during energy restriction) and 7th day (during refeed) of the fourth week, both groups completed two leg press protocols involving the GVT method.