In the adult group sensitivity of mouth culture was 72.1% (95% Confidence Interval [CI] 59.9-82.3%) and specificity was 100% (95% CI 92.7-89.4%-100%). In the pediatric group sensitivity of mouth culture was 78.3% (95% CI 65.8-87.9%) and specificity was 100% (95% CI 92.5-100%). CONCLUSION Our study demonstrated higher sensitivity of mouth culture for GAS than previously published. This finding suggests that areas of the oral cavity that were considered as unacceptable sites for culture of GAS pharyngitis may be considered as acceptable swabbing sites. TRIAL REGISTRATION Trial registration, ID NCT03137823. Registered 3 May 2017.BACKGROUND Daqu, the saccharification, fermentation, and aroma-producing agents for Baijiu brewing, is prepared using a complex process. Aging is important for improving the quality of Daqu, but its impact has rarely been studied. This study investigated changes in the physicochemical properties, flavor compounds, and microbial communities during aging of Daqu with a roasted sesame-like flavor. RESULTS The physicochemical properties changed continuously during aging to provide a high esterifying activity. Aging removed unpleasant flavor compounds and helped to stabilize the flavor compounds in mature Daqu. A high-throughput sequencing approach was used to analyze the changing composition of the microbial communities during aging. Aging helped to modify the microbial population to produce better Baijiu by eliminating low-abundance microbial communities and optimizing the proportion of predominant microbial communities. Nine genera of prokaryotic microbes formed the core microbiota in Daqu after aging. Regarding eukaryotic microbes, Zygomycota, the predominant community, increased in the first 2 months, then decreased in the third month of aging, while Ascomycota, the subdominant community, showed the opposite behavior. Absidia, Trichocomaceae_norank and Rhizopus were the predominant genera in the mature Daqu. CONCLUSIONS Significant correlations between microbiota and physicochemical properties or flavor compounds were observed, indicating that optimizing microbial communities is essential for aging Daqu. This study provides detailed information on aging during Daqu preparation.BACKGROUND Medium spiny neurons (MSNs) comprise the main body (95% in mouse) of the dorsal striatum neurons and represent dopaminoceptive GABAergic neurons. The cAMP (cyclic Adenosine MonoPhosphate)-mediated cascade of excitation and inhibition responses observed in MSN intracellular signal transduction is crucial for neuroscience research due to its involvement in the motor and behavioral functions. In particular, all types of addictions are related to MSNs. Shedding the light on the mechanics of the above-mentioned cascade is of primary importance for this research domain. RESULTS A mouse model of chronic social conflicts in daily agonistic interactions was used to analyze dorsal striatum neurons genes implicated in cAMP-mediated phosphorylation activation pathways specific for MSNs. Based on expression correlation analysis, we succeeded in dissecting Drd1- and Drd2-dopaminoceptive neurons (D1 and D2, correspondingly) gene pathways. We also found that D1 neurons genes clustering are split into two oppositelicted to cAMP related genes subset we elucidated MSNs steady states exhaustive projection for the first time. We correspond the existence of D1 active state not explicitly outlined before, and connected with dynamic dopamine neurotransmission cycles. Consequently, we were also able to indicate an oscillated postsynaptic dopamine vs glutamate action pattern in the course of the neurotransmission cycles.BACKGROUND In resource limited settings, Tuberculosis (TB) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among patients on antiretroviral treatment. Ethiopia is one of the 30 high TB burden countries. TB causes burden in healthcare system and challenge the effectiveness of HIV care. This study was to assess incidence and predictors of Tuberculosis among adults on antiretroviral therapy at Debre Markos Referral Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, 2019. METHODS Institution based retrospective follow up study was conducted among adults on ART newly enrolled from 2014 to 2018 at Debre Markos Referral Hospital. Simple random sampling technique was used to select patients chart. Data was entered to EPI- INFO version and analyzed using Stata 14.0. Tuberculosis incidence rate was computed and described using frequency tables. Both bivariable and multivariable Cox proportional hazard models was fitted to identify predictors of TB. RESULTS Out of the 536 patients chart reviewed, 494 patient records were included in thesk of TB.BACKGROUND Both intra- and inter-sentential semantic relations in biomedical texts provide valuable information for biomedical research. However, most existing methods either focus on extracting intra-sentential relations and ignore inter-sentential ones or fail to extract inter-sentential relations accurately and regard the instances containing entity relations as being independent, which neglects the interactions between relations. We propose a novel sequence labeling-based biomedical relation extraction method named Bio-Seq. In the method, sequence labeling framework is extended by multiple specified feature extractors so as to facilitate the feature extractions at different levels, especially at the inter-sentential level. Besides, the sequence labeling framework enables Bio-Seq to take advantage of the interactions between relations, and thus, further improves the precision of document-level relation extraction. RESULTS Our proposed method obtained an F1-score of 63.5% on BioCreative V chemical disease relation corpus, and an F1-score of 54.4% on inter-sentential relations, which was 10.5% better than the document-level classification baseline. Also, our method achieved an F1-score of 85.1% on n2c2-ADE sub-dataset. CONCLUSION Sequence labeling method can be successfully used to extract document-level relations, especially for boosting the performance on inter-sentential relation extraction. Our work can facilitate the research on document-level biomedical text mining.