Aesthetic and/or functional impairments were the major indications for surgical treatment in all the patients of this series. Six patients underwent bone remodelling while in the remaining cases subtotal or total resection was performed. Bone reconstruction by means of autologous free bone grafts or revascularized free bone flaps was made in three cases. The choice of the tailored therapeutic approach should be evaluated according the patient's age, rate of growth, anatomic location, type of involvement and the presence or not of functional disturbances and cosmetic alterations. Surgery remains the best therapeutic option. The choice of the tailored therapeutic approach should be evaluated according the patient's age, rate of growth, anatomic location, type of involvement and the presence or not of functional disturbances and cosmetic alterations. Surgery remains the best therapeutic option. This study aimed to assess if the frequency of the Italian general public searches for influenza, using the Wikipedia web-page, are aligned with Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) influenza cases. The reported cases of flu were selected from October 2015 to May 2019. Wikipedia Trends was used to assess how many times a specific page was read by users; data were extracted as daily data and aggregated on a weekly basis. The following data were extracted number of weekly views by users from the October 2015 to May 2019 of the pages Influenza, Febbre and Tosse (Flu, Fever and Cough, in English). Cross-correlation results are obtained as product-moment correlations between the two times series. Regarding the database with weekly data, temporal correlation was observed between the bulletin of ISS and Wikipedia search trends. The strongest correlation was at a lag of 0 for number of cases and Flu (r=0.7571), Fever and Cough (r=0.7501). The strongest correlation was at a lag of -1 for Fever and Cough (r=0.7501). The strongest correlation was at a lag of 1 for number of cases and Flu (r=0.7559), Fever and Cough (r=0.7501). A possible future application for programming and management interventions of Public Health is proposed. A possible future application for programming and management interventions of Public Health is proposed. On 22 December 2017, Law No. 219 was approved in Italy. This law provides citizens with effective tools with which to express healthcare decisions namely, advance treatment directives (ATD) and shared care plans (SCP). This article presents an analysis of 70 SCP cases carried out in a tertiary hospital in Italy during the period between 01.02.2018 and 29.02.2020 inclusive. In 90% of cases, the objective of the plan pertained to situations regarding patients' refusal of transfusions of blood components, the majority (97%) due to their belonging to the religious movement of Jehovah's Witnesses. 46% of the sample had drafted ATDs. The course of treatment recommended by the attending physicians was confirmed in 93% of the SCP cases. Trustees were appointed in 96% of cases. In 55% of cases, patients assigned trustees with attestative functions and the remaining 45% with creative functions. The results demonstrate that each patient personally dictates his or her wishes and the role assigned to the trustee. SCP meetings serve as a useful tool for providing the patient and his or her relatives with information, and for appointing a trustee. However, it has never been necessary to solicit the intervention of the trustee following a surgical operation. The SCP has proven to be an essential tool in achieving the objective of personalised medicine. However, there is still notable passivity in its application. Further effort is required in order for it to become a common asset in clinical practice. The SCP has proven to be an essential tool in achieving the objective of personalised medicine. However, there is still notable passivity in its application. Further effort is required in order for it to become a common asset in clinical practice. The recovery of long bones after fracture requires a specific process to restore the natu-ral bone anatomy as well as its proper function. Changes in calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase and 25-hydroxy vitamin D can be justified either in the fracture process or in the repair procedure. The aim of this sectional study is to investigate changes in all these compounds after the surgical repair of fractures of femur and tibia bones. A random sample of 68 patients was selected from whom referring to a hospital with fractures of femur or tibia and candidate for repair surgery. The mentioned bone markers were measured at the time after surgery, six and twelve weeks after the surgery with laboratory-specific kits. A p-value, lower than 0.05, was considered to be statistically significant. Of the patients, 34 were with fractures of femur and 34 were with fractures of tibia, equally. The patients were aged 2 to 69 with a mean age of 27.93 ± 14.8 years old. The means of calcium (p = 0.001) and phosphorus (p = 0.014) at three intervals were statistically significant difference. In contrast, the means serum alkaline phosphatase and vitamin D levels did not show any significant changes over time (p = 0.042). In conclusion, the means of calcium and phosphorus over the follow-up were statistically significant. The observed difference of vitamin D after the surgery, as well the level of alkaline phosphatase for femoral fracture between male and female are one of our important findings. ( In conclusion, the means of calcium and phosphorus over the follow-up were statistically significant. The observed difference of vitamin D after the surgery, as well the level of alkaline phosphatase for femoral fracture between male and female are one of our important findings. ( Because of invasive nature of catheterization, using other noninvasive tools is more preferred to assess pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). The present study assessed the value of chest spiral CT scan and Doppler echocardiography compared to right heart catheterization (RHC) to predict PAH in patients with scleroderma. This cross-sectional study was performed on 15 patients with limited scleroderma. All subjects underwent Doppler echocardiography (to assess PAP) and chest spiral CT scan without injection (to assess pulmonary trunk length or PUL), followed by RHC to assess PAH. Comparing PUL in spiral CT scan with PAP in RHC yielded a sensitivity of 75.0% and a specificity of 100% for predicting PAH. Similarly, comparing PAP value in echocardiography with PAP in RHC achieved a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 63.6% to discriminate PAH from normal PAP condition. Analysis of the area under the ROC curve showed high power of CT scan to predict PAH (AUC = 1.000). The best cutoff point for PUL to predict PAH was 29.