The MET receptor tyrosine kinase and the ligand hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) have been implicated as oncogenes and drivers of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Newer MET TKIs including capmatinib and tepotinib more recently showed not only improved localized control and response, but early data suggests intracranial activity as compared to first-generation MET TKIs, both in the front-line and the refractory setting. This is a case report demonstrating an effective duration of response in a patient with widely metastatic lung adenocarcinoma harboring a MET exon 14 mutation.This month, a dog owner describes what she experienced when her local practice started using an out-of-hours provider.Ian Wright argues that although there are environmental concerns regarding 'blanket' flea treatment of cats and dogs, without this measure pet owners would be at risk of potentially developing bartonellosis.Josh Loeb discusses just how easy it is for members of the public to purchase a pet monkey.Young people and adults diagnosed with an HIV indicator condition should be offered an HIV test (NICE [National Institute of Clinical Excellence] guidance). Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is considered to be an HIV indicator condition as it has an undiagnosed HIV prevalence of 0.76%. We observed however, that the offer of HIV testing to patients with radiologically diagnosed CAP remained low even after a senior respiratory physician review. Our aim was to improve the percentage of patients being offered an HIV test with CAP requiring hospital admission across four acute medical wards at Royal Derby Hospital within 12 months. We identified several key steps in the process. These included the identification of CAP, the role of the medical clerking team and the respiratory infections nursing team that manage pneumonia admissions. After collecting baseline data and staff interviews, we conducted seven plan-do-study-act (PDSA) i