Two-dimensional (2D) carbon nanosheets with micro- and/or mesopores have attracted great attention due to unique physical and chemical properties, but well-defined nanoporous carbon nanosheets with tunable thickness and pore size have been rarely realized. Here, we develop a polymer-polymer interfacial self-assembly strategy to achieve hierarchically porous carbon nanosheets (HNCNSs) by integrating the migration behaviors of immiscible ternary polymers with block copolymer (BCP)-directed self-assembly. The balanced interfacial compatibility of BCP allows the migration of a BCP-rich phase to the interface between two immiscible homopolymer major phases (i.e., homopoly(methyl methacrylate) and homopolystyrene), where the BCP-rich phase spreads thinly to a thickness of a few nanometers to decrease the interfacial tension. BCP-directed coassembly with organic-inorganic precursors constructs an ordered mesostructure. Carbonization and chemical etching yield ultrathin HNCNSs with hierarchical micropores and mesopores. This approach enables facile control over the thickness (5.6-75 nm) and mesopore size (25-46 nm). As an anode material in a potassium ion battery, HNCNSs show high specific capacity (178 mA h g-1 at a current density of 1 A g-1) with excellent long-term stability (2000 cycles), by exploiting the advantages of the hierarchical pores and 2D nanosheet morphology (efficient ion/electron diffusion) and of the large interlayer spacing (stable ion insertion).The plasma membrane (PM) plays a major role in many biological processes; therefore, its proper fluorescence staining is required in bioimaging. Among the commercially available PM probes, styryl dye FM1-43 is one of the most widely used. In this work, we demonstrated that fine chemical modifications of FM1-43 can dramatically improve the PM staining. The newly developed probes, SP-468 and SQ-535, were found to display enhanced photophysical properties (reduced cross-talk, higher brightness, improved photostability) and, unlike FM1-43, provided excellent and immediate PM staining in 5 different mammalian cell types including neurons (primary culture and tissue imaging). Taking advantage of these features, we successfully used SP-468 in STED super resolution neuronal imaging. Additionally, we showed that the new probes displayed differences in their internalization pathways compared to their parent FM1-43. Finally, we showed that the new probes kept the ability to stain the PM of plant cells. Overall, this work presents new useful probes for PM imaging in cells and tissues and provides insights on the molecular design of new PM targeting molecules.Primary bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (PBMAH) is a highly heterogeneous entity. The incidental identification of an increasing number of cases has shifted its clinical expression from the rarely encountered severe forms, regarding both cortisol excess and adrenal enlargement, to mild forms of asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic cases with less impressive imaging phenotypes. Activation of cAMP/PKA pathway, either due to alterations of the different downstream signaling pathways or through aberrantly expressed G-protein-coupled receptors, relates to both cortisol secretion and adrenal growth. Germline ARMC5 mutations are a frequent genetic defect. The diagnostic approach consists of both imaging and hormonal characterization. Imaging characterization should be done separately for each lesion. Endocrine evaluation in cases with clinically overt Cushing’s syndrome (CS) is similar to that applied for all forms of CS. In incidentally detected PBMAH, hormonal evaluation includes testing for primary aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma and evaluation for autonomous cortisol secretion, using the 1 mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test. Midnight cortisol or 24-h urinary free cortisol may aid in establishing the degree of cortisol excess. In patients with hypercortisolism, ACTH levels should be measured in order to establish ACTH independency. At variance with other forms of CS, PBMAH may be characterized by a distinct pattern of inefficient steroidogenesis. The appropriate management of PBMAH remains controversial. Bilateral adrenalectomy results in lifetime steroid dependency and is better reserved only for patients with severe CS. Unilateral adrenalectomy might be considered in selected patients. In cases where the regulation of cortisol secretion is mediated by aberrant receptors there is some potential for medical therapy. © 2019 Society for EndocrinologyMetabolosomes, catabolic bacterial microcompartments (BMCs), are proteinaceous organelles that are associated with the breakdown of metabolites such as propanediol and ethanolamine. They are composed of an outer multicomponent protein shell that encases a specific metabolic pathway. Protein cargo found within BMCs is directed by the presence of an encapsulation peptide that appears to trigger aggregation before the formation of the outer shell. We investigated the effect of three distinct encapsulation peptides on foreign cargo in a recombinant BMC system. Our data demonstrate that these peptides cause variations in enzyme activity and protein aggregation. We observed that the level of protein aggregation generally correlates with the size of metabolosomes, while in the absence of cargo BMCs self-assemble into smaller compartments. The results agree with a flexible model for BMC formation based around the ability of the BMC shell to associate with an aggregate formed due to the interaction of encapsulation peptides. © 2020 The Authors. MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.WHAT IS KNOWN AND OBJECTIVE Focusing on the tolerance and pharmacokinetics of new drugs, phase I clinical drug trials are characterized by high risk, poor compliance and management difficulties. High-quality clinical drug trials ensure subjects' safety while extending new drug research and development. Many studies have examined micro-level concerns of trial design and implementation rather than macro-level factors. Accordingly, we evaluated the quality of phase I clinical drug trials (trial quality) and analysed the influence of organizational management factors from a macro-level perspective. METHODS We surveyed staff at clinical trial institutions engaged in phase I clinical drug trials in China using convenience sampling. We employed a five-point Likert-scale questionnaire, comprising five items on phase I clinical drug trial quality and items on organizational management factors. Data from 604 questionnaires were analysed. We utilized a logistic regression model to estimate the influence of organizational management factors on trial quality, using individual demographic factors as controlling variables.