The final model included 28 activities proposed in the initial model and four new activities proposed by the experts; seven activities from the initial model were excluded. Conclusions The proposed methodology proved to be simple and effective, generating a graphic representation to represent activities, decision points, and alternative paths. This approach is complementary to more classical representations for the development of a solid knowledge base that allows the standardization of medical procedures for teaching purposes.Luminescent composites based on entirely non-toxic, environmentally friendly compounds are in high demand for a variety of applications in photonics and optoelectronics. Carbon dots are a recently developed kind of luminescent nanomaterial that is eco-friendly, biocompatible, easy-to-obtain, and inexpensive, with a stable and widely tunable emission. Herein, we introduce luminescent composites based on carbon dots of different chemical compositions and with different functional groups at the surface which were embedded in a nanoporous silicate glass. The structure and optical properties of these composites were comprehensively examined using electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared transmission, UV-Vis absorption, and steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence. It is shown that the silicate matrix efficiently preserved, and even enhanced the emission of different kinds of carbon dots tested. The photoluminescence quantum yield of the fabricated nanocomposite materials reached 35-40%, which is comparable to or even exceeds the values for carbon dots in solution.Coumarins are natural compounds that were detected in 80 species of plants. They have numerous applications including the medical, food, tobacco, perfumery, and spirit industries. They show anti-swelling and diastolic effects. However, excess consumption of coumarins may adversely affect our health, because they are easily absorbed from the intestines into the lymph and blood, causing cirrhosis of the liver. Peptidomimetics are molecules whose structure and function are similar to those of peptides. They are an important group of compounds with biological, microbiological, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. Therefore, studies on new peptidomimetics, which load the effect of native peptides, whose half-life in the body is much longer due to structural modifications, are extremely important. A preliminary study of coumarin analogues and its derivatives as new potential antimicrobial drugs containing carboxylic acid or ester was performed to determine their basic structure related to their biologicalification of the so-called magic methyl groups, which substantially change the biochemical properties of target compounds. Investigating the effects of these compounds is particularly important in the era of increasingly common resistance in bacteria.Giant lipid vesicles or liposomes are primarily composed of phospholipids and form a lipid bilayer structurally similar to that of the cell membrane. These vesicles, like living cells, are 5-100 μm in diameter and can be easily observed using an optical microscope. As their biophysical and biochemical properties are similar to those of the cell membrane, they serve as model cell membranes for the investigation of the biophysical or biochemical properties of the lipid bilayer, as well as its dynamics and structure. Investigation of membrane protein functions and enzyme reactions has revealed the presence of soluble or membrane proteins integrated in the giant lipid vesicles. Recent developments in microfluidic technologies and synthetic biology have enabled the development of well-defined artificial cell models with complex reactions based on the giant lipid vesicles. In this review, using microfluidics, the formations of giant lipid vesicles with asymmetric lipid membranes or complex structures have been described. Subsequently, the roles of these biomaterials in the creation of artificial cell models including nanopores, ion channels, and other membrane and soluble proteins have been discussed. Finally, the complex biological functions of giant lipid vesicles reconstituted with various types of biomolecules has been communicated. These complex artificial cell models contribute to the production of minimal cells or protocells for generating valuable or rare biomolecules and communicating between living cells and artificial cell models.The widespread use of synthetic aminopolycarboxylates, such as ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA), as chelating agents has led to their contamination in the environment as stable metal-chelate complexes. Microorganisms can transport free EDTA, but not metal-EDTA complexes, into cells for metabolism. An ABC-type transporter for free EDTA uptake in Chelativorans sp. BNC1 was investigated to understand the mechanism of the ligand selectivity. We solved the X-ray crystal structure of the periplasmic EDTA-binding protein (EppA) and analyzed its structure-function relations through isothermal titration calorimetry, site-directed mutagenesis, molecular docking, and quantum chemical analysis. EppA had high affinities for EDTA and other aminopolycarboxylates, which agrees with structural analysis, showing that its binding pocket could accommodate free aminopolycarboxylates. Further, key amino acid residues involved in the binding were identified. Our results suggest that EppA is a general binding protein for the uptake of free aminopolycarboxylates. This finding suggests that bacterial cells import free aminopolycarboxylates, explaining why stable metal-chelate complexes are resistant to degradation, as they are not transported into the cells for degradation.The microbial cell membrane is affected by physicochemical parameters, such as temperature and pH, but also by the specific growth rate of the host organism. Homeoviscous adaption describes the process of maintaining membrane fluidity and permeability throughout these environmental changes. Archaea, and thereby, Sulfolobus spp. exhibit a unique lipid composition of ether lipids, which are altered in regard to the ratio of diether to tetraether lipids, number of cyclopentane rings and type of head groups, as a coping mechanism against environmental changes. The main biotechnological application of the membrane lipids of Sulfolobus spp. are so called archaeosomes. Archaeosomes are liposomes which are fully or partly generated from archaeal lipids and harbor the potential to be used as drug delivery systems for vaccines, proteins, peptides and nucleic acids. This review summarizes the influence of environmental parameters on the cell membrane of Sulfolobus spp. and the biotechnological applications of their membrane lipids.