These results suggest that CG-598 could be a promising therapeutic candidate to treat inflammatory bowel disease.Sepsis and septic shock remain the leading causes of death in intensive care units (ICUs), yet the pathogenesis originating from the inflammatory response during sepsis remains ambiguous. Acute-phase proteins are typically highly glycosylated, and the nature of the glycans have been linked to the incidence and severity of such inflammatory responses. To further build upon these findings we here monitored, the longitudinal changes in the plasma proteome and, in molecular detail, glycoproteoform profiles of alpha-1-antichymotrypsin (AACT) extracted from plasma of ten individual septic patients. For each patient we included four different time-points, including post-operative (before sepsis) and following discharge from the ICU. We isolated AACT from plasma depleted for albumin, IgG and serotransferrin and used high-resolution native mass spectrometry to qualitatively and quantitatively monitor the multifaceted glycan microheterogeneity of desialylated AACT, which allowed us to monitor how changes in the glycoproteoform profiles reflected the patient's physiological state. Although we observed a general trend in the remodeling of the AACT glycoproteoform profiles, e.g. increased fucosylation and branching/LacNAc elongation, each patient exhibited unique features and responses, providing a resilient proof-of-concept for the importance of personalized longitudinal glycoproteoform profiling. Importantly, we observed that the AACT glycoproteoform changes induced by sepsis did not readily subside after discharge from ICU.Macrophages are key components of the innate immune system and exhibit extensive plasticity and heterogeneity. They play a significant role in the non-pregnant cycling uterus and throughout gestation they contribute to various processes underpinning reproductive success including implantation, placentation and parturition. Macrophages are also present in breast milk and impart immunomodulatory benefits to the infant. For a healthy pregnancy, the maternal immune system must adapt to prevent fetal rejection and support development of the semi-allogenic fetus without compromising host defense. These functions are dependent on macrophage polarization which is governed by the local tissue microenvironmental milieu. Disruption of this microenvironment, possibly by environmental factors of infectious and non-infectious origin, can affect macrophage phenotype and function and is linked to adverse obstetric outcomes, e.g. spontaneous miscarriage and preterm birth. Determining environmental influences on cellular and molecular mechanisms that control macrophage polarization at the maternal-fetal interface and the role of this in pregnancy complications could support approaches to alleviating adverse pregnancy outcomes.The Adjuvant System AS01 contains monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) and the saponin QS-21 in a liposomal formulation. AS01 is included in recently developed vaccines against malaria and varicella zoster virus. Like for many other adjuvants, induction of adaptive immunity by AS01 is highly dependent on the ability to recruit and activate dendritic cells (DCs) that migrate to the draining lymph node for T and B cell stimulation. The objective of this study was to more precisely address the contribution of the different conventional (cDC) and monocyte-derived DC (MC) subsets in the orchestration of the adaptive immune response after immunization with AS01 adjuvanted vaccine. The combination of MPL and QS-21 in AS01 induced strong recruitment of CD26+XCR1+ cDC1s, CD26+CD172+ cDC2s and a recently defined CCR2-dependent CD64-expressing inflammatory cDC2 (inf-cDC2) subset to the draining lymph node compared to antigen alone, while CD26-CD64+CD88+ MCs were barely detectable. At 24 h post-vaccination, cDC2s and inf-cDC2s were superior amongst the different subsets in priming antigen-specific CD4+ T cells, while simultaneously presenting antigen to CD8+ T cells. Diphtheria toxin (DT) mediated depletion of all DCs prior to vaccination completely abolished adaptive immune responses, while depletion 24 h after vaccination mainly affected CD8+ T cell responses. Vaccinated mice lacking Flt3 or the chemokine receptor CCR2 showed a marked deficit in inf-cDC2 recruitment and failed to raise proper antibody and T cell responses. Thus, the adjuvant activity of AS01 is associated with the potent activation of subsets of cDC2s, including the newly described inf-cDC2s.In recent years, immunotherapy has been revolutionized by a new approach that works by blocking receptors called immune checkpoints (IC). These molecules play a key role in maintaining immune homeostasis, mainly by suppressing the immune response and by preventing its overactivation. Since inhibition of the immune response by IC can be used by cancer to avoid recognition and destruction by immune system, blocking them enhances the anti-tumor response. This therapeutic approach has brought spectacular clinical effects. The ICs present heterogeneous expression patterns on immune cells, which may affect the effectiveness of immunotherapy. The inherited genetic variants in regulatory regions of ICs genes can be considered as potential factors responsible for observed inter-individual differences in ICs expression levels on immune cells. Additionally, polymorphism located in exons may introduce changes to ICs amino acid sequences with potential impact on functional properties of these molecules. Since genetic variants may affect both expression and structure of ICs, they are considered as risk factors of cancer development. Inherited genetic markers such as SNPs may also be useful in stratification patients into groups which will benefit from particular immunotherapy. In this review, we have comprehensively summarized the current understanding of the relationship between inherited variations of CTLA-4, PDCD1, PD-L1, BTLA, TIM-3, and LAG-3 genes in order to select SNPs which can be used as predictive biomarkers in personalized evaluation of cancer risk development and outcomes as well as possible response to immunotherapy.