Oxidation of 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol during the crystallization apparently led to reduction of the NAD+. Kinetic studies show that high concentrations of alcohols can bind to the enzyme-NADH complex and activate or inhibit the enzyme. Together with previous studies on complexes with NADH and formamide analogues of the carbonyl substrates, models for the Michaelis complexes with NAD+-alcohol and NADH-aldehyde are proposed.The interaction between cytochrome c and cardiolipin is a relevant process in the mitochondrial redox homeostasis, playing roles in the mechanism of electron transfer to cytochrome c oxidase and also modulating cytochrome c conformation, reactivity and function. Peroxynitrite is a widespread nitrating agent formed in mitochondria under oxidative stress conditions, and can result in the formation of tyrosine nitrated cytochrome c. Some of the nitro-cytochrome c species undergo conformational changes at physiological pH and increase its peroxidase activity. In this work we evaluated the influence of cardiolipin on peroxynitrite-mediated cytochrome c nitration yields and site-specificity. Our results show that cardiolipin enhances cytochrome c nitration by peroxynitrite and targets it to heme-adjacent Tyr67. Cytochrome c nitration also modifies the affinity of protein with cardiolipin. Using a combination of experimental techniques and computer modeling, it is concluded that structural modifications in the Tyr67 region are responsible for the observed changes in protein-derived radical and tyrosine nitration levels, distribution of nitrated proteoforms and affinity to cardiolipin. Increased nitration of cytochrome c in presence of cardiolipin within mitochondria and the gain of peroxidatic activity could then impact events such as the onset of apoptosis and other processes related to the disruption of mitochondrial redox homeostasis.Dysfunctional mitochondria have severe consequences on cell functions including Reactive Oxygen Specie (ROS) generation, alteration of mitochondrial signaling, Ca2+ buffering, and activation of apoptotic pathway. These dysfunctions are closely linked with degenerative diseases including neurodegeneration. The discovery of neuroglobin (NGB) as an endogenous neuroprotective protein, which effects seem to depend on its mitochondrial localization, could drive new therapeutic strategies against aged-related neurodegenerative diseases. Indeed, high levels of NGB are active against several brain injuries, including neurodegeneration, hypoxia, ischemia, toxicity, and nutrient deprivation opening a new scenario in the comprehension of the relationship between neural pathologies and mitochondrial homeostasis. In this review, we provide the current understanding of the role of mitochondria in neurodegeneration and discuss structural and functional connection between NGB and mitochondria with the purpose of defining a novel mitochondrial-based neuroprotective mechanism(s).Hearing loss caused by ototoxic drugs is a kind of acquired hearing loss. Cisplatin is one of the most commonly used drugs and its main action sites are hair cells (HCs). https://www.selleckchem.com/screening/natural-product-library.html Sorcin is a drug-resistant calcium-binding protein belonging to the small penta-EF-hand protein family. Sorcin is highly expressed in many tissues, including bone, heart, brain, lung, and skin tissues. Single-cell RNA sequencing showed that sorcin was expressed in the outer HCs of mice, but its role remained unknown. We also found that sorcin was highly expressed in the cytoplasm of cochlear HCs and HEI-OC1 cells. After cisplatin injury, the expression of sorcin in HCs and HEI-OC1 cells decreased significantly. SiRNA transfection technology was used to knock down the expression of sorcin. The results showed that the number of apoptotic cells, the expression of cleaved caspased-3, and the expression of Bax increased while the anti-apoptotic factor Bcl-2 decreased in the siRNA-Sorcin + CIS group. The observed increase in apoptosis was related to the increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the destruction of the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). Finally, we found that the downregulated sorcin worked by activating the P-ERK1/2 signaling pathway. Overall, this study showed that sorcin can be used as a new target to prevent the ototoxicity of platinum drugs.Recently, the enzyme nudix hydrolase 15 (NUDT15) has been identified as an additional component of the thiopurine metabolism pathway. NUDT15 (also known as MTH2) catalyzes the dephosphorylation of 6-thioguanosine triphosphate (6-TGTP) and 6-thio-deoxyguanosine triphosphate (6-TdGTP), which is the active metabolite of thiopurine medications. Thiopurine compounds, which were first synthesized in the 1950s, are widely used in the treatment of childhood leukemia, inflammatory bowel disease, and autoimmune disorders. For many years, TPMT has been recognized as an enzyme that is involved in thiopurine metabolism, and interindividual variation in TPMT activity has been known to contribute to differences in risk of thiopurine toxicity. Genetic variation that leads to decreased NUDT15 activity has been recognized as an additional contributor, beyond TPMT, to thiopurine toxicity. In some populations, including Asian and Latino populations, NUDT15 genetic variants are more common than TPMT variants, making this a significant biomarker of toxicity. Clinical genetic testing is now available for a subset of NUDT15 variants, representing a remarkably fast translation from bench to bedside. This review will focus on NUDT15 - from discovery to clinical implementation. To describe a new mutation causing alpha thalassemia and its mechanism of action. The propositus was a 37-year-old man who presented maintained microcytosis without iron deficiency. Molecular characterization was undertaken using automatic sequencing after testing negative for the most frequent α-globin mutations by multiplex PCR followed by reverse-hybridization. The mutation is a single base substitution at codon 65 of the α1 globin gene [α65(E14) Ala>Pro; HBA1 c.196G>C] and leads to the substitution of a proline residue in the E helix. The resulting hemoglobin variant has been named Hb Maruchi. This new variant cannot be separated from Hb A by electrophoretic and chromatographic techniques. The substitution α65(E14) Ala>Pro; HBA1 c.196G>C causes a α-thalassemia silent associated with a very mild phenotype. The diagnosis of this type of mutation is important because it may cause alpha thalassemia if inherited with other clinically relevant HBA1/HBA2 variants. C causes a α-thalassemia silent associated with a very mild phenotype.