Frequent worrying about weight and experiencing sore skin around the anal area or stoma were the two symptoms that significantly contributed towards explaining survivors' increased health care utilization. Weight concerns, which are more common among the heaviest survivors, may prompt survivors to seek help from health care providers, which may lead to more frequent visits. On the other hand, some symptoms, despite their prevalence, had no relationship with the frequency of health care visits, raising questions about whether survivors share these concerns with providers. Weight concerns, which are more common among the heaviest survivors, may prompt survivors to seek help from health care providers, which may lead to more frequent visits. On the other hand, some symptoms, despite their prevalence, had no relationship with the frequency of health care visits, raising questions about whether survivors share these concerns with providers. People with advanced cancer often suffer from various symptoms, which can arise from the cancer itself and its treatment, the illness experience, and/or co-morbid conditions. Important patient-reported outcomes such as functional status, symptom severity, and quality of life (QoL) might differ between countries, as countries vary with regard to contextual factors such as their healthcare system. To assess self-reported emotional functioning, physical functioning, symptoms, and overall QoL in patients with advanced lung or colorectal cancer from six European countries, particularly in relation to their country of residence. We used baseline patient data from the ACTION trial, including socio-demographic and clinical data as well as patient-reported data regarding functioning, symptoms, and overall QoL (EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL). Data from 1117 patients (55% lung cancer stage III/IV, 45% colorectal cancer stage IV) were used. The highest (worst) average symptom score was found for fatigue. We found similaritieerences into account and invest in offering health care catered to the needs of their population. Taxane-associated pain syndrome (TAPS) is common with docetaxel and is characterised by myalgias and arthralgias starting 2-3 days after treatment and can last for up to 7 days. Anecdotal evidence suggests that corticosteroids can reduce TAPS. This multicentre, randomized trial evaluated the effect of additional tapering dexamethasone on TAPS. 130 breast cancer patients commencing docetaxel were randomized to dexamethasone premedication (8 mg/twice daily for 3 days) or dexamethasone premedication followed by tapering dexamethasone (4 mg/daily for 2 days followed by 2 mg/daily for 2 days). The primary endpoint was absolute change in FACT-Taxane questionnaire during the first chemotherapy cycle. Secondary endpoints proportion of patients with clinically significant TAPS, QoL, pain and toxicity. 110/130 patients had complete data included in the primary analysis. The fall in FACT-Taxane scores was lower in the experimental group on day 5 (p = 0.05), but not on day 7 (p = 0.21). There was no difference in FACT-Taxane scores over the entire study duration (p = 0.59). Fewer patients in the experimental arm reported TAPS on day 5 (30 vs. 47%). There was a borderline significant attenuation of impairment of QoL with experimental treatment on day 5 (p = 0.06), but not day 7 (p = 0.53). Tapered schedule was associated with more dyspepsia and insomnia. A tapering schedule of dexamethasone was associated with a brief reduction in docetaxel-associated symptoms which was observed only during dexamethasone exposure and did not persist after discontinuation of the drug. NCT03348696. NCT03348696. Delivery of supportive cancer care is often deemed a low priority in resource-limited settings. We aimed to explore the sources of emotional distress, the related support and the unmet needs of cancer survivors in Malaysia, where cancer survivorship services are presently limited. Twenty focus group discussions were conducted with 102 cancer patients from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. Thematic analyses were performed. Patient narratives suggested that emotional distress arose from direct and indirect stressors. Direct stressors comprised physical and cognitive side effects of cancer surgery and therapies, and fear of recurrence. Indirect stressors included worry over dependent family members, financial distress following cancer, working with cancer and lack of practical support at home. Distress from altered physical appearances, fear of recurrence and lack of practical support were mainly raised by women, implying that men and women may have disproportionate emotional needs. Emotional support largely came from informal sources including self, family, friends and religion. While formal emotional support from professional counsellors and cancer support groups was acknowledged as important, it appeared to be largely lacking. Unmet needs in coping with fear of recurrence, financial distress, workplace discrimination and household chores were particularly highlighted. Theunmet needs revealed in this study provide insights to initiate actionable changes to improve the emotionalwellbeing of people living with cancer in settings where cancer survivorship services are still in its infancy. The unmet needs revealed in this study provide insights to initiate actionable changes to improve the emotional wellbeing of people living with cancer in settings where cancer survivorship services are still in its infancy.In the present study, 222Rn activity concentrations in a newly formed underground tourist route under Książ castle, Poland, were investigated for periods undisturbed and disturbed by construction works. This preliminary assessment is based on the almost 3-year long continuous measurements (28 Oct. 2016-02 Jul. 2019) done with an SRDN-3 instrument. In detail described are radon concentrations for periods of renovation (11 Aug. 2018-10 Oct. 2018), opening (15 Oct. 2018-10 Apr. 2019) and operation and monitoring (11 Apr. 2019-02 Jul. 2019) of the facility. It was observed that after the termination of construction work, when natural ventilation returned to the state preceding this work, the absolute values of radon activity concentration decreased. The mean annual radon concentrations were higher than the reference level of radon concentration in underground spaces recommended by IAEA, ICRP, and by the EU Council Directive for workplaces. They reached 1179 Bq/m3 and 943 Bq/m3 in 2017 and 2018, respectively. Cyclically recurring daily changes in radon concentrations occurred only in April and October (so-called transitional periods) and only outside the period of construction work.