rs that helped them reach appropriate diagnoses and reasonable decisions. CONCLUSIONS The results show overall high patient safety in the pediatric tele-triage service that was examined. However, decision makers must strive to implement additional means for further enhancing the clinicians' ability to reach accurate diagnoses and provide optimal treatments within the tele-triage settings - with the aim of ensuring patient safety.BACKGROUND Tanzania has met only 50.1% of the 90% target for diagnosing HIV in children. The country's pediatric case finding strategy uses global best practices of index testing, provider-initiated counselling and testing, and targeted community testing of at-risk populations to find about 50,000 children living with HIV (CLHIV) who are undiagnosed. However, context-specific strategies are necessary to find the hidden children to meet the full 90% target. This study assesses whether sex of the caregiver is associated with HIV status of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) as a valuable strategy for enhanced pediatric case findings. METHODS Data originate from the community-based, United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Kizazi Kipya Project, which works towards increasing OVC's and their caregivers' uptake of HIV/AIDS and other health and social services in Tanzania. Included in this study are 39,578 OVC ages 0-19 years who the project enrolled during January through March 2017 in 1rance status, and family size; and rural versus urban residence. CONCLUSIONS OVC in Tanzania with male caregivers have a 40% higher likelihood of being HIV-positive than those with female caregivers. HIV risk assessment activities should target OVC with male caregivers, as well as OVC who have malnutrition, HIV-positive caregivers, or caregivers who do not disclose their HIV status to community volunteers. Further, younger HIV-positive OVC are more likely to live in rural areas, while old