Background Seasonal patterns of mortality have been identified in Sub-Saharan Africa but their changes over time are not well documented.Objective Based on death notification data from Antananarivo, the capital city of Madagascar, this study assesses seasonal patterns of all-cause and cause-specific mortality by age groups and evaluates how these patterns changed over the period 1976-2015.Methods Monthly numbers of deaths by cause were obtained from death registers maintained by the Municipal Hygiene Office in charge of verifying deaths before the issuance of burial permits. Generalized Additive Mixed regression models (GAMM) were used to test for seasonality in mortality and its changes over the last four decades, controlling for long-term trends in mortality.Results Among children, risks of dying were the highest during the hot and rainy season, but seasonality in child mortality has significantly declined since the mid-1970s, as a result of declines in the burden of infectious diseases and nutritional deficiencies. In adults aged 60 and above, all-cause mortality rates are the highest in the dry and cold season, due to peaks in cardiovascular diseases, with little change over time. Overall, changes in the seasonality of all-cause mortality have been driven by shifts in the hierarchy of causes of death, while changes in the seasonality within broad categories of causes of death have been modest.Conclusion Shifts in disease patterns brought about by the epidemiological transition, rather than changes in seasonal variation in cause-specific mortality, are the main drivers of trends in the seasonality of all-cause mortality.Inflammatory monocytes play important functions in antiviral immune responses, including release of inflammatory cytokines and antigen presentation to T lymphocytes. Depending on the pathological context, these functions might translate into beneficial or detrimental effects in the resolution of the disease. Recent literature has highlighted a role for inflammatory monocytes also in direct suppression of B cell responses. In this review, we will briefly discuss research showing the relationship between inflammatory monocytes and B lymphocytes, its functional consequences on antiviral antibody responses, and possible implications in the design of future vaccination strategies.Present data collection efforts to identify and address intimate partner violence on college campuses and universities are flawed. Traditional methods utilized to report on intimate partner violence on campus, including Campus Climate Surveys and Clery Act reporting guidelines, are insufficient in that they do not capture the full scope of intimate partner violence. Inconsistent operationalization of intimate partner violence affects prevalence rates, generalizations across entities, and subsequent programing efforts. This viewpoint is a call for universities to standardize data collection efforts that accurately capture the wide range of actions and perpetrations that constitute intimate partner violence so as to prevent the further loss of student lives on campus.Objective To explore the correlation between eating habits of university students and academic achievement.Participants 577 undergraduate students at a university in the United States.Methods Students were invited to participate in an anonymous online survey that asked questions concerning health-related behaviors; participants were asked to report their current grade point average (GPA). Statistical analyses were performed using the JMP software program; a standard least squares regression was used to test whether self-reported current GPA was related to different types and rates of weekly food and drink consumption.Results Self-reported GPA did not change along with weekly rates of milk, vegetables, green salad, fruit juice, or fresh fruit consumption. Breakfast consumption had a positive effect on self-reported GPA, while fast food consumption had a negative effect.Conclusion Healthy eating habits have a positive effect on students' academic performance. However, other factors, such as sleep habits, may be more important.Objective In the present study, we sought to establish a link between suicidal ideation (SI) and smoking in college students, determine whether psychopathology accounted for the association, and determine whether smoking expectancies were moderators. Participants Participants (Nā€‰=ā€‰607) were identified as nonsmokers, exsmokers, infrequent smokers, or daily smokers. Methods Participants were assessed for smoking patterns, smoking expectancies, psychopathology, SI, and past suicide attempts. Results Daily smokers had the highest level of SI. There was a dose-response relationship between smoking and SI, such that the higher the daily smoking rate, the greater the SI, even when controlling for depression, alcohol use, and drug use. Trend-level results indicated that at lower smoking rates, elevated smoking-related negative affect reduction (NAR) expectancies were associated with lower SI, while elevated NAR expectancies in combination with higher smoking rates were associated with greater SI. Conclusion Smoking cessation programs for college students should screen for SI.Objective To apply behavioral economics strategies (i.e., placement changes and signage) to nudge university students' healthy dining hall eating. Participants A convenience sample of 4208 students exiting a university dining hall were asked to take a brief survey on meal selections. Methods Three unique nudges (related to beverage, snack and dessert) were individually introduced and then removed for a week using a quasi-experimental design. Exit surveys during non-nudge and intervention periods were compared using chi-square analysis. Results The beverage nudge significantly increased water consumption (p=.03) and the dessert nudge significantly increased healthy dessert consumption (p less then .001) between comparison and intervention weeks. The snack intervention did not significantly affect snack choice. Conclusions Simple signage interventions may be effective to encourage healthy eating behaviors in a college dining hall setting. Student health may be improved by nudging students to select healthier beverage and dessert options.