The latest developments in characterisation techniques, based on either electrochemical or radiology methodologies, are covered as well. In addition, state-of-the-art research findings are provided to illustrate the effect of nanomaterials and nanostructures in promoting the rate performance of lithium ion batteries. Finally, several challenges and shortcomings of applying nanotechnology in fabricating high-rate lithium ion batteries are summarised. Autogenic drainage (AD) is used for airway clearance in individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF). The mechanical insufflator-exsufflator (MI-E) device is commonly used in patients with neuromuscular diseases for airway clearance by increasing inspiratory volume and expiratory flow. MI-E use has not been studied extensively in CF patients. To examine whether there are advantages to using the MI-E device in patients with CF. Fourteen males and eight females from the national center for CF, with an average FEV of 54% were recruited DESIGN Prospective cross-over trial (IRB 3009-16-SMC). Subjects received either AD or MI-E in a random order. Sputum was collected and weighed immediately after treatment. Subjects performed lung function tests at baseline, 20 minutes after and 1 hour after treatment; additionally, a 2-minute walk test was performed at the end of all lung function tests. Saturation, dyspnea scores while resting and after a 2-minute walk and subjective fatigue were recorded. Thirty-six percent more sputum was collected following MI-E than AD treatment (P < .0001). A significant difference in saturation in response to the 2MWT was noted in both treatments significantly less desaturation was recorded after the 2MWT in the MI-E treatment (P < .01). Treatment with the MI-E was more effective for clearing sputum in CF subjects, initial evidence suggests that the MI-E may be successfully incorporated into treatment protocols. Further studies are needed to assess the long-term benefits of MI-E in patients with CF. Treatment with the MI-E was more effective for clearing sputum in CF subjects, initial evidence suggests that the MI-E may be successfully incorporated into treatment protocols. Further studies are needed to assess the long-term benefits of MI-E in patients with CF.In a sample of 95 urban Colombian mid-adolescents, this mixed-method study examined how youths' retaliatory desires and actions were juxtaposed with forgiveness and nonforgiveness in their narrative accounts of peer conflict. Quantitative analyses examined how retaliatory desire and action were associated with variations in youths' lifetime exposure to violence (ETV) and recent victimization by peers at school. These measures of violence exposure were related to revenge only in the context of unforgiven harms. Qualitative analyses explored aspects of youths' narrative accounts that may underlie the observed associations. Overall, findings suggest that ETV may interfere with youths' capacity to reflect on revenge in ways that recognize their own fallibility and thus open the door to forgiveness.In medical studies, it is often observed that a portion of subjects will never experience the event of interest and thus can be treated as cured or long-term survivors. Many populations of early-stage cancer patients contain both uncured and cured individuals that should be modeled using cure models. In prognostic studies, the cure status (uncure or cure) is an issue of interest for medical practitioners, and the disease status (death or alive) of an individual is not a fixed characteristic and it varies along the time. These statuses are usually predicted by a prognostic risk score. The time-dependent receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a powerful tool to evaluate these predicting performances dynamically. In the context with a cure fraction, quantifying and estimating the predictive performances of the risk score is a challenge since the disease status and cure status are both unknown among individuals who are censored. In this paper, to assess the predictive accuracy for the survival outcome with a cure fraction, we propose a time-dependent ROC curve semi-parametric estimator based on the sieve maximum likelihood (ML) estimation under the mixture cure model. We also apply a Bernstein-based smoothing method in the estimation procedure, and this estimator can lead to substantial gain in efficiency. In addition, we derive the time-dependent area under the ROC curve (AUC) to summarize the discriminatory capacity of the risk score globally. Finally, we evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed methods by extensive simulations and illustrate the estimation using two real data sets, one from a melanoma study and the other from stomach cancer.Fenton or Fenton-like reactions are ubiquitous in nature, and the hydroxyl radicals (·OH) generated in these reactions are accountable for a plethora of oxidation processes both in the environment and in vivo. Among these oxidation reactions, lipid oxidation initiated by ·OH radicals has long been oversimplified as a peroxidation mechanism, but in reality, it is a highly complicated process that can result in a large variety of products. Using the unique field-induced droplet ionization mass spectrometry (FIDI-MS) methodology that is capable of selective sampling of amphiphilic molecules that reside at the air-water interface, here, we show distinct mechanisms from the ultraviolet (UV)-enhanced Fenton oxidations of two phospholipids, POPC and POPG, even though these two lipids possess the same functional groups that are vulnerable to ·OH attack. We postulate that it is the different packing densities that determine the permeability of ambient NO molecules into the monolayers, resulting in highly distinct reaction pathways and products. We anticipate that this work will be a wake-up call that the lipid peroxidation mechanism is sometimes taken for granted and that lipid oxidation can be subtly affected by various factors that deserves deeper investigations.Hypoxia is a parameter related to many diseases. Ratiometric hypoxia probes often rely on a combination of an O2 -insensitive fluorophore and an O2 -sensitive phosphor in a polymer matrix, which require high cost and multi-step synthesis of transition metal complexes. The two-chromophore hypoxia probes encounter unfavorable energy transfer processes and different stabilities of the chromophores. Reported herein is a pure organic ratiometric hypoxia nanoprobe, assembled by a monochromophore, naphthalimide ureidopyrimidinone (BrNpA-UPy), bridged by a bis-UPy-functionalized benzyl skeleton. The joint factors of quadruple hydrogen bonding, the rigid backbone of UPy, and bromine substitution of the naphthalimide derivative facilitate bright phosphorescence (ΦP =7.7 %, τP =3.2 ms) and fluorescence of the resultant nanoparticles (SNPs) at room temperature, which enable accurate, ratiometric, sensitive oxygen detection (Ksv =189.6 kPa-1 ) in aqueous solution as well as in living HeLa cells.