39, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.33-1.44] and admitted to ICU (ARR=1.19, 95% CI 1.07-1.32), with differences being more pronounced in those coming from countries with lower human development index (HDI). We also observed an increased risk of death in non-Italian cases from low-HDI countries (ARR=1.32, 95% CI 1.01-1.75). A delayed diagnosis in non-Italian cases could explain their worse outcomes compared to Italian cases. Ensuring early access to diagnosis and treatment to non-Italians could facilitate the control of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and improve health outcomes in all people living in Italy, regardless of nationality. A delayed diagnosis in non-Italian cases could explain their worse outcomes compared to Italian cases. Ensuring early access to diagnosis and treatment to non-Italians could facilitate the control of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and improve health outcomes in all people living in Italy, regardless of nationality. One avenue to address the paucity of clinically testable targets is to reinvestigate the druggable genome by tackling complicated types of targets such as Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs). Given the challenge to target those interfaces with small chemical compounds, it has become clear that learning from successful examples of PPI modulation is a powerful strategy. Freely-accessible databases of PPI modulators that provide the community with tractable chemical and pharmacological data, as well as powerful tools to query them, are therefore essential to stimulate new drug discovery projects on PPI targets. Here, we present the new version iPPI-DB, our manually curated database of PPI modulators. In this completely redesigned version of the database, we introduce a new web interface relying on crowdsourcing for the maintenance of the database. This interface was created to enable community contributions, whereby external experts can suggest new database entries. Moreover, the data model, the graphical interface, and the tools to query the database have been completely modernized and improved. We added new PPI modulators, new PPI targets, and extended our focus to stabilizers of PPIs as well. The iPPI-DB server is available at https//ippidb.pasteur.fr The source code for this server is available at https//gitlab.pasteur.fr/ippidb/ippidb-web/ and is distributed under GPL licence (http//www.gnu.org/licences/gpl). Queries can be shared through persistent links according to the FAIR data standards. Data can be downloaded from the website as csv files. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Tumor stratification has a wide range of biomedical and clinical applications, including diagnosis, prognosis and personalized treatment. However, cancer is always driven by the combination of mutated genes, which are highly heterogeneous across patients. Accurately subdividing the tumors into subtypes is challenging. We developed a network-embedding based stratification (NES) methodology to identify clinically relevant patient subtypes from large-scale patients' somatic mutation profiles. The central hypothesis of NES is that two tumors would be classified into the same subtypes if their somatic mutated genes located in the similar network regions of the human interactome. We encoded the genes on the human protein-protein interactome with a network embedding approach and constructed the patients' vectors by integrating the somatic mutation profiles of 7,344 tumor exomes across 15 cancer types. We firstly adopted the lightGBM classification algorithm to train the patients' vectors. The AUC value is around 0.89 in the prediction of the patient's cancer type and around 0.78 in the prediction of the tumor stage within a specific cancer type. The high classification accuracy suggests that network embedding-based patients' features are reliable for dividing the patients. We conclude that we can cluster patients with a specific cancer type into several subtypes by using an unsupervised clustering algorithm to learn the patients' vectors. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/cc-930.html Among the 15 cancer types, the new patient clusters (subtypes) identified by the NES are significantly correlated with patient survival across 12 cancer types. In summary, this study offers a powerful network-based deep learning methodology for personalized cancer medicine. Source code and data can be downloaded from https//github.com/ChengF-Lab/NES. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Since the first human genome was sequenced in 2001, there has been a rapid growth in the number of bioinformatic methods to process and analyze next generation sequencing (NGS) data for research and clinical studies that aim to identify genetic variants influencing diseases and traits. To achieve this goal, one first needs to call genetic variants from NGS data which requires multiple computationally intensive analysis steps. Unfortunately, there is a lack of an open source pipeline that can perform all these steps on NGS data in a manner which is fully automated, efficient, rapid, scalable, modular, user-friendly and fault tolerant. To address this, we introduce xGAP, an extensible Genome Analysis Pipeline, which implements modified GATK best practice to analyze DNA-seq data with aforementioned functionalities. xGAP implements massive parallelization of the modified GATK best practice pipeline by splitting a genome into many smaller regions with efficient load-balancing to achieve high scalability. It can process 30x coverage whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data in approximately 90 minutes. In terms of accuracy of discovered variants, xGAP achieves average F1 scores of 99.37% for SNVs and 99.20% for Indels across seven benchmark WGS datasets. We achieve highly consistent results across multiple on-premises (SGE & SLURM) high performance clusters. Compared to the Churchill pipeline, with similar parallelization, xGAP is 20% faster when analyzing 50X coverage WGS in AWS. Finally, xGAP is user-friendly and fault tolerant where it can automatically re-initiate failed processes to minimize required user intervention. xGAP is available at https//github.com/Adigorla/xgap. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.