This review informed the development of a Canadian CRA tool for use by primary healthcare professionals, which may improve access to oral health assessments and increase interprofessional collaboration. This review informed the development of a Canadian CRA tool for use by primary healthcare professionals, which may improve access to oral health assessments and increase interprofessional collaboration. During tetrapod limb development, the HOXA13 and HOXD13 transcription factors are critical for the emergence and organization of the autopod, the most distal aspect where digits will develop. Since previous work had suggested that the Dbx2 gene is a target of these factors, we set up to analyze in detail this potential regulatory interaction. We show that HOX13 proteins bind to mammalian-specific sequences at the vicinity of the Dbx2 locus that have enhancer activity in developing digits. However, the functional inactivation of the DBX2 protein did not elicit any particular phenotype related to Hox genes inactivation in digits, suggesting either redundant or compensatory mechanisms. We report that the neighboring Nell2 and Ano6 genes are also expressed in distal limb buds and are in part controlled by the same Dbx2 enhancers despite being localized into two different topologically associating domains (TADs) flanking the Dbx2 locus. We conclude that Hoxa13 and Hoxd genes cooperatively activate Dbx2 expression in developing digits through binding to mammalian specific regulatory sequences in the Dbx2 neighborhood. Furthermore, these enhancers can overcome TAD boundaries in either direction to co-regulate a set of genes located in distinct chromatin domains. We conclude that Hoxa13 and Hoxd genes cooperatively activate Dbx2 expression in developing digits through binding to mammalian specific regulatory sequences in the Dbx2 neighborhood. Furthermore, these enhancers can overcome TAD boundaries in either direction to co-regulate a set of genes located in distinct chromatin domains. To demonstrate a proof of concept for the measurement of myocardial oxygen extraction fraction (mOEF) by a cardiovascular magnetic resonance technique. The mOEF measurement was performed using an electrocardiogram-triggered double-echo asymmetric spin-echo sequence with EPI readout. Seven healthy volunteers (22-37 years old, 5 females) were recruited and underwent the same imaging scans at rest on 2 different days for reproducibility assessment. Another 5 subjects (23-37 years old, 4 females) underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance studies at rest and during a handgrip isometric exercise with a 25% of maximal voluntary contraction. Both mOEF and myocardial blood volume values were obtained in septal regions from respective maps. The reproducibility was excellent for the measurements of mOEF in septal myocardium (coefficient of variation 3.37%) and moderate for myocardial blood volume (coefficient of variation 19.7%). The average mOEF and myocardial blood volume of 7 subjects at rest were 0.61 ± 0.05 and 11.0 ± 4.3%, respectively. The mOEF agreed well with literature values that were measured by PET in healthy volunteers. In the exercise study, there was no significant change in mOEF (0.61 ± 0.06 vs 0.62 ± 0.07) or myocardial blood volume (12 ± 6% vs 13 ± 4%) from rest to exercise, as expected. The implemented cardiovascular magnetic resonance method shows potential for the quantitative assessment of mOEF in vivo. Future technical work is needed to improve image quality and to further validate mOEF measurements. The implemented cardiovascular magnetic resonance method shows potential for the quantitative assessment of mOEF in vivo. Future technical work is needed to improve image quality and to further validate mOEF measurements. Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common problem in male sexual health that significantly affects the quality of life. We aimed to evaluate the association of PE with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS), which is characterised by chronic oxidative stress, and to assess the effects of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy on PE. Sexually active men between the ages of 20 and 50 who were newly diagnosed with PE, and diagnosed with moderate or severe OSAS were included in the study. Arabic Premature Ejaculation Index (AIPE) and Intravaginal Ejection Delay Time (IELT) were questioned for the diagnosis of PE. Patients with OSAS who accepted to participate in the study were given 1year of CPAP treatment, and AIPE and IELT were questioned again, after the treatment. The results are compared with the results of the control group. In total, 80 control subjects without OSAS, 85 patients with moderate OSAS and 82 patients with severe OSAS were included in the study. There were no significant differes with PE, and the treatment of OSAS was related to the significant improvements in both scores, in the absence of any specific treatments for PE. Anastomotic stricture following anterior resection is an uncommon but challenging problem. Endoscopic dilatation and transanal endoscopic surgery (TES) are proven methods of treatment. However, a small proportion of patients repeatedly fail transanal local therapy for underlying reasons of tension, insufficient blood supply or irradiated tissue, eventually necessitating a complete anastomotic excision. We aimed to combine transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) with an abdominal approach in redo anastomoses for severe refractory anastomotic strictures. For the TAMIS phase, we use a Lonestar® retractor with a GelPOINT® Path transanal access platform. A circumferential full thickness rectotomy is performed and the dissection is continued proximally in the mesorectal fascial plane past the strictured segment to meet the abdominal dissection or until the peritoneal cavity is entered, facilitating mobilization of the rectum. The abdominal phase is performed as usual with sufficient mobilization of the lefory to first-line methods of therapy. The operator should already be proficient with TES.In a future scenario of increasing temperatures in North-Atlantic waters, the risk associated with the expansion of the harmful, benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. siamensis has to be evaluated and monitored. Microscopy observations and spatio-temporal surveys of environmental DNA (eDNA) were associated with Lagrangian particle dispersal simulations to (i) establish the current colonization of the species in the Bay of Biscay, (ii) assess the spatial connectivity among sampling zones that explain this distribution, and (iii) identify the sentinel zones to monitor future expansion. Throughout a sampling campaign carried out in August to September 2018, microscope analysis showed that the species develops in the south-east of the bay where optimal temperatures foster blooms. Quantitative PCR analyses revealed its presence across almost the whole bay to the western English Channel. An eDNA time-series collected on plastic samplers showed that the species occurs in the bay from April to September. Due to the water circulation, colonization of the whole bay from the southern blooming zones is explained by inter-site connectivity.