The amygdala DBS did not significantly change the cell density in healthy or in epileptic animals. We conclude that DBS with low frequency applied for 10 days does not influence interneuron cell density changes in the hippocampus of epileptic rats.Every year, thousands of people from the UK travel to other countries for work and leisure. Europe, and particularly Spain, is one of the most popular travel destinations for people from the UK. However, it is known that travel to other countries can enhance the risk of communicable disease transmission from person to person, especially when a new one emerges. Adequate hand hygiene behaviour and compliance is widely accepted as being a simple, effective method in preventing the spread of communicable diseases that may be contracted during travel abroad. There is a well-established body of work investigating hand hygiene practice and compliance in community settings, but no recent studies have examined the hand hygiene practice and compliance of the general population when travelling abroad or in a cross-European context. The findings of this study indicated that most UK members of the general population when travelling abroad have a good level of understanding of the importance of adequate hand hygiene practiunicable disease when travelling abroad.The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of progressively increased training intensity or volume on the nocturnal heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV), countermovement jump, perceived recovery, and heart rate-running speed index (HR-RS index). Another aim was to analyze how observed patterns during the training period in these monitoring variables were associated with the changes in endurance performance. Thirty recreationally trained participants performed a 10-week control period of regular training and a 10-week training period of either increased training intensity (INT, n = 13) or volume (VOL, n = 17). Changes in endurance performance were assessed by an incremental treadmill test. Both groups improved their maximal speed on the treadmill (INT 3.4 ± 3.2%, p less then 0.001; VOL 2.1 ± 1.8%, p = 0.006). In the monitoring variables, only between-group difference (p = 0.013) was found in nocturnal HR, which decreased in INT (p = 0.016). In addition, perceived recovery decreased in VOL (p = 0.021) and tended to decrease in INT (p = 0.056). When all participants were divided into low-responders and responders in maximal running performance, the increase in the HR-RS index at the end of the training period was greater in responders (p = 0.005). In conclusion, current training periods of increased intensity or volume improved endurance performance to a similar extent. Countermovement jump and HRV remained unaffected, despite a slight decrease in perceived recovery. Long-term monitoring of the HR-RS index may help to predict positive adaptations, while interpretation of other recovery-related markers may need a more individualized approach.Milk allergy is among the most common food-related allergies. Milk-based products are recognized as plant protection products (PPPs) in several countries as alternatives to synthetic pesticides. The potential health risk for allergic workers, as well as the general population, is yet to be assessed. An investigation was conducted in the Vaud Canton of Switzerland, where milk-based products are sprayed by helicopter over vineyards. Air lactose concentration was measured at 14 locations via 25 mm IOM Multidust samplers. Residual lactose concentration was measured on the surface of leaves over 7 days following spraying. Surface contamination downwind from the treated area was estimated through computer-based modeling using AgDRIFT® software. The average milk protein concentration inside and outside the vineyard was 0.47 and 0.16 µg/m3, respectively. Milk residues persisted on the leaf surface for an average of three days. Modelling results revealed an estimated order of magnitude of 0.1-0.5 µg/m3 in milk proteins within one hour after the treatment in the close vicinity of the treated area. Our results reveal that the potential exposure to milk proteins in and around helicopter-treated vineyards is not negligible and that prevention messages targeted to individuals with severe allergies should be considered.The recent development of high-throughput technologies based on RNA sequencing has allowed a better description of the role of post-transcriptional regulation in gene expression. In particular, the development of degradome approaches based on the capture of 5'monophosphate decay intermediates allows the discovery of a new decay pathway called co-translational mRNA decay. Thanks to these approaches, ribosome dynamics could now be revealed by analysis of 5'P reads accumulation. However, library preparation could be difficult to set-up for non-specialists. Here, we present a fast and efficient 5'P degradome library preparation for Arabidopsis samples. Our protocol was designed without commercial kit and gel purification and can be easily done in one working day. We demonstrated the robustness and the reproducibility of our protocol. Finally, we present the bioinformatic reads-outs necessary to assess library quality control.The gut microbiota of fishes is known to play an essential role in diverse aspects of host biology. The gut microbiota of fish is affected by various environmental parameters, including temperature changes, salinity and diet. Studies of effect of environment on gut microbiota enables to have a further understanding of what comprises a healthy microbiota under different environmental conditions. However, there is insufficient understanding regarding the effects of sampling season and catching site (wild and aquaculture) on the gut microbiota of Nile tilapia. This study characterised gut microbial composition and diversity from samples collected from Lake Tana and the Bahir Dar aquaculture facility centre using 16S rDNA Illumina MiSeq platform sequencing. Firmicutes and Fusobacteria were the most dominant phyla in the Lake Tana samples, while Proteobacteria was the most dominant in the aquaculture samples. The results of differential abundance testing clearly indicated significant differences for Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Cyanobacteria across sampling months.