Chitosan has wide-spectrum antimicrobial activity but knowledge of its antifungal mechanism is still incomplete. In this study, transcriptome of Penicillium expansum upon chitosan treatment was analyzed by RNA-Seq. KEGG enrichment analysis revealed that endocytosis as well as other physiological pathways was regulated by chitosan treatment. Clathrin adaptor protein mu-subunit (PeCAM) gene, which encodes a protein associated with clathrin-dependent endocytosis, was up-regulated after chitosan treatment. Deletion of PeCAM resulted in changes of conidial, hyphal and colonial morphology. Confocal microscopy images of the distribution of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled chitosan confirmed cellular internalization of chitosan. However, deletion of PeCAM almost completely blocked uptake of chitosan into fungal cells and ΔPeCAM mutant exhibited less sensitivity to chitosan compared with wild type, suggesting that chitosan uptake is mediated by clathrin-dependent endocytosis and internalized chitosan also plays an important role in its antifungal activity. Collectively, our results provide a new insight into the antifungal mechanism of chitosan.In the present study, the novel Ag/cellulose nanocrystal (CNC)-doped CeO2 quantum dots (QDs) with highly efficient catalytic performance were synthesized using one pot co-precipitation technique, which were then applied in the degradation of methylene blue and ciprofloxacin (MBCF) in wastewater. Catalytic activity against MBCF dye was significantly reduced (99.3%) for (4%) Ag dopant concentration in acidic medium. For Ag/CNC-doped CeO2 vast inhibition domain of G-ve was significantly confirmed as (5.25-11.70 mm) and (7.15-13.60 mm), while medium- to high-concentration of CNC levels were calculated for G + ve (0.95 nm, 1.65 mm), respectively. Overall, (4%) Ag/CNC-doped CeO2 revealed significant antimicrobial activity against G-ve relative to G + ve at both concentrations, respectively. Furthermore, in silico molecular docking studies were performed against selected enzyme targets dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS), and DNA gyrase belonging to folate and nucleic acid biosynthetic pathway, respectively to rationalize possible mechanism behind bactericidal potential of CNC-CeO2 and Ag/CNC-CeO2.This work reports novel chitosan functionalized graphene oxide (GO) nanocomposites combined fluorescence imaging and therapeutic functions in one agent, which can serve as a promising alternative to alleviate related diseases caused hyperinflammation. Briefly, GO was designed to be conjugated with chitosan, fluorescein-labeled peptide, toll-like receptor 4 antibody and hydroxycamptothecin/aloe emodin. We have demonstrated that such nanocomposites could effectively achieve active targeted delivery of pro-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory drugs into inflammatory cells and cause cells apoptosis by acid-responsive drug release. Moreover, confocal fluorescence imaging confirms that the drug-induced inflammatory cells apoptosis could be visualized the light-up fluorescence of fluorescein activated by caspase-3. Meanwhile, inflammatory-related biomarkers have down-regulated after the nanocomposites' treatment in both vitro and vivo experiments consistent with the results in histological sections. In summary, the bifunctional nanocomposites that possess anti-inflammation and fluorescence imaging could serve as a promising therapeutic agent for reducing hyperinflammation caused by numerous diseases.The effect of ultrasonic treatment on the structure, size and aggregated morphology of Lignosus rhinocerotis polysaccharide (LRP) was investigated. Ultrasonic treatment for 10 min has demonstrated to improve the aqueous solubility of LRP, leading to a uniform and narrow LRP particle size distribution. Meanwhile, short-time ultrasound was found to obviously decrease the molecular size parameters (Mw, Mn, z1/2, [η] and Rh) of LRP, and transform the hyperbranched LRP molecules into flexible and extended chains, which would reaggregate to form spherical aggregates under long-time ultrasonication. Additionally, Congo red experiment combined with CD analysis indicated the existence of triple helix structure in LRP, which was still retained after ultrasonic treatment. Furthermore, under short-time ultrasonication, the spherical aggregates with some branched chains in the native LRP solution could disaggregate and form triple helixes that could be further arranged to a dense network structure, but the untangled LRP chains would reaggregate after long-time ultrasonication. CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS STUDIED IN THIS ARTICLE Congo red (PubChem CID 11313); Sodium hydroxide (PubChem CID 14798); Potassium bromide (PubChem CID 253877).Cordyceps is one of the most expensive and widely used functional foods. But the authenticity is still a concern due to the lack of appropriate markers. By targeting polysaccharides, this study aimed to develop a specific, and bioactive marker for Cordyceps. Firstly, the results of screening tests of 250 samples by examining both genetic markers and polysaccharide profile showed that a unique polysaccharide fraction (named CCP) was particular to the caterpillar parts. Its potential as a marker was further demonstrated by its ability to induce NO and cytokine production in RAW 264.7 cells. CCP was characterized to be an α-1,4-glucan with a branch at C-6 by the conventional structure analyzing and de novo oligosaccharides sequencing. The content of CCP was closely correlated to the traditional classification criteria. Generally, CCP was a marker that simultaneously enables qualitative and quantitative analysis of Cordyceps.The rehabilitation of visual acuity with severe conjunctival fibrosis depends on ocular reconstruction with suitable conjunctival substitutes. In this study, we have developed poly(lactic acid) (PLA) electrospun nanofibrous membranes (EFMs) surface coated by cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) and/or silk peptide (SP). The CNF coating improved the hydrophilicity and the SP coating proliferated conjunctival epithelial cells (CjECs). To prevent post-operative infections, the composite scaffolds were loaded with levofloxacin (LF), constantly exerting efficient bactericidal effects. In in vivo evaluations, the PLA EFMs presented excellent therapeutic effects by promoting structural and functional restoration of conjunctiva after transplant. Even with reduced topical administration of antibiotics, the coloboma treated with LF loaded scaffolds presented no infections. It could be deduced that the potent bacterial inhibition feature could save troubles for patients by minimizing the application of antibiotics post-surgery. Hence, the developed PLA EFMs loaded with LF could be promising conjunctival substitutes.