Massive inguinoscrotal hernias containing the bladder are rare but can present with significant complications such as obstructive uropathy and urinary sepsis. A comorbid 71-year-old gentleman presented with an enlarging inguinoscrotal mass and an acute kidney injury (AKI). Imaging revealed a large inguinoscrotal hernia containing the bladder, and bilateral hydronephrosis. Renal function improved on urethral catheterization. Admitted under general surgery originally, the patient declined any surgical intervention and had his catheter removed as an outpatient, without urological follow up. He represented 6 months later with urinary sepsis and a new AKI. Repeat imaging revealed a progression of the bilateral hydronephrosis. Subsequently admitted under urology, bilateral nephrostomies as well as a catheter were inserted. Once stable, he was discharged with both as part of his long-term management. Non-operative management of this condition may occasionally be necessary, and so requires effective multidisciplinary decision making. Real-world organizational and geographical factors contributed to the challenges in this case.We report an unusual case of vocal cord palsy secondary which developed following insertion of a central line. A 46-year-old gentleman was admitted with seizure activity and reduced GCS. Following failed attempts at establishing intravenous or intraosseous access, a central line was placed into the right internal jugular vein. After extubation, the patient was found to have a right vocal cord palsy. Contemporaneous computed tomography (CT) imaging of the neck and thorax was performed to determine the cause of the palsy. Although this CT was clear, review of the original trauma CT showed a haematoma within the right carotid sheath. This led to a diagnosis of neuropraxia secondary to haematoma from central venous catheterisation. The patient went on to make a full recovery. We discuss our case with revie