In summary, this approach is a necessary step in male fertility evaluation. Together with a clinical information, it is indispensable for planning the appropriate clinical management and tacking care in male health.In order to find a connection between the alteration of oral tissues and genetic predisposition to inflammatory and destructive processes in oral media, the cytokine profile of the oral fluid of clinically healthy individuals was determined for various blood group affiliations according to the AB0 system. The group-specific features of individuals with B(III) blood group were revealed an increase of 32,5% in the content of interleukin-6 and 63,1% in the content of interleukin-8 compared with similar data for people with 0(I), A(II), AB(IV) blood groups, which can predispose to the greatest activity of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity in individuals with antigen B. Confirmation of this fact is an increase of IgA antibodies to gliadin in the blood among patients with chronic generalized periodontitis with B(III) blood group, up to 5,00 U/ml (p less then 0,01), which indicates the processes of acute inflammation, and along with an increase in blood IgG antibodies to transglutaminase in comparison with a group of clinically healthy individuals, it serves as an indicator of damage to the body's connective tissue at the molecular level. When examining the dental status, pronounced clinical manifestations of chronic generalized periodontitis were found in patients with A(II) blood group, the molecular foundation of which is the highest content of IgA and IgG antibodies to transglutaminase in the oral fluid (0,35 U/ml and 0,45 U/ml), which contributes to the activation of periodontal-destroying inflammatory and inflammatory processes, obviously, with a tendency to the chronic course of the disease. The studies performed allowed us to analyze in clinically healthy individuals a predisposition to alternative processes in oral environments, using gradation by group blood affiliation.The aim of this study was to assess the rates of detection of the major markers of infection with hepatitis B and Delta (D) viruses in serum, saliva and dry blood dots (DBS) as a possible option for serological studies among the population of the endemic region in conditions of limited laboratory resources. For this purpose, paired samples of blood serum and DBS, blood serum and saliva from patients with chronic hepatitis B with Delta agent living in the Republic of Tyva, which is endemic for this disease. HBsAg was detected in 289 (100%) serum samples, in 88/92 (95.7%) saliva samples, in 60/80 (75%) DBS samples, stored three years at room temperature, and in 111/117 (94.9%) DBS stored one year at the same conditions. Anti-HBcore was detected in 209 (100%) serum samples, while in saliva and DBS samples this marker was detected in only 13.04% (12/92) and 19.7% (23/117), respectively. Anti-HDV antibodies in serum were detected in 209 (100%) samples collected from patients in 2017-2018. In saliva and DBS anti-HDV were not detected in any sample. This difference in the detection rates of anti-HBcore and anti-HDV might be accounted for the fact that the HBV core protein is a very strong immunogen, indusing the production of anti-HBcore in high concentrations. Probably, the concentration of anti-HDV is much lower, which explains its absence in saliva and DBS in patients with hepatitis B+D. Samples of biological media (saliva), as well as DBS can serve as an alternative material for the detection of HBsAg in screening and research prevalence studies. Meanwhile, the definition of anti-HDV in such media is not possible due to the false negative results. Due to the high probability of superinfection with HDV in patients with HBV in endemic areas, the detection of HBsAg in alternative media (saliva or DBS) should be followed by testing for anti-HDV in serum samples.A research objective - to study the possibility of using the ELISA Anti-K enzyme immunoassay system to evaluate anti-pertussis immunity. А comparative assessment of the content of co-crank antibodies in the blood serum of adults, pregnant women and children 6 years old in the agglutination test, in the test system "Anti-K ELISA" and test systems of foreign production was carried out. The "Anti-K" IFA test system makes it possible to detect the level of specific antibodies to both the whole cell and cell-free pertussis component of the vaccine at any stage of the vaccination cycle. This diagnostic test can be used to determine the tactics of immunization, and to assess population immunity.The clinical estimation of the state of patient is one of the basic components of the checking of the state of patient, but more precise and more objective indices today become necessary. The arterial blood gases analysis helps to select the optimum regime of mechanical ventilation. The medical evacuation of the critically ill patients frequently requires the correction of the parameters of respiratory support. The conducted investigations showed that the prognostics of unfavorable outcome within the first three days from the moment of the medical evacuation are hypercapnia, which exists during the process of evacuation in spite of the correction of the parameters of mechanical ventilation, reduction in the saturation of the arterial blood. The forecast of the medical evacuation is located as well in the direct correlation with the manifestation of acidosis, and at the moment of the completion of the transfer of the patient the greatest prognostic significance they possess the low level of the partial tension of oxygen in the artery. The application of a portable express- analyzer of blood gases permits implementation of correction parameters of respiratory support and to increase quality and safety of the medical evacuation of patients.The demographic situation in recent decades has been characterized by a progressive increase in the proportion of older age groups in both developed countries and the Russian Federation. The main contribution to morbidity and mortality of people over 60 years of age is made by diseases of the circulatory system. Early development and progression of cardiovascular diseases contributes to kidney dysfunction, often developing against the background of morphological changes occurring with age in the kidneys, called "senile kidney". Reduction of glomerular filtration rate in elderly patients is not mandatory and in most cases occurs as a result of an existing pathological process. The combined effect of changes in GFR and cardiovascular disease on the prognosis of older patients remains poorly understood, which determines the relevance of the study of chronic kidney disease in geriatric patients.