Systematic HIV program evaluation requires looking at all steps of the HIV cascade of care, from diagnosis to treatment outcomes. Our study was carried out to assess the treatment cascade of people living with HIV (PLWH) in Iran in 2019. We used data from the HIV Case Registry System of Iran through December 2019. We estimated the number of PLWH in 2019 by using Spectrum, and then the proportion of them being diagnosed, linked to care, received antiretroviral treatment and suppressed viral load. We estimated that there are 59,314 (UI 32,685-125,636) PLWH in Iran, of whom 22,054 people (37% of PLWH) were diagnosed. At the end of 2019, of whom, 14,685 (25% of PLWH) people received antiretroviral therapy. Also, of whom 6338 (11% of PLWH) people had viral load suppression by 2019. Our results showed that about one-third of total PLWH were diagnosed, while this defect is somewhat less in children than adults. To reach the 90.90.90 targets Iran needs to developed the current national HIV care guidelines, which recommend best strategies to scale up the case finding and linkage to care among undiagnosed people specifically those who infected by sexual contact in general and key populations as well.The emotional experiences of quantitative researchers, particularly while conducting sensitive research, are largely neglected. This article aims to advance the awareness of possible emotional strains for quantitative researchers engaged in sensitive research. It qualitatively assesses the ethical and emotional experiences of quantitative researchers conducting a study on aging of bereaved parents and people with a physical disability. Based on the detailed minutes of 66 weekly research meetings held during 2015-2017, a thematic analysis of the researchers' experiences was performed. Our analysis identified two main themes vulnerability and resilience. We delineate these themes, along with their subthemes and affinity to vicarious traumatization, moral stress, and vicarious posttraumatic growth. The current study is among the first to introduce the emotional and ethical experiences of the quantitative researcher. Tentative recommendations for the advancement of the researcher's safety and well-being by training, institutional support, self-care skills, and policy development are provided.How do changes in learners' knowledge influence information seeking? We showed preschoolers (N = 100) uncertain outcomes for events and let them choose which event to resolve. We found that children whose intuitive theories were at immature stages were more likely to seek information to resolve uncertainty about an outcome in the related domains, but children with more mature knowledge were not. This result was replicated in a second experiment but with the nuance that children at intermediate stages of belief development-when the causal outcome would be most ambiguous-were the most motivated to resolve the uncertainty. This effect was not driven by general uncertainty at the framework level but, rather, by the impact that framework knowledge has in accessing uncertainty at the model level. These results are the first to show the relationship between a learning preference and the developmental stage of a child's intuitive theory.Concomitant with expanded legalization, cannabis is increasingly used to treat chronic pain among persons with HIV (PWH), despite equivocal benefit in research limited by small sample sizes and short duration of follow-up. To address these limitations, among a sample of PWH with pain interference enrolled in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study, we performed a target trial emulation study to compare the impact of four cannabis use strategies on pain interference. Among those receiving long-term opioid therapy (LTOT), we also explored impact of these strategies on ≥ 25% LTOT dose reduction. Among the analytic sample (N = 1284), the majority were men with a mean age of 50. Approximately 31% used cannabis and 12% received LTOT at baseline. Adjusting for demographic and clinical factors, cannabis use in any of 4 longitudinal patterns was not associated with resolved pain interference over 12- to 24-month follow-up. Among 153 participants receiving LTOT at baseline, cannabis use at both baseline and follow-up was negatively associated with LTOT dose reduction compared to no use at both baseline and follow-up. These findings support other observational studies finding no association between cannabis use and improved chronic pain or LTOT reduction among PWH.A 68-year-old male presents with generalized lymphadenopathy and fever of short duration. Axillary lymph node excision was performed and was sent for histopathological evaluation. Microscopic evaluation of the submitted lymph node revealed diffuse proliferation of intermediate-sized atypical lymphoid cells with round nuclei, irregular membranes, finely dispersed chromatin, and inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitotic figures were frequently seen. Immunohistochemical evaluation revealed diffuse expression of CD20, CD5, CD10, B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl2), and B-cell lymphoma 6 (Bcl6). Atypical lymphoid cells were negative for cyclin D1; however, showed diffuse and strong nuclear expression of SOX11. MIB1 proliferation index was high (Ki67 90%-95%). Based on morphological features and immunohistochemical findings a diagnosis of "cyclin D1 negative aggressive blastoid variant of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL)" was offered. The classic morphology of MCL is seen in 90% of cases, while the remaining (∼10%) are considered as variants. A blastoid variant is an aggressive subtype that can lack expression of CD5 as well as cyclin D1, but instead expresses CD10, Bcl6, and CD23. SOX11 expression is seen in 90% cases of MCL and in almost 100% cases of cyclin D1 negative MCL. The current case highlights the unusual morphologic and aggressive variant of MCL and a significant role of SOX11 in its diagnosis.The aim of this clinical trial was to control the cytokine storm by administering mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to critically-ill COVID-19 patients, to evaluate the healing effect, and to systematically investigate how the treatment works. Patients with moderate and critical COVID-19 clinical manifestations were separated as Group 1 (moderate cases, n = 10, treated conventionally), Group 2 (critical cases, n = 10, treated conventionally), and Group 3 (critical cases, n = 10, treated conventionally plus MSCs transplantation therapy of three consecutive doses on treatment days 0, 3, and 6, (as 3 × 106 cells/kg, intravenously). The treatment mechanism of action was investigated with evaluation markers of the cytokine storm, via biochemical parameters, levels of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, analyses of tissue regeneration via the levels of growth factors, apoptosis markers, chemokines, matrix metalloproteinases, and granzyme-B, and by the assessment of the immunomodulatory effects via total oxidant/antioxidant status markers and the levels of lymphocyte subsets.