I have had additional experiences with old men at this stage in my life. Nevertheless that one in specific, sticks out among my most memorable. I had already been 18 for every several weeks at this particular point. I hadn't moved out however but I had been provided quite a little more freedom compared to I used to be used to. Unfortunately, I didn't live in an extremely interesting town. Generally there wasn't that much to do. There seemed to be a theater. Yawn. There was the 18 and up nightclub. But right now there was only definitely one night a week that had been any fun. Plus there was a soccer ball alley. I don't bowl. Not definitely. I can toss the ball. But I use no way regarding knowing ahead regarding time if it's going to be a gutter ball or a strike. I have definitely NO skill. Consequently I spent my personal time hanging away with friends in the little tables or in typically the restaurant. I recognized a few involving the regulars. With regard to the most element, they were all pretty nice. Nevertheless one in certain always seemed to notice me. He would smile. Welcome me by title. On occasion I'd have a hug. I'll call him “Jeff”. Every once in a while my personal friends and am would certainly get a lasagna sent to each of our table. “Courtesy associated with Jeff, ladies! ” the toruble staff might say. Jeff has been tall. Quiet. Just like he was always considering about something serious. Strong. Late forties. You could inform he worked out there but he didn't overdo it. This individual had soft glowing blue eyes and silvery hair were swiftly overtaking the brown. His cologne was faint. I'm fairly sure it seemed to be Drakkar Noir. Although it was intoxicating. Jeff was divorced. He never truly stated why and I in no way felt right wondering. I could overhear him talking to his bowling pals, every once within a while, concerning how he didn't know how in order to date anymore. And they'd joke that