Associations of Grooved Pegboard performance with T2 and MWF values in DAWM and NAWM were assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients. T2 and MWF values of DAWM were intermediate between the respective values of NAWM and T1 hypointense focal lesions, while there was no difference between the respective values of DAWM and T1-isointense lesions. T2 values in DAWM were strongly associated with visuomotor performance in CIS patients. Intra/extracellular water and myelin water content of DAWM are similar to those of T1-isointense lesions and predict visuomotor performance in CIS patients. 2 TECHNICAL EFFICACY Stage 2. 2 TECHNICAL EFFICACY Stage 2. This study was conducted to determine the effect of showing images of the foetus to the pregnant women with the virtual reality glass during labour process on labour pain, childbirth perception and anxiety level. Virtual reality is an effective and inexpensive method that allows the creation of simulated scenarios in which it interacts with the virtual environment with multisensory stimuli. This is a randomised controlled experimental study. This study was conducted with the guidelines of Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT). The study was enrolled in the Clinical Trials database (NCT04664114). The study included 100 pregnant women (50 intervention group and 50 control group). Ultrasound images of the foetus were recorded on the 28th week of pregnancy of the women in the intervention group. These images were shown to the women with the virtual reality glass during labour process. Routine procedures were carried out for the women in the control group. The Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was a for the mother's and baby's health. Therefore, it is important that nurses and midwives, who spend the most time with women and provide the most support, reduce the pain and anxiety of the woman with nonpharmacological practices and make them feel positive feelings about del