Our results may promote the development of gradient membranes for molecular sieving.The novel extremophilic yeast Rhodotorula frigidialcoholis, formerly R. JG1b, was isolated from ice-cemented permafrost in University Valley (Antarctic), one of coldest and driest environments on Earth. Phenotypic and phylogenetic analyses classified R. frigidialcoholis as a novel species. To characterize its cold-adaptive strategies, we performed mRNA and sRNA transcriptomic analyses, phenotypic profiling, and assessed ethanol production at 0 and 23 °C. Downregulation of the ETC and citrate cycle genes, overexpression of fermentation and pentose phosphate pathways genes, growth without reduction of tetrazolium dye, and our discovery of ethanol production at 0 °C indicate that R. frigidialcoholis induces a metabolic switch from respiration to ethanol fermentation as adaptation in Antarctic permafrost. This is the first report of microbial ethanol fermentation utilized as the major energy pathway in response to cold and the coldest temperature reported for natural ethanol production. R. frigidialcoholis increased its diversity and abundance of sRNAs when grown at 0 versus 23 °C. This was consistent with increase in transcription of Dicer, a key protein for sRNA processing. Our results strongly imply that post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression and mRNA silencing may be a novel evolutionary fungal adaptation in the cryosphere.Adelgids (Insecta Hemiptera Adelgidae) form a small group of insects but harbor a surprisingly diverse set of bacteriocyte-associated endosymbionts, which suggest multiple replacement and acquisition of symbionts over evolutionary time. Specific pairs of symbionts have been associated with adelgid lineages specialized on different secondary host conifers. Using a metagenomic approach, we investigated the symbiosis of the Adelges laricis/Adelges tardus species complex containing betaproteobacterial ("Candidatus Vallotia tarda") and gammaproteobacterial ("Candidatus Profftia tarda") symbionts. Genomic characteristics and metabolic pathway reconstructions revealed that Vallotia and Profftia are evolutionary young endosymbionts, which complement each other's role in essential amino acid production. Phylogenomic analyses and a high level of genomic synteny indicate an origin of the betaproteobacterial symbiont from endosymbionts of Rhizopus fungi. This evolutionary transition was accompanied with substantial loss of functions related to transcription regulation, secondary metabolite production, bacterial defense mechanisms, host infection, and manipulation. The transition from fungus to insect endosymbionts extends our current framework about evolutionary trajectories of host-associated microbes.The role of diazotrophs in coral physiology and reef biogeochemistry remains poorly understood, in part because N2 fixation rates and diazotrophic community composition have only been jointly analyzed in the tissue of one tropical coral species. We performed field-based 15N2 tracer incubations during nutrient-replete conditions to measure diazotroph-derived nitrogen (DDN) assimilation into three species of scleractinian coral (Pocillopora acuta, Goniopora columna, Platygyra sinensis). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/iberdomide.html Using multi-marker metabarcoding (16S rRNA, nifH, 18S rRNA), we analyzed DNA- and RNA-based communities in coral tissue and skeleton. Despite low N2 fixation rates, DDN assimilation supplied up to 6% of the holobiont's N demand. Active coral-associated diazotrophs were chiefly Cluster I (aerobes or facultative anaerobes), suggesting that oxygen may control coral-associated diazotrophy. Highest N2 fixation rates were observed in the endolithic community (0.20 µg N cm-2 per day). While the diazotrophic community was similar between the tissue and skeleton, RNADNA ratios indicate potential differences in relative diazotrophic activity between these compartments. In Pocillopora, DDN was found in endolithic, host, and symbiont compartments, while diazotrophic nifH sequences were only observed in the endolithic layer, suggesting a possible DDN exchange between the endolithic community and the overlying coral tissue. Our findings demonstrate that coral-associated diazotrophy is significant, even in nutrient-rich waters, and suggest that endolithic microbes are major contributors to coral nitrogen cycling on reefs.Respiratory symptomatology and echocardiographic features of pulmonary circulation exclusively guide therapy for a hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants. Interrogations of systemic artery Doppler or the exploration of their links with respective end organ symptomatology is not routine practice. This brief report shows the relevance of 'systemic' symptoms and the assessment of 'systemic hypo-perfusion' (and their resolution with physiologically appropriate therapy) in decision-making. Future trials should include this often-ignored aspect in study designs and/or post-hoc analysis.Neural precursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated 4 ligase (Nedd4-2) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that targets proteins for ubiquitination and endocytosis, thereby regulating numerous ion channels, membrane receptors and tumor suppressors. Nedd4-2 activity is regulated by autoinhibition, calcium binding, oxidative stress, substrate binding, phosphorylation and 14-3-3 protein binding. However, the structural basis of 14-3-3-mediated Nedd4-2 regulation remains poorly understood. Here, we combined several techniques of integrative structural biology to characterize Nedd4-2 and its complex with 14-3-3. We demonstrate that phosphorylated Ser342 and Ser448 are the key residues that facilitate 14-3-3 protein binding to Nedd4-2 and that 14-3-3 protein binding induces a structural rearrangement of Nedd4-2 by inhibiting interactions between its structured domains. Overall, our findings provide the structural glimpse into the 14-3-3-mediated Nedd4-2 regulation and highlight the potential of the Nedd4-214-3-3 complex as a pharmacological target for Nedd4-2-associated diseases such as hypertension, epilepsy, kidney disease and cancer.