OBJECTIVE Diabetes is characterized by pancreatic β-cell dedifferentiation. Dedifferentiating β cells inappropriately metabolize lipids over carbohydrates and exhibit impaired mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. However, the mechanism linking the β-cell's response to an adverse metabolic environment with impaired mitochondrial function remains unclear. METHODS Here we report that the oxidoreductase cytochrome b5 reductase 3 (Cyb5r3) links FoxO1 signaling to β-cell stimulus/secretion coupling by regulating mitochondrial function, reactive oxygen species generation, and nicotinamide actin dysfunction (NAD)/reduced nicotinamide actin dysfunction (NADH) ratios. RESULTS The expression of Cyb5r3 is decreased in FoxO1-deficient β cells. Mice with β-cell-specific deletion of Cyb5r3 have impaired insulin secretion, resulting in glucose intolerance and diet-induced hyperglycemia. Cyb5r3-deficient β cells have a blunted respiratory response to glucose and display extensive mitochondrial and secretory granule abnormalities, consistent with altered differentiation. Moreover, FoxO1 is unable to maintain expression of key differentiation markers in Cyb5r3-deficient β cells, suggesting that Cyb5r3 is required for FoxO1-dependent lineage stability. CONCLUSIONS The findings highlight a pathway linking FoxO1 to mitochondrial dysfunction that can mediate β-cell failure. OBJECTIVES Lipolysis, hydrolysis of triglycerides to fatty acids in adipocytes, is tightly regulated, poorly understood, and, if perturbed, can lead to metabolic diseases including obesity and type 2 diabetes. The goal of this study was to identify the genetic regulators of lipolysis and elucidate their molecular mechanisms. METHODS Adipocytes from abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsies were isolated and were incubated without (spontaneous lipolysis) or with a catecholamine (stimulated lipolysis) to analyze lipolysis. DNA was extracted and genome-wide genotyping and imputation conducted. After quality control, 939 samples with genetic and lipolysis data were available. Genome-wide association studies of spontaneous and stimulated lipolysis were conducted. Subsequent in vitro gene expression analyses were used to identify candidate genes and explore their regulation of adipose tissue biology. RESULTS One locus on chromosome 19 demonstrated genome-wide significance with spontaneous lipolysis. 60 loci showed suggestive associations with spontaneous or stimulated lipolysis, of which many influenced both traits. In the chromosome 19 locus, only HIF3A was expressed in the adipocytes and displayed genotype-dependent gene expression. HIF3A knockdown in vitro increased lipolysis and the expression of key lipolysis-regulating genes. CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, we identified a genetic regulator of spontaneous lipolysis and provided evidence of HIF3A as a novel key regulator of lipolysis in subcutaneous adipocytes as the mechanism through which the locus influences adipose tissue biology. OBJECTIVE The liver is regularly exposed to changing metabolic and inflammatory environments. It must sense and adapt to metabolic need while balancing resources required to protect itself from insult. Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1α) is a transcriptional coactivator expressed as multiple, alternatively spliced variants transcribed from different promoters that coordinate metabolic adaptation and protect against inflammation. It is not known how PGC-1α integrates extracellular signals to balance metabolic and anti-inflammatory outcomes. METHODS Primary mouse hepatocytes were used to evaluate the role(s) of different PGC-1α proteins in regulating hepatic metabolism and inflammatory signaling downstream of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). Gene expression and signaling analysis were combined with biochemical measurement of apoptosis using gain- and loss-of-function in vitro and in vivo. RESULTS Hepatocytes expressed multiple isoforms of PGC-1α, including PGC-1α4, which microarray analysis showed had common and isoform-specific functions linked to metabolism and inflammation compared with canonical PGC-1α1. Whereas PGC-1α1 primarily impacted gene programs of nutrient metabolism and mitochondrial biology, TNFα signaling showed several pathways related to innate immunity and cell death downstream of PGC-1α4. Gain- and loss-of-function models illustrated that PGC-1α4 uniquely enhanced expression of anti-apoptotic gene programs and attenuated hepatocyte apoptosis in response to TNFα or lipopolysaccharide (LPS). This was in contrast to PGC-1α1, which decreased the expression of a wide inflammatory gene network but did not prevent hepatocyte death in response to cytokines. CONCLUSIONS PGC-1α variants have distinct, yet complementary roles in hepatic responses to metabolism and inflammation, and we identify PGC-1α4 as an important mitigator of apoptosis. OBJECTIVES Nutrient sensing by hypothalamic neurons is critical for the regulation of food intake and energy expenditure. We aimed to identify long- and medium-chain fatty acid species transported into the brain, their effects on energy balance, and the mechanisms by which they regulate activity of hypothalamic neurons. METHODS Simultaneous blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sampling was undertaken in rats and metabolic analyses using radiolabeled fatty acid tracers were performed on mice. Electrophysiological recording techniques were used to investigate signaling mechanisms underlying fatty acid-induced changes in activity of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/hg106.html RESULTS Medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) octanoic acid (C80), unlike long-chain fatty acids, was rapidly transported into the hypothalamus of mice and almost exclusively oxidized, causing rapid, transient reductions in food intake and increased energy expenditure. Octanoic acid differentially regulates the excitability of POMC neurons, activating these neurons directly via GPR40 and inducing inhibition via an indirect non-synaptic, purine, and adenosine receptor-dependent mechanism. CONCLUSIONS MCFA octanoic acid is a central signaling nutrient that targets POMC neurons via distinct direct and indirect signal transduction pathways to instigate changes in energy status. These results could explain the beneficial health effects that accompany MCFA consumption.