These findings replicate past research on attachment anxiety and extend our understanding by establishing a positive association between sensitivity to comments and likes on Feedback and problematic Facebook use.Several studies have demonstrated that peptides obtained from the proteins of different bean species have the potential to act on therapeutic targets of noncommunicable chronic diseases or NCDs. However, peptides with great structural diversity can be obtained from the hydrolysis of proteins present in foods. Therefore, the present review had the objective of identifying, in silico, the possibility of obtaining peptides with potential biological activity from the storage globulin proteins of the bean species Phaseolus vulgaris (L.), Vigna angularis (Willd.), Vigna radiata (L.) and Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., using the UniProtKB, BIOPEP and PeptideRanker databases, as well as reviewing available research reports that showed evidence bioactive properties of peptides obtained from beans via in vitro assays. For all the species studied, the highest frequency of the occurrence of bioactive fragments was found for the inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV, followed by the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme and by antioxidant activity. The inhibition of the two enzymes is the therapeutic target of drugs used for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and for hypertension, respectively, while the antioxidant activity can prevent the development of several chronic diseases related to oxidative stress.Previous research suggests that people from different cultures weigh cues in the eyes versus mouth differently while interpreting emotions. In Western cultures, where overt emotional display is the norm, people weigh the mouth region more heavily when interpreting facial emotional expression in comparison with people from Eastern cultures. By contrast, in Eastern cultures, where subtle emotion display is the norm, people weigh the eyes region more heavily in comparison with people from Western cultures. Emojis are frequently used paralinguistic cues that convey emotions. Here, we report the results of an online quasiexperimental study in which emotion cues in the eyes and mouth regions of emojis were manipulated to test for differences in the perception of emotions among Westerners and Easterners (N = 427). Consistent with previous research, relative to one another, Westerners' and Easterners' ratings of the emotional valence (i.e., happiness/sadness) of emojis were influenced more heavily by the mouth and eyes, respectively. Thus, the present study adds to the literature suggesting cultural differences in the use of mouth versus eye cues to interpret emotions and supports the notion that these differences extend to paralinguistic cues such as emojis and, consequently, have implications for digital communication.To explore the impact of air pollutants exposure during pregnancy on infant DNA methylation, we identified correlated methylated genes in maternal and cord blood samples using the Illumina Human Methylation 27 k BeadChip. Quantitative methylation-specific PCR (QMS-PCR) was performed to validate the target gene methylation pattern in 568 participants. Then the association between air pollutants exposure and DNA methylation level in the target gene was investigated. The GPR61 gene with a higher methylation level both in mothers and newborns was identified as the target gene, and we found a positive mother-infant DNA methylation correlation in the promoter region of GPR61. Air pollutants exposure during entire pregnancy was associated with maternal and infant GPR61 DNA methylation. After adjusting confounding variables, maternal air pollutants exposure was still associated with infant GPR61 DNA methylation. In summary, GPR61 methylation in cord blood may be a potential target of prenatal exposure to air pollutants.Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Long noncoding RNAs were proved to be associated with the development and progression in HNSCC. However, the mechanism of LINC00460 in HNSCC needs to be further investigated. The study used quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction assay to detect the expression of LINC00460 in cancer tissues and cell lines. Gain and loss of function experiments were conducted to analyze the effects of LINC00460 and miR-4443 on cell proliferation, invasion, and apoptosis of HNSCC cells in vitro. The interactions among miR-4443 and LINC00460 were detected by dual-luciferase reporter assay. Here, the study showed that LINC00460 was highly expressed in HNSCC tissues and cell lines. Functionally, knockdown of LINC00460 inhibited HNSCC cell proliferation and migration in vitro. Besides, LINC00460 promoted cell progression by sponging miR-4443, and miR-4443 inhibitor could reverse the effects of si-LINC00460 on cell proliferation and migration. In summary, LINC00460 could potentially promote cell progression and epithelial mesenchymal transition by sponging miR-4443 in HNSCC. LINC00460 could be used as a potential therapeutic target for HNSCCs.Virtual reality (VR) is effectively used to evoke the mirror illusion, and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) synergistically facilitates this illusion. This study investigated whether a mirror virtual hand illusion (MVHI) induced by an immersive, first-person-perspective, virtual mirror system could be modulated by tDCS of the primary motor cortex. Fourteen healthy adults (average age 21.86 years ±0.47, seven men and seven women) participated in this study, and they experienced VR with and without tDCS-the tDCS and sham conditions, each of which takes ∼30 minutes-on separate days to allow the washout of the tDCS effect. While experiencing VR, the movements of the virtual left hand reflected the flexion and extension of the real right hand. Subsequently, electroencephalogram was recorded, the magnitude of the proprioceptive shift was measured, and the participants provided responses to a questionnaire regarding hand ownership. A significant difference in the proprioceptive shift was observed between the tDCS and sham conditions.