The findings suggest that temporal crowding impairs target encoding and increases substitution errors, but there was no evidence of a reduced signal-to-noise ratio. This pattern of results was similar regardless of stimuli duration and target-distractor similarity. However, it differed considerably from the pattern found for ordinary masking and spatial crowding, indicating that temporal crowding is a unique phenomenon. Moreover, the finding that temporal crowding affected the precision of target encoding even when the items were separated by almost half a second suggests that visual processing requires a surprisingly long time to complete.Heat stress has detrimental effects on livestock via diverse immune and physiological changes; heat-stressed animals are rendered susceptible to diverse diseases. However, there is relatively little information available regarding the altered immune responses of domestic animals in heat stress environments, particularly in cattle steers. This study aimed to determine the changes in the immune responses of Holstein and Jersey steers under heat stress. We assessed blood immune cells and their functions in the steers of two breeds under normal and heat stress conditions and found that immune cell proportions and functions were altered in response to different environmental conditions. Heat stress notably reduced the proportions of CD21+MHCII+ B cell populations in both breeds. We also observed breed-specific differences. Under heat stress, in Holstein steers, the expression of myeloperoxidase was reduced in the polymorphonuclear cells, whereas heat stress reduced the WC1+ γδ T cell populations in Jersey steers. Breed-specific changes were also detected based on gene expression. In response to heat stress, the expression of IL-10 and IL-17A increased in Holstein steers alone, whereas that of IL-6 increased in Jersey steers. Moreover, the mRNA expression pattern of heat shock