This study examined the effectiveness of resin infiltration in inhibiting microleakage from artificial white-spot lesions (AWL) in enamel. Fifty sound extracted premolars were selected and randomly divided into five groups (n = 10 each). Group 1 included sound teeth. In contrast, an AWL was created in all specimens in groups 2 to 5, as follows-Group 2 AWL with no treatment; Group 3 AWL treated with resin infiltration; Group 4 AWL treated with resin infiltration and 5,000 cycles of thermocycling; Group 5 AWL treated with resin infiltration and 10,000 cycles of thermocycling. All specimens were then coated with nail varnish, except for a 4 × 4 mm2 area on the buccal surface (the measurement area), immersed in 2% methylene blue solution, and sectioned buccolingually. Microleakage was evaluated with a stereomicroscope. Data were analyzed by using the Kruskal-Wallis test and Bonferroni post-hoc correction. Application of resin infiltrant reduced microleakage in AWL. No microleakage was seen in Group 3, and differences between Groups 3, 4, and 5 were not significant (P > 0.05). The resin infiltration technique appears to aid in sealing enamel AWL and may help provide long-term protection against microleakage in enamel AWL. In Japan, companies are required to implement a "stress check program" to prevent mental health problems in workers. To identify "high-stress" workers, the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire (BJSQ) is recommended. According to the stress check program manual issued by the government, high-stress can be defined using two criteria, either the "sum method" (simply summing the scores for each scales) or the "score converted method" (using converted scores according to the conversion table for each scales). In this study, we examined the differences in results found using these two criteria on "stress check program" data. We used data of 71,422 workers in 117 companies and organizations who conducted stress checks in 2016. The prevalence of high-stress was calculated by applying the two criteria simultaneously, and the chi-square test was used to compare the proportion of workers with high-stress. We subsequently divided participants into the four following groups and calculated the proportion of each group group factors. Furthermore, workers were more likely to be judged as having "high-stress" when the score of the physical stress response was higher in the sum method. Hereafter, it is important to consider which criteria are applied when discussing proportions of high-stress. Further research is needed to examine which criteria will predict health disorders. Compared to the sum method, 1.5% more high-stress workers were observed using the converted method, and this result was similar for individual and employment-related factors. Furthermore, workers were more likely to be judged as having "high-stress" when the score of the physical stress response was higher in the sum method. Hereafter, it is important to consider which criteria are applied when discussing proportions of high-stress. Further research is needed to examine which criteria will predict health disorders.Monitoring the changes in the level of KRAS point mutation (the concentration fraction of the KRAS point mutated DNA to the total DNA) in clinical treatment progress can guide and greatly improve the personalized therapy and therapeutic evaluation of patients with cancer. In this work, based on FRET fluorescence quenching and apyrimidinic site-induced guanine/pterin specific binding, we developed a pterin-FAM-TAMRA tri-color fluorescence sensing system to assess the level of KRAS point mutation in one step. The responses from TAMRA displayed good and similar linear correlations in the range from 60 nM to 2 μM for all four types of DNA, resulting in a common linear equation related to the T-DNA concentration (NΔFTAMRA = 2.908cT-DNA + 0.364). Meanwhile, the responses from pterin showed excellent selectivity to W-DNA and an excellent linear correlation to the W-DNA in the concentration range from 60 nM to 1 μM (NΔFpterin = -0.364cgDNA-G + 0.034). This biosensor has an effective concentration range for detecting KRAS point mutations. Especially, because the apyrimidinic site-induced guanine/pterin binding is selective for the detection of wild-type DNA, the sensing system can be applied for clinical mutation level detection of all kinds of KRAS point mutations (G → A, G → C and G → T) in blood samples, which is crucial for the personalized therapy and therapeutic evaluation of patients with most KRAS-related cancer types.Renal cell carcinoma is a very aggressive and often fatal disease for which there are no specific biomarkers found to date. The purpose of this work was to find features that differentiate urine metabolic profiles of healthy people and cancer patients. Laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry on gold nanostructures-based techniques were used for the metabolic analysis of urine of 50 patients with kidney cancer. Comparison with data from 50 healthy volunteers led to the discovery of several compounds that may be considered potential renal cell carcinoma (RCC) biomarkers. Statistical analysis of data allowed for the discovery of m/z values that had the greatest impact on group differentiation. A database search enabled the assignment of signals for the most promising 15 features among them serine, heptanol, 3-methylene-indolenine, 2-methyl-3-hydroxy-5-formylpyridine-4-carboxylate, phosphodimethylethanolamine, 4-methoxyphenylacetic acid, N-acetylglutamine, 3,5-dihydroxyphenylvaleric acid, hydroxyhexanoylglycine, valyl-leucine, leucyl-histidine, oleamide, 9,12,13-trihydroxyoctadecenoic acid, stearidonyl carnitine and squalene. Differences of metabolite profiles of human urine could be identified by gold nanoparticle-enhanced target (AuNPET) LDI MS method and used for the detection of renal cancer.Artisanal small gold mining (ASGM) is responsible for approximately 40% of the total Hg emissions into the atmosphere worldwide. In developing countries, many people are engaged in ASGM activities. We developed a small, simple Hg measuring device, which detects Hg in the air based on the change of the oscillation frequency of an Au electrode on a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). This device is called QCM-Hg. We tested the viability of the QCM-Hg in various work settings including a gold mining area and gold shops. In working environments with an airborne Hg concentration of several μg m-3, the changing rate of the oscillation frequency for either 2 or 3 min corresponded with the Hg concentrations measured using the conventional method of gold amalgamation and cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometer (CVAAS). The results revealed that the QCM-Hg is a useful device for real-time Hg monitoring in actual working environments related to ASGM activities and Hg treatment facilities.