The duration of successful intubation on the first attempt of Group UG was not significantly different from that of Group SOS (34.0 ± 20.8 s vs 35.5 ± 23.2 s, P = 0.784). One patient in Group SOS had desaturation (P = 0.313), and there was none hoarseness in the two groups. Sore throat was detected in both group (4 in Group UG, 5 in Group SOS, P =0.718). Ultrasound-guided tracheal intubation was as effective as Shikani optical stylet-aided tracheal intubation in adult patients with anticipated normal airway. Chinese Clinical Trial Registry, ChiCTR-IIC-17010875 . Date of Registration 15 March 2017. Chinese Clinical Trial Registry, ChiCTR-IIC-17010875 . Date of Registration 15 March 2017. The improvements in genomics methods coupled with readily accessible high-throughput sequencing have contributed to our understanding of microbial species, metagenomes, infectious diseases and more. To maximize the impact of these genomics studies, it is important that data from biological samples will become publicly available with standardized metadata. The availability of data at public archives provides the hope that greater insights could be obtained through integration with multi-omics data, reproducibility of published studies, or meta-analyses of large diverse datasets. These datasets should include a description of the host, organism, environmental source of the specimen, spatial-temporal information and other relevant metadata, but unfortunately these attributes are often missing and when present, they show inconsistencies in the use of metadata standards and ontologies. METAGENOTE ( https// ) is a web portal that greatly facilitates the annotation of samples from genomic public resource that focuses on simplifying the annotation and submission process of data with its corresponding metadata. Users of METAGENOTE will benefit from the easy to use annotation interface but most importantly will be encouraged to publish metadata following standards and ontologies that make the public data available for reuse. METAGENOTE is a public resource that focuses on simplifying the annotation and submission process of data with its corresponding metadata. Users of METAGENOTE will benefit from the easy to use annotation interface but most importantly will be encouraged to publish metadata following standards and ontologies that make the public data available for reuse. The study of speciation has expanded with the increasing availability and affordability of high-resolution genomic data. How the genome evolves throughout the process of divergence and which regions of the genome are responsible for causing and maintaining that divergence have been central questions in recent work. Here, we use three pairs of species from the recently diverged bee hummingbird clade to investigate differences in the genome at different stages of speciation, using divergence times as a proxy for the speciation continuum. Population measures of relative differentiation between hybridizing species reveal that different chromosome types diverge at different stages of speciation. Using F as our relative measure of differentiation we found that the sex chromosome shows signs of divergence early in speciation. Next, small autosomes (microchromosomes) accumulate highly diverged genomic regions, while the large autosomes (macrochromosomes) accumulate genomic regions of divergence at a later stage the genomic locations of signatures of divergence. Argeia pugettensis is an isopod species that parasitizes other crustaceans. Its huge native geographic range spans the Pacific from China to California, but molecular data are available only for a handful of specimens from North-American populations. We sequenced and characterised the complete mitogenome of a specimen collected in the Yellow Sea. It exhibited a barcode (cox1) similarity level of only 87-89% with North-American populations, which is unusually low for conspecifics. Its mitogenome is among the largest in isopods (≈16.5 Kbp), mostly due to a large duplicated palindromic genomic segment (2 Kbp) comprising three genes. However, it lost a segment comprising three genes, nad4L-trnP-nad6, and many genes exhibited highly divergent sequences in comparison to isopod orthologues, including numerous mutations, deletions and insertions. Phylogenetic and selection analyses corroborated that this is one of the handful of most rapidly evolving available isopod mitogenomes, and that it evolves under highly ry question. Additional studies are needed to assess the phylogenetic breadth of this disrupted mitochondrial architecture and its impact on fitness. C-to-U RNA editing is prevalent in the mitochondrial and chloroplast genes in plants. The biological functions of a fraction of C-to-U editing sites are continuously discovered by case studies. However, at genome-wide level, the cis and trans determinants affecting the occurrence or editing levels of these C-to-U events are relatively less studied. What is known is that the PPR (pentatricopeptide repeat) proteins are the main trans-regulatory elements responsible for the C-to-U conversion, but other determinants especially the cis-regulatory elements remain largely uninvestigated. By analyzing the transcriptome and translatome data in Arabidopsis thaliana roots and shoots, combined with RNA-seq data from hybrids of Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabidopsis lyrata, we perform genome-wide investigation on the cis elements and trans-regulatory elements that potentially affect C-to-U editing events. An upstream guanosine or double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) regions are unfavorable for editing events. Meanwhile, many genes including the transcription factors may indirectly play regulatory roles in trans. The 5-prime thymidine facilitates editing and dsRNA structures prevent editing in cis. Many transcription factors affect editing in trans. Although the detailed molecular mechanisms underlying the cis and trans regulation remain to be experimentally verified, our findings provide novel aspects in studying the botanical C-to-U RNA editing events. The 5-prime thymidine facilitates editing and dsRNA structures prevent editing in cis. Many transcription factors affect editing in trans. Although the detailed molecular mechanisms underlying the cis and trans regulation remain to be experimentally verified, our findings provide novel aspects in studying the botanical C-to-U RNA editing events.