ons, money and parental absence from work.The global COVID-19 pandemic due to the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has challenged the availability of traditional surface disinfectants. It has also stimulated the production of ultraviolet-disinfection robots by companies and institutions. These robots are increasingly advocated as a simple solution for the immediate disinfection of rooms and spaces of all surfaces in one process and as such they seem attractive to hospital management, also because of automation and apparent cost savings by reducing cleaning staff. Yet, there true potential in the hospital setting needs to be carefully evaluated. Presently, disinfection robots do not replace routine (manual) cleaning but may complement it. Further design adjustments of hospitals and devices are needed to overcome the issue of shadowing and free the movement of robots in the hospital environment. They might in the future provide validated, reproducible and documented disinfection processes. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/FK-506-(Tacrolimus).html Further technical developments and clinical trials in a variety of hospitals are warranted to overcome the current limitations and to find ways to integrate this novel technology in to the hospitals of to-day and the future. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) represents a group of connective tissue disorders characterized by the fragility of the soft connective tissues resulting in widespread skin, ligament, joint, blood vessel and internal organ involvement. The clinical spectrum is highly variable in terms of clinical features, complications, severity, biochemical characteristics and genes mutations. The kyphoscoliotic type EDS (EDS VIA) is a rare variant of the disease, with an incidence of 1100.000 live births. EDS VIA presents at birth as severe muscular hypotonia, early onset of progressive kyphoscoliosis, marked hyperelasticity and fragility of the skin with abnormal scarring, severe joint hypermobility, luxations and osteopenia without a tendency to fractures. This condition is due to a mutation in the PLOD1 gene, and less commonly in FKBP14 gene, which results in the erroneous development of collagen molecules with consequent mechanical instability of the affected tissue. A female newborn, found to be floppy at birth, presshould be considered, including some connective diseases. The presence at the birth of kyphoscoliosis, associated with joint hypermobility and the absence of the lingual and lower lip frenulum, should suggest an EDS. Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T) is a multi-system disorder that may be associated with endocrine changes, oxidative stress in addition to inflammation. Studies suggest that selenium is a trace element related to protection against damage caused by oxidative stress. To describe the plasma levels of selenium and erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity in A-T patients and to relate them to oxidative stress and lipid status biomarkers. This is a cross-sectional and controlled study evaluating 22 A-T patients (age median, 12.2years old) matched by gender and age with 18 healthy controls. We evaluated nutritional status, food intake, plasma selenium levels, erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity, lipid status, inflammation and oxidative stress biomarkers. Adequate levels of selenium were observed in 24/36 (66.7%) in this evaluated population. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in selenium levels [47.6μg/L (43.2-57.0) vs 54.6 (45.2-62.6) μg/dL, p = 0.242]. Nine of A-T p in nearly 40% and low GPx activity in A-T patients. There was a significant, inverse and independent association between selenium concentrations and oxidative stress biomarkers. Those data reinforce the importance of assessing the nutritional status of selenium in those patients. Following surgery for soft tissue sarcoma of the retroperitoneum, the predominant pattern of failure is local recurrence, which remains the main cause of death. Radiotherapy is utilized to reduce recurrence rates but the efficacy of this strategy has not been definitely established. As treatment tolerability is more favorable with preoperative radiotherapy, normofractionated neoadjuvant treatment is the current approach. The final results of the prospective, randomized STRASS (EORTC 62092) trial, which compared the efficacy of this combined treatment to that of surgery alone, are still awaited; preliminary results presented at the 2019 ASCO Annual Meeting indicated that combined treatment is associated with better local control in patients with liposarcoma (74.5% of the cohort, 11% benefit in abdominal progression free survivalafter 3 years, p = 0.049). Particles allow better sparing of surrounding tissues at risk, e.g., bowel epithelium, and carbon ions additionally offer biologic advantages and are preferted, accelerated preoperative radiotherapy is safe and feasible. The rationale for the use of particle therapy is the potential for reduced toxicity. The data will lay the groundwork for a randomized phase III trial comparing hypofractionated proton and carbon ion irradiation with regard to local control. ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04219202 . Retrospectively registered on January 6, 2020. ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04219202 . Retrospectively registered on January 6, 2020.This study reports the comparative analyses of four Flavobacterium columnare isolates that have different virulence and antimicrobial resistance patterns. The main research goal was to reveal new insights into possible virulence genes by comparing the genomes of bacterial isolates that could induce tissue damage and mortality versus the genome of a non-virulent isolate. The results indicated that only the genomes of the virulent isolates possessed unique genes encoding amongst others a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein possibly involved in the initial colonization of tissue, and several VgrG proteins engaged in interbacterial competition. Furthermore, comparisons of genes unique for the genomes of the highly virulent (HV) carp and trout isolates versus the, respectively, low and non-virulent carp and trout isolates were performed. An important part of the identified unique virulence genes of the HV-trout isolate was located in one particular gene region identified as a genomic island. This region contained araC and nodT genes, both linked to pathogenic and multidrug-resistance, and a luxR-gene, functional in bacterial cell-to-cell communication.