All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email Recent research suggests that evaluative conditioning (EC) can change implicit evaluations of alcohol and reduce drinking behaviors among college students (Houben et al., 2010a). This research has been conceptually replicated in two previous studies. To date, however, no direct and independent replication of the original study has been performed. In this paper, we report a high-powered direct replication of Houben et al.'s (2010a) study. METHOD About 168 French college students took part in this preregistered study. Drinking behavior was assessed before and 2 weeks after the intervention. The intervention consisted of 120 trials of words related to alcoholic beverages or soft drinks paired with neutral, positive or negative pictures. The two conditions were factually equivalent and differed only in the repeated pairing between alcohol-related words and negative pictures; in the EC condition, but not in the control condition, alcohol-related words were systematically paired with negative pictures. RESULTS EC did not change participants' implicit evaluations of alcohol and drinking behaviors. However, EC reduced drinking behaviors among hazardous drinkers. Yet, further non-preregistered Bayesian analysis did not provide much support for this hypothesis. CONCLUSION This high-powered preregistered direct replication of Houben et al.'s (2010a) study suggests that the original effects are more fragile than initially thought. The effect of EC on drinking behaviors may be restricted to heavy drinkers, and we found no evidence that this effect is mediated by a change in implicit attitudes. It is necessary to perform further studies to test the original effects in clinical populations. © The Author(s) 2020. Medical Council on Alcohol and Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND Recent studies have focused initial clinical and Epidemiologic characteristics on the COVID-19, mainly revealing situation in Wuhan, Hubei. AIM To reveal more data on the epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients outside of Wuhan, in Zhejiang, China. DESIGN Retrospective case series. METHODS 88 cases of laboratory-confirmed and 3 cases of clinical-confirmed COVID-19 were admitted to five hospitals in Zhejiang province, China. Data were collected from 20 January 2020 to 11 February 2020. RESULTS Of all 91 patients, 88 (96.70%) were laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 with throat swab samples that tested positive for SARS-Cov-2 while 3 (3.30%) were clinical-diagnosed COVID-19 cases. The median age of the patients was 50 (36.5-57) years, and female accounted for 59.34%. In this sample 40 (43.96%) patients had contracted the diseases from local cases, 31 (34.07%) patients had been to Wuhan/Hubei, 8 (8.79%) cases had contacted with people from Wuhan, 11 (12.09%) cases were confirmed aircraft transmission. In particular within the city of Ningbo, 60.52% cases can be traced back to an event held in a temple. The most common symptoms were fever (71.43%), cough (60.44%) and fatigue (43.96%). The median of incubation period was 6 (IQR, 3-8) days and the median time from first visit to a doctor to confirmed diagnosis was 1 (1-2) days. According to the Chest computed tomography scans, 67.03% cases had bilateral pneumonia. CONCLUSIONS Social activity cluster, family cluster and travel by airplane were how COVID-19 patients get transmitted and could be rapidly diagnosed COVID-19 in Zhejiang. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Association of Physicians.Although the microtubule-associated protein tau is well studied in human neurodegeneration, the role of tau in neoplastic brain diseases is not well understood. Recently, studies have shown tau mRNA expression is associated with improved survival in human infiltrating gliomas. However, the biologic basis of this association is largely unexplored. Using 2 independent publicly available mRNA databases, we show that high tau mRNA expression is associated with improved patient survival in infiltrating gliomas. Higher tau protein expression is also associated with improved patient prognosis in infiltrating gliomas by immunohistochemical staining of tissue microarrays. This prognostic association is in part due to higher tau mRNA and protein expression in IDH-mutant infiltrating astrocytomas. Expression of tau in an IDH-wildtype glioblastoma cell line selectively impairs cell migration in assays designed to mimic tumor invasion. These findings suggest that tau expression is not only associated with IDH mutation status but also may contribute to improved patient outcomes by impairing tumor invasion. © 2020 American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc. All rights reserved.Type I interferons (IFNs) are known to mediate antineoplastic effects during tumor progression. Type I IFNs can be produced by multiple cell types in the tumor microenvironment; however, the molecular mechanisms by which tumor cells evade the inhibition of immune microenvironment remain unknown. Here we demonstrate that glioma stem-like cells (GSCs) evade type I IFN suppression through downregulation of STAT1 to initiate tumor growth under inhospitable conditions. The downregulation of STAT1 is mediated by MBD3, an epigenetic regulator. MBD3 is preferentially expressed in GSCs and recruits NuRD complex to STAT1 promoter to suppress STAT1 expression by histone deacetylation. Importantly, STAT1 overexpression or MBD3 depletion induces p21 transcription, resensitizes GSCs to IFN suppression, attenuates GSC tumor growth, and prolongs animal survival. Our findings demonstrate that inactivation of STAT1 signaling by MBD3/NuRD provides GSCs with a survival advantage to escape type I IFN suppression, suggesting that targeting MBD3 may represent a promising therapeutic opportunity to compromise GSC tumorigenic potential. © 2020 Zhan et al.Understanding how organisms adapt to extreme environments is fundamental and can provide insightful case studies for both evolutionary biology and climate-change biology. Here, we take advantage of the vast diversity of lifestyles in ants to identify genomic signatures of adaptation to extreme habitats such as high altitude. We hypothesised two parallel patterns would occur in a genome adapting to an extreme habitat i) strong positive selection on genes related to adaptation and, ii) a relaxation of previous purifying selection. We tested this hypothesis by sequencing the high-elevation specialist Tetramorium alpestre and four other phylogenetic related species. In support of our hypothesis, we recorded a strong shift of selective forces in T. alpestre, in particular a stronger magnitude of diversifying and relaxed selection when compared to all other ants. We further disentangled candidate molecular adaptations in both gene expression and protein-coding sequence that were identified by our genome-wide analyses.