In this descriptive pilot study, we aim to establish a porcine Staphylococcus aureus skin infection model by subcutaneous injection (s.c.) of the porcine S54F9 S. aureus strain in the groin area. Six pigs were used in the study Five pigs were injected with S. aureus, inocula ranging from 7 × 103 to 5 × 107 colony-forming units per kg bodyweight; one pig was injected with saline exclusively. Lesions were recorded up to 6 days postinoculation using clinical evaluation, ultrasound evaluation, microbiology, flow cytometry, and pathology. Inoculation gave rise to lesions ranging from localized skin infection, that is, minute histological changes, intracellular infection, and macroscopic abscess formation with sequestration of soft tissue, to generalized infection and development of disseminated intravascular coagulation necessitating euthanasia only 10 h after inoculation. Ultrasound assessment of maximum width and characteristics was not able to disclose the progress of the local infection. Flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry revealed the participation of γδT cells in the immune response. In conclusion, we did see a graded inflammatory response associated with the dose of s.c. inoculated bacteria, which may be useful for studying, in particular, the interaction of bacteria and inflammatory mononuclear cell populations. It needs to be investigated if the model is discriminatory and robust.Yoshinone A was derived from marine algae and shown to inhibit adipogenic differentiation. The natural compound is composed of a γ-pyrone ring and a side chain and that contains two asymmetric carbons. Although their absolute configuration has been determined, there is no information available on the stereoisomers and their bioactivities. To address this question, we synthesized all four stereoisomers and measured their activities. We also prepared three more derivatives of yoshinone A and found that the stereo-configuration inside the side chain, the γ-pyrone ring, and bulkiness of the side chain all played important roles in its activity. Our findings should help to elucidate the mechanism of action of yoshinone A.Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as a novel cell-free strategy for the treatment of many diseases including cancer. As a result of their natural properties to mediate cell-to-cell communication and their high physiochemical stability and biocompatibility, EVs are considered as excellent delivery vehicles for a variety of therapeutic agents such as nucleic acids and proteins, drugs, and nanomaterials. Increasing studies have shown that EVs can be modified, engineered, or designed to improve their efficiency, specificity, and safety for cancer therapy. Herein, a comprehensive overview of the recent advances in the strategies and methodologies of engineering EVs for scalable production and improved cargo-loading and tumor-targeting is provided. Additionally, the potential applications of engineered EVs in cancer therapy are discussed by presenting prominent examples, and the opportunities and challenges for translating engineered EVs into clinical practice are evaluated.Goose is an important type of domesticated poultry. The wild geese that are regarded as the ancestors of modern domestic geese present gray plumage. Domesticated, geese have both white and gray feathers. To elucidate the genetic mechanisms underlying the formation of white and gray plumage in geese, we resequenced the whole genome of 18 geese from six populations including white and gray goose breeds. The average sequencing depth per individual was 9.81× and the average genome coverage was 96.8%. A total of 346 genes were detected in the top 1% of FST scores of gray- and white-feathered geese, and a significant FST site was located in the intron region within the KIT gene, the 18 bp deletion in KIT having the strongest potential association with white feathers. It has been reported that a number of genes are associated with plumage colors in birds. However, no studies have identified the relationship between KIT and plumage color in birds at present, although the white coat can be attributed to mutations in KIT in some mammals. Our study showed that that KIT is a plausible candidate gene for white/gray plumage color in Chinese domestic geese.Complex organisms are able to respond to diverse environmental cues by rapidly inducing specific transcriptional programs comprising a few dozen genes among thousands. The highly complex environment within the nucleus-a crowded milieu containing large genomes tightly condensed with histone proteins in the form of chromatin-makes inducible transcription a challenge for the cell, akin to the proverbial needle in a haystack. The different signaling pathways and transcription factors involved in the transmission of information from the cell surface to the nucleus have been readily explored, but not so much the specific mechanisms employed by the cell to ultimately instruct the chromatin changes necessary for a fast and robust transcription activation. Signaling pathways rely on cascades of protein kinases that, in addition to activating transcription factors can also activate the chromatin template by phosphorylating histone proteins, what we refer to as "signaling-to-chromatin." These pathways appear to be selectively employed and especially critical for driving inducible transcription in macrophages and likely in diverse other immune cell populations. Here, we discuss signaling-to-chromatin pathways with potential relevance in diverse immune cell populations together with chromatin related mechanisms that help to "solve" the needle in a haystack challenge of robust chromatin activation and inducible transcription. The aim of this study was to identify the clinical characteristics of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 and the existing nursing problems based on the Omaha System, and to establish a comprehensive nursing care management plan by determining the nursing interventions and care outcomes. This study used a descriptive cross-sectional design. This study was conducted in a training and research hospital with 25 non-intubated COVID-19 inpatients between 6 April and 13 May 2020 in Turkey. Data were collected using a Socio-demographic and Clinical Characteristics Form, the COVID-19 Response Separate Guidelines and the Omaha System and Nightingale Notes software. Data were analysed using descriptive statistical tests and the chi-square method. Using the Omaha System, it was shown that the patients' most common problems were communicable/infectious condition, respiration, circulation, pain, nutrition, personal care and substance use respectively. The most common signs and symptoms were signs of infection, fever, cough, respiratory distress and pain.