Interestingly, Dnmt3b+/CI and Dnmt3bCI/CI mice survived postnatal development and were affected by B-cell rather than T-cell malignancies with decreased penetrance. Genome-wide hypomethylation, increased expression of oncogenes such as Jdp2, STAT1 and Trip13, and p53 down-regulation were major events contributing to Dnmt3b+/- lymphoma development. We conclude that Dnmt3b catalytic activity is critical to prevent B-cell transformation in vivo whereas accessory and/or methylation-independent repressive functions are important to prevent T-cell transformation.Production of amyloid β-protein (Aβ) is carried out by the membrane-embedded γ-secretase complex. Mutations in the transmembrane domain of amyloid β-protein precursor (APP) associated with early-onset familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) can alter the ratio of aggregation-prone 42-residue Aβ (Aβ42) to 40-residue Aβ (Aβ40). However, APP substrate is proteolyzed processively by γ-secretase along two pathways Aβ49→Aβ46→Aβ43→Aβ40 and Aβ48→Aβ45→Aβ42→Aβ38. Effects of FAD mutations on each proteolytic step are unknown, largely due to difficulties in detecting and quantifying longer Aβ peptides. To address this, we carried out systematic and quantitative analyses of all tri- and tetrapeptide co-products from proteolysis of wild-type and 14 FAD-mutant APP substrates by purified γ-secretase. These small peptides, including FAD-mutant forms, were detected by tandem mass spectrometry and quantified by establishing concentration curves for each of 32 standards. APP intracellular domain (AICD) co-products were quantified by immunoblot, and the ratio of AICD products corresponding to Aβ48 and Aβ49 were determined by mass spectrometry. Levels of individual Aβ peptides were determined by subtracting levels of peptide co-products associated with degradation from those associated with production. This method was validated for Aβ40 and Aβ42 by specific ELISAs and production of equimolar levels of Aβ and AICD. Not all mutant substrates led to increased Aβ42/40. However, all 14 disease-causing mutations led to inefficient processing of longer forms of Aβ ≥ 45 residues. In addition, the effects of certain mutations provided insight into the mechanism of processive proteolysis intermediate Aβ peptides apparently remain bound for subsequent trimming and are not released and reassociated.Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a significant threat in both healthcare and industrial biofouling. Surface attachment of P. aeruginosa is particularly problematic as surface association induces virulence and is necessary for the ensuing process of biofilm formation, which hampers antibiotic treatments. Previous efforts have searched for dispersal agents of mature biofilm collectives, but there are no known factors that specifically disperse individual surface-attached P. aeruginosa. In this study we develop a quantitative single-cell surface-dispersal assay and use it to show that P. aeruginosa itself produces factors that can stimulate its dispersal. Through bioactivity-guided fractionation, Mass Spectrometry, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, we elucidated the structure of one such factor, 2-methyl-4-hydroxyquinoline (MHQ). MHQ is an alkyl-quinolone with a previously unknown activity and is synthesized by the PqsABC enzymes. Pure MHQ is sufficient to disperse P. aeruginosa, but the dispersal activity of natural P. aeruginosa conditioned media requires additional factors. Whereas other alkyl quinolones have been shown to act as antibiotics or membrane depolarizers, MHQ lacks these activities and known antibiotics do not induce dispersal. In contrast, we show that MHQ inhibits the activity of Type IV Pili (TFP) and that TFP targeting can explain its dispersal activity. Our work thus identifies single-cell surface dispersal as a new activity of P. aeruginosa-produced small molecules, characterizes MHQ as a promising dispersal agent, and establishes TFP inhibition as a viable mechanism for P. aeruginosa dispersal.Pathogenic microorganisms often reside in glycan-based biofilms. Concentration and chain length distribution of these mostly anionic exopolysaccharides (EPS) determine the overall biophysical properties of a biofilm and result in a highly viscous environment. Bacterial communities regulate this biofilm state via intracellular small-molecule signaling to initiate EPS synthesis. Reorganization or degradation of this glycan matrix, however, requires the action of extracellular glycosidases. So far, these were mainly described for bacteriophages that must degrade biofilms for gaining access to host bacteria. The plant pathogen Pantoea stewartii (P. stewartii) encodes the protein WceF within its EPS synthesis cluster. WceF has homologs in various biofilm forming plant pathogens of the Erwinia family. In this work we show that WceF is a glycosidase active on stewartan, the main P. stewartii EPS biofilm component. WceF has remarkable structural similarity with bacteriophage tailspike proteins (TSPs). Crystal structure analysis showed a native trimer of right-handed parallel β-helices. Despite of its similar fold, WceF lacks the high stability found in bacteriophage TSPs. WceF is a stewartan hydrolase and produces oligosaccharides, corresponding to single stewartan repeat units. However, compared to a stewartan-specific glycan hydrolase of bacteriophage origin, WceF showed lectin-like autoagglutination with stewartan, resulting in notably slower EPS cleavage velocities. This emphasizes that the bacterial enzyme WceF has a role in P. stewartii biofilm glycan matrix reorganization clearly different from that of a bacteriophage exopolysaccharide depolymerase.Protein tyrosine phosphorylation regulates the production of capsular polysaccharide, an essential virulence factor of the deadly pathogen Vibrio vulnificus. The process requires the protein tyrosine kinase Wzc and its cognate phosphatase Wzb, both of which are largely uncharacterized. Herein, we report the structures of Wzb of V. vulnificus (VvWzb) in free and ligand-bound forms. VvWzb belongs to the low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase (LMWPTP) family. Interestingly, it contains an extra four-residue insertion in the W-loop, distinct from all known LMWPTPs. The W-loop of VvWzb protrudes from the protein body in the free structure, but undergoes significant conformational changes to fold toward the active site upon ligand binding. Deleting the four-residue insertion from the W-loop severely impaired the enzymatic activity of VvWzb, indicating its importance for optimal catalysis. However, mutating individual residues or even substituting the whole insertion with four alanine residues only modestly decreased the enzymatic activity, suggesting that the contribution of the insertion to catalysis is not determined by the sequence specificity.