In this work, a novel current metering device was presented. This device was intended to bring current metering capabilities to a wide variety of scenarios Developing countries, rural areas, or any situation with technological constraints. The device was designed to provide a straightforward installation with no intrusion in the electrical panels. This was achieved by applying energy harvesting techniques and wireless communication technology for data transmission. The device was able to exploit the magnetic field inducted around a wire carrying electricity as energy harvesting, thus acquiring the power it needed to work. Since very low power was harvested, an efficient treatment for the incoming power and a minimal power consumption system were essential. Although exploiting the magnetic fields inducted around a wire has been used for years, the combination of this technology for both energy harvesting and current metering in an end-user device was off-center. To work in a wide variety of scenarios, it used Sigfox for communications as this brought wide coverage and out-of-the-box functioning. The theoretical design of the device was validated by verification assessments for the joint performance of the individual parts compounding the device, including metering capabilities and wireless communication test-bench. Finally, the metering device was tested under three distinct real-world scenarios that demonstrated the viability of the system. Results show that, depending on the metering period and the average current value in the mains line, the device could work forever acquiring and sending electricity consumption data. Perpetual working was achieved with an average current of 3.1 A to meter every 15 min, and an average current of 5 A for a 5-min metering period.Encapsulating CdS quantum dots (QDs) into zeolitic imidazole framework-8 (ZIF-8) can offer several advantages for photocatalysis. Various types of capping agents have been used to encapsulate QDs into ZIF-8 nanopores. An effective method for encapsulating CdS QDs into ZIF-8 is to use 2-mercaptoimidazole as the capping agent. This is because 2-mercaptoimidazole is similar to the imidazolate ligands of ZIFs and can used for capping active species with simultaneous encapsulation during the crystal growth of ZIF-8. Compared to other widely used capping agents such as polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), using 2-mercaptoimidazole for encapsulating CdS QDs into ZIF-8 revealed photocatalytic effects along with the molecular sieving effect when using differently sized molecular redox mediators such as methyl viologen (MV2+) and diquat (DQ2+).Trichophyton rubrum is causing an increasing number of invasive infections, especially in immunocompromised and diabetic patients. The fungal invasive infectious process is complex and has not yet been fully elucidated. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms during the interaction of macrophages and T. rubrum. For this purpose, we used a co-culture of previously germinated and heat-inactivated T. rubrum conidia placed in contact with human macrophages cell line THP-1 for 24 h. This interaction led to a higher level of release of interleukins IL-6, IL-2, nuclear factor kappa beta (NF-κB) and an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, demonstrating the cellular defense by macrophages against dead fungal elements. Cell viability assays showed that 70% of macrophages remained viable during co-culture. Human microRNA expression is involved in fungal infection and may modulate the immune response. Thus, the macrophage expression profile of microRNAs during co-culture revealed the modulation of 83 microRNAs, with repression of 33 microRNAs and induction of 50 microRNAs. These data were analyzed using bioinformatics analysis programs and the modulation of the expression of some microRNAs was validated by qRT-PCR. In silico analysis showed that the target genes of these microRNAs are related to the inflammatory response, oxidative stress, apoptosis, drug resistance, and cell proliferation.This paper studies the degradation of methiocarb, a highly hazardous pesticide found in waters and wastewaters, through an electro-Fenton process, using a boron-doped diamond anode and a carbon felt cathode; and evaluates its potential to reduce toxicity towards the model organism Daphnia magna. The influence of applied current density and type and concentration of added iron source, Fe2(SO4)3·5H2O or FeCl3·6H2O, is assessed in the degradation experiments of methiocarb aqueous solutions. The experimental results show that electro-Fenton can be successfully used to degrade methiocarb and to reduce its high toxicity towards D. magna. Total methiocarb removal is achieved at the applied electric charge of 90 C, and a 450× reduction in the acute toxicity towards D. magna, on average, from approximately 900 toxic units to 2 toxic units, is observed at the end of the experiments. No significant differences are found between the two iron sources studied. At the lowest applied anodic current density, 12.5 A m-2, an increase in iron concentration led to lower methiocarb removal rates, but the opposite is found at the highest applied current densities. The highest organic carbon removal is obtained at the lowest applied current density and added iron concentration.Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is not only a valuable tool for understanding nuclear reprogramming, but it also facilitates the generation of genetically modified animals. However, the development of SCNT embryos has remained an uncontrollable process. It was reported that the SCNT embryos that complete the first cell division sooner are more likely to develop to the blastocyst stage, suggesting their better developmental competence. Therefore, to better understand the underlying molecular mechanisms, RNA-seq of pig SCNT embryos that were early-dividing (24 h postactivation) and late-dividing (36 h postactivation) was performed. Our analysis revealed that early- and late-dividing embryos have distinct RNA profiles, and, in all, 3077 genes were differentially expressed. Gene ontology (GO)and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) analyses revealed that early-dividing embryos exhibited higher expression in genes that participated in the meiotic cell cycle, while enrichment of RNA processing- and translation-related genes was found in late-dividing embryos.