Fluoxetine is among the most prescribed antidepressant drugs worldwide. Nevertheless, limited information is known about its definitive mechanism. Although in vivo examinations performed directly in related brain structures can provide more realistic, and therefore more insightful, knowledge regarding the mechanisms and efficacy of this drug, only a few techniques are applicable for in vivo monitoring of metabolic alterations in the brain following an inducement. Among them, solid phase microextraction (SPME) and microdialysis (MD) have emerged as ideal in vivo tools for extraction of information from biosystems. In this investigation, we scrutinized the capabilities of SPME and MD to detect ongoing changes in the brain following acute fluoxetine administration. Sequential in vivo samples were collected simultaneously from male rats' hippocampi using SPME and MD before drug administration in order to establish a baseline; then samples were collected again following fluoxetine administration for an investigation of small molecule alterations. Our results indicate that MD provides more comprehensive information for polar compounds, while SPME provides superior information with respect to lipids and other medium level polar molecules. Interestingly, in the lipidomic investigation, all dysregulated features were found to be membrane lipids and associated compounds. Moreover, in the metabolomic investigations, dysregulation of hippocampal metabolite levels associated with fatty acid transportation and purine metabolisms were among the most notable findings. Overall, our evaluation of the obtained data corroborates that, when used in tandem, SPME and MD are capable of providing comprehensive information regarding the effect of fluoxetine in targeted brain structures and further elucidating this drug's mechanisms of action in the brain.A new cobalt metal-organic framework (2D-Co-MOF) based on well-defined layered double cores that are strongly connected by intermolecular bonds has been developed. Its 3D structure is held together by π-π stacking interactions between the labile pyridine ligands of the nanosheets. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/pmsf-phenylmethylsulfonyl-fluoride.html In aqueous solution, the axial pyridine ligands are exchanged by water molecules, producing a delamination of the material, where the individual double nanosheets preserve their structure. The original 3D layered structure can be restored by a solvothermal process with pyridine, so that the material shows a "memory effect" during the delamination-pillarization process. Electrochemical activation of a 2D-Co-MOF@Nafion-modified graphite electrode in aqueous solution improves the ionic migration and electron transfer across the film and promotes the formation of the electrocatalytically active cobalt species for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). The so-activated 2D-Co-MOF@Nafion composite exhibits an outstanding electrocatalytic performance for the OER at neutral pH, with a TOF value (0.034 s-1 at an overpotential of 400 mV) and robustness superior to those reported for similar electrocatalysts under similar conditions. The particular topology of the delaminated nanosheets, with quite distant cobalt centers, precludes the direct coupling between the electrocatalytically active centers of the same sheet. On the other hand, the increase in ionic migration across the film during the electrochemical activation stage rules out the intersheet coupling between active cobalt centers, as this scenario would impair electrolyte permeation. Altogether, the most plausible mechanism for the O-O bond formation is the water nucleophilic attack to single Co(IV)-oxo or Co(III)-oxyl centers. Its high electrochemical efficiency suggests that the presence of nitrogen-containing aromatic equatorial ligands facilitates the water nucleophilic attack, as in the case of the highly efficient cobalt porphyrins.The recently described O-glycoprotease OpeRATOR presents exciting opportunities for O-glycoproteomics. This bacterial enzyme purified from Akkermansia muciniphila cleaves N-terminally to serine and threonine residues that are modified with (preferably asialylated) O-glycans. This provides orthogonal cleavage relative to canonical proteases (e.g., trypsin) for improved O-glycopeptide characterization with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). O-glycopeptides with a modified N-terminal residue, such as those generated by OpeRATOR, present several potential benefits, perhaps the most notable being de facto O-glycosite localization without the need of glycan-retaining fragments in MS/MS spectra. Indeed, O-glycopeptides modified exclusively at the N-terminus would enable O-glycoproteomic methods to rely solely on collision-based fragmentation rather than electron-driven dissociation because glycan-retaining peptide fragments would not be required for localization. The caveat is that modified peptides would need to reliably contain only a single O-glycosite. Here, we use methods that combine collision- and electron-based fragmentation to characterize the number of O-glycosites that are present in O-glycopeptides derived from the OpeRATOR digestion of four known O-glycoproteins. Our data show that over 50% of O-glycopeptides in our sample generated from combined digestion using OpeRATOR and trypsin contain multiple O-glycosites, indicating that collision-based fragmentation alone is not sufficient. Electron-based dissociation methods are necessary to capture the O-glycopeptide diversity present in OpeRATOR digestions.A new method for the concurrent treatment of Cr(VI)-contaminated wastewater and production of the useful I2 chemical was developed. The method is based on the redox reaction between Cr(VI) and I- that occurs when an aqueous wastewater solution containing Cr(VI) and I- is frozen, producing I2 and allowing for the effective removal of Cr. The redox reaction occurs primarily because of the accumulation of Cr(VI), I-, and protons in the ice grain boundaries formed during freezing (i.e., the freeze concentration effect). This effect was verified by confocal Raman spectroscopy and the experiments varying I- concentration and pH. The reduction of Cr(VI) (20 μM) was near complete after freezing at I- concentrations ≥ 100 μM, pH ≤ 3.0, and temperatures ≤ -10 °C. The freezing method (liquid cooling vs air cooling) had little effect on the final Cr(VI) reduction efficiency but had a significant effect on the Cr(VI) reduction rate. The freezing method was also tested with Cr(VI)-contaminated electroplating wastewater samples, and simultaneous Cr(VI) reduction and I2 production proceeded rapidly in a frozen solution but was not observed in an aqueous solution.