These improvements correspond with moderate to large within-group effect sizes and 43-47 % of the patients experienced clinically relevant pain reductions. About half or more of patients across the three countries were categorized as responders for pain and objective function following the implementation of GLAD®. These findings indicate positive patient outcomes associated with GLAD® participation across varying health care systems from implementation of guideline-based patient education and exercise therapy for knee and hip OA. About half or more of patients across the three countries were categorized as responders for pain and objective function following the implementation of GLAD®. These findings indicate positive patient outcomes associated with GLAD® participation across varying health care systems from implementation of guideline-based patient education and exercise therapy for knee and hip OA. To compare the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) and Articular Cartilage Structure (ACS) grading schemes applied to multiple and single sections, along with additional histologic measures, in two mouse models of Osteoarthritis (OA). Six coronal histologic stifle joint sections were collected from 40 C57BL/6J mice, including aged mice with spontaneous OA (approximately 18 months of age; n=15) and young (12-week-old) mice that either underwent destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) surgery (n=15) or sham surgery (n=10). Sections were evaluated with the standard OARSI (0-6) scheme, a modified OARSI scheme, the ACS (0-12) scheme, histomorphometry of cartilage and bone, and scoring of osteophytes (0-3) and synovial hyperplasia (0-3). Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to determine the features explaining the greatest variability among the sections. The grading schemes performed similarly when applied to a single mid-coronal section or six total coronal sections per joint. OARSI grading produced similar results when applied to hematoxylin and eosin or toluidine blue-stained sections. Aged mice had higher severity scores in the LTP than DMM mice (mid-coronal OARSI grade aged=2.3 and DMM=1.1, p=0.0006; ACS grade aged=4.1 and DMM=1.6, p=0.0024). PCA resulted in retention of four factors that accounted for 78.4% of the total variance. Factor 1 (36.4%) included the OARSI grade, ACS grade, Toluidine blue grade, articular cartilage area and thickness and the osteophyte grade. Grading of a single mid-coronal section using either the OARSI or ACS schemes combined with osteophyte and histomorphometric measures can consistently define OA severity in mice. Grading of a single mid-coronal section using either the OARSI or ACS schemes combined with osteophyte and histomorphometric measures can consistently define OA severity in mice. Determine the role of the extracellular matrix protease ADAMTS5 in development of the trabeculated bone of the mandibular condyle. The mandibular condyles of wild type and mice deficient in the protease ADAMTS5 were examined for histopathology with Safranin O staining. Microcomputed tomography was performed to analyze the developing bone of the mandibular condyle. RNAscope and immunohistochemistry were utilized to investigate cell type and extracellular matrix expression. Mice deficient in Adamts5, (Adamts5 ) exhibit an increase in trabecular separation (n=37 wild type; n=27 P<0.0001) and reduction of trabecular thickness P=0.0116 and bone volume fraction P=0.0869 in the mandibular condylar head compared to wild type littermates. The altered bone parameters were more pronounced in male Adamts5 mice compared to female Adamts5 mice (TbSp; P=0.03). Adamts5 was co-expressed with versican and Gli1 in mesenchymal, stem-like cells in the transition zone where the trabeculated bone is adjacent to mature hypertrophic chondrocytes. Loss of Adamts5 caused a reduction of Bglap expressing osteoblasts throughout mandibular condylar development and in young adult mice. The protease Mmp13, that is involved in mineralization and is expressed by hypertrophic chondrocytes and osteoblasts, was reduced in the mandibular condyle of Adamts5 deficient mice. This is the first report of a novel and critical role for Adamts5 in bone formation within the mandibular condyle of the temporomandibular joint. These data indicate Adamts5 may be required in the transdifferentiation of hypertrophic chondrocytes to osteoblasts during trabecular bone formation in development of the mandibular condyle. This is the first report of a novel and critical role for Adamts5 in bone formation within the mandibular condyle of the temporomandibular joint. These data indicate Adamts5 may be required in the transdifferentiation of hypertrophic chondrocytes to osteoblasts during trabecular bone formation in development of the mandibular condyle. Guidelines on the early introduction of allergen-containing foods are evolving; however, little national data exist defining current allergen-feeding practices. To investigate the consumption rates of foods containing egg and peanut among infants and toddlers before the guideline changes in2017. The Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study 2016 was conducted nationally among 3235 caregivers with a child under 4 years of age. The 24-hour dietary recalls were reviewed for peanut or egg ingredients. Participants were categorized as "consuming peanut or egg-containing foods" or "not consuming peanut or egg-containing foods." Data on physician-diagnosed food allergies and avoidance were collected. The consumption rates of peanut- and egg-containing foods were low. For the age group of 4 to 5.9 months, 0.3% reported peanut consumption and 2.4% reported egg consumption. For the age group of 6 to 8.9 months, 0.9% reported eating peanut-containing foods and 13.0% egg, and for the age group of 9 to 11.9 months, 5.5% nsuming peanut on the 24-hour recall day. In addition, reported egg consumption was low and increased with age. These results serve as an important baseline comparison for future studies evaluating the implementation and impact of early peanut and egg introduction.