Titanium oxide materials have multiple functions such as photocatalytic and photovoltaic effects. Ferroelectrics provide access to light energy conversion that delivers above-bandgap voltages arising from spatial inversion symmetry breaking, whereas their wide bandgap leads to poor absorption of visible light. Bandgap narrowing offers a potential solution, but this material modification suppresses spontaneous polarization and, hence, sacrifices photovoltages. Here, we report successive-redox mediated ferrophotovoltaics that exhibit a robust visible-light response. Our single-crystal experiments and ab initio calculations, along with photo-luminescence analysis, demonstrate that divalent Fe2+ and trivalent Fe3+ coexisted in a prototypical ferroelectric barium titanate BaTiO3 introduce donor and acceptor levels, respectively, and that two sequential Fe3+/Fe2+ redox reactions enhance the photogenerated power not only under visible light but also at photon energies greater than the bandgap. Our approach opens a promising route to the visible-light activation of photovoltaics and, potentially, of photocatalysts.Hypoxic damage to the developing brain due to preterm birth causes many anatomical changes, including damage to the periventricular white matter. This results in the loss of glial cells, significant disruptions in myelination, and thereby cognitive and behavioral disabilities seen throughout life. Encouragingly, these neurological morbidities can be improved by environmental factors; however, the underlying cellular mechanisms remain unknown. We found that early and continuous environmental enrichment selectively enhances endogenous repair of the developing white matter by promoting oligodendroglial maturation, myelination, and functional recovery after perinatal brain injury. These effects require increased exposure to socialization, physical activity, and cognitive enhancement of surroundings-a complete enriched environment. Using RNA-sequencing, we identified oligodendroglial-specific responses to hypoxic brain injury, and uncovered molecular mechanisms involved in enrichment-induced recovery. Together, these results indicate that myelin plasticity induced by modulation of the neonatal environment can be targeted as a therapeutic strategy for preterm birth.Nuclear receptor (NR) transcription factors use a conserved activation function-2 (AF-2) helix 12 mechanism for agonist-induced coactivator interaction and NR transcriptional activation. In contrast, ligand-induced corepressor-dependent NR repression appears to occur through structurally diverse mechanisms. We report two crystal structures of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) in an inverse agonist/corepressor-bound transcriptionally repressive conformation. Helix 12 is displaced from the solvent-exposed active conformation and occupies the orthosteric ligand-binding pocket enabled by a conformational change that doubles the pocket volume. Paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) NMR and chemical crosslinking mass spectrometry confirm the repressive helix 12 conformation. PRE NMR also defines the mechanism of action of the corepressor-selective inverse agonist T0070907, and reveals that apo-helix 12 exchanges between transcriptionally active and repressive conformations-supporting a fundamental hypothesis in the NR field that helix 12 exchanges between transcriptionally active and repressive conformations.Skyrmions, magnetic textures with topological stability, hold promises for high-density and energy-efficient information storage devices owing to their small size and low driving-current density. Precise creation of a single nanoscale skyrmion is a prerequisite to further understand the skyrmion physics and tailor skyrmion-based applications. Here, we demonstrate the creation of individual skyrmions at zero-field in an exchange-biased magnetic multilayer with exposure to soft X-rays. In particular, a single skyrmion with 100-nm size can be created at the desired position using a focused X-ray spot of sub-50-nm size. This single skyrmion creation is driven by the X-ray-induced modification of the antiferromagnetic order and the corresponding exchange bias. Furthermore, artificial skyrmion lattices with various arrangements can be patterned using X-ray. These results demonstrate the potential of accurate optical control of single skyrmion at sub-100 nm scale. We envision that X-ray could serve as a versatile tool for local manipulation of magnetic orders.Stochastic pulsing of gene expression can generate phenotypic diversity in a genetically identical population of cells, but it is unclear whether it has a role in the development of multicellular systems. Here, we show how stochastic pulsing of gene expression enables spatial patterns to form in a model multicellular system, Bacillus subtilis bacterial biofilms. We use quantitative microscopy and time-lapse imaging to observe pulses in the activity of the general stress response sigma factor σB in individual cells during biofilm development. Both σB and sporulation activity increase in a gradient, peaking at the top of the biofilm, even though σB represses sporulation. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/sd-208.html As predicted by a simple mathematical model, increasing σB expression shifts the peak of sporulation to the middle of the biofilm. Our results demonstrate how stochastic pulsing of gene expression can play a key role in pattern formation during biofilm development.Cyclic cGMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) is a pattern recognition cytosolic DNA sensor that is essential for cellular senescence. cGAS promotes inflammatory senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) through recognizing cytoplasmic chromatin during senescence. cGAS-mediated inflammation is essential for the antitumor effects of immune checkpoint blockade. However, the mechanism by which cGAS recognizes cytoplasmic chromatin is unknown. Here we show that topoisomerase 1-DNA covalent cleavage complex (TOP1cc) is both necessary and sufficient for cGAS-mediated cytoplasmic chromatin recognition and SASP during senescence. TOP1cc localizes to cytoplasmic chromatin and TOP1 interacts with cGAS to enhance the binding of cGAS to DNA. Retention of TOP1cc to cytoplasmic chromatin depends on its stabilization by the chromatin architecture protein HMGB2. Functionally, the HMGB2-TOP1cc-cGAS axis determines the response of orthotopically transplanted ex vivo therapy-induced senescent cells to immune checkpoint blockade in vivo.