The enhancement mechanism relies on the oxygen-coordinated Co-O-Pt dimer coupling, which can mutually optimize the electronic states of both Pt and Co sites to weaken H* binding. Namely, the "mute" Co single-atom is activated by Pt single-atom and the activity of the Pt atom is further enhanced through the dimer interaction. This strategy of nonbonding interactive dimer sites and the oxygen-mediated catalytic mechanisms provide emerging rich opportunities for greatly improving the catalytic efficiency and developing novel catalysts with creating new electronic states.Energy homeostasis is controlled by an intricate regulatory system centred in the brain. The peripheral adiposity signals insulin and leptin play a crucial role in this system by informing the brain of the energy status of the body and mediating their catabolic effects through signal transduction in hypothalamic areas that control food intake, energy expenditure and glucose metabolism. Disruptions of insulin and leptin signalling can result in diabetes and obesity. The central signalling cross-talk between insulin and leptin is essential for maintenance of normal healthy energy homeostasis. An important role of leptin in glucoregulation has been revealed. Typically regarded as being controlled by insulin, the control of glucose homeostasis critically depends on functional leptin action. Leptin, on the other hand, is able to lower glucose levels in the absence of insulin, although insulin is necessary for long-term stabilisation of euglycaemia. Evidence from rodent models and human patients suggests that leptin improves insulin sensitivity in type 1 diabetes. The signalling cross-talk between insulin and leptin is likely conveyed by the WNT/β-catenin pathway. Leptin activates WNT/β-catenin signalling, leading to inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3β, a key inhibitor of insulin action, thereby facilitating improved insulin signal transduction and sensitisation of insulin action. Interestingly, insights into the roles of insulin and leptin in insects and fish indicate that leptin may have initially evolved as a glucoregulatory hormone and that its anorexigenic and body weight regulatory function was acquired throughout evolution. Furthermore, the regulation of both central and peripheral control of energy homeostasis is tightly controlled by the circadian clock, allowing adaptation of homeostatic processes to environmental cues. Peripartum depression (PND) impairs mother-infant boding and perceived social support, yet limited research has examined if women at-riskfor PND(AR-PND) also experience impairment. We examined if pregnant women AR-PND, women with PND, and healthy comparison women (HCW) differed in their mother-infant bonding and social support. As PND is highly comorbid with anxiety, we also examined if peripartum anxiety impacted postpartum diagnosis of PND. A total of 144 pregnant women AR-PND or euthymic were assessed twice antepartum and twice postpartum. We utilized regression models to examine the impact of PND risk group status and diagnostic status on mother-infant bonding and perceived social support postpartum. We conducted a sensitivity analysis using a generalized estimating equations model to determine if anxiety (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, HAM-A) across all four time points was associated with the postpartum diagnosis of PND. Women AR-PND experienced significantly worse mother-infant bonding compared to HCW (p = .03). Women diagnosed with PND experienced significantly worse mother-infant bonding and social support compared to HCW (p = .001, p = .002, respectively) and to those who were at-risk for but did not develop PND (p = .02, p = .008, respectively). HAM-A severity at each visit was associated with PND diagnosis status, where each increase in HAM-A was associated with 15% increased odds of being diagnosed with PND postpartum. Both women AR-PND and those with PND experience worse mother-infant bonding. Peripartum anxiety should also be assessed as it represents a marker for later PND. Both women AR-PND and those with PND experience worse mother-infant bonding. Peripartum anxiety should also be assessed as it represents a marker for later PND. Dried extracts of Piper methysticum G. Forst, also known as kava, has been widely used due to its anxiolytic and sedative properties. In order to assure the quality of these extracts, it is essential to accurately quantify kavalactones, known as the active principle. To develop and validate an analytical method for the simultaneous quantification of six major kavalactones (kavain, dihydrokavain, methysticin, dihydromethysticin, yangonin and demethoxyyangonin) in kava extracts, comparing multi-standards and single standard validation approaches. Separation was performed using a C18 column, water/methanol/acetonitrile/2-propanol (66070918v/v/v/v) and detection at 245 and 350nm. A full method validation was performed, employing analytical standards for each compound. Commercial kava dried extracts were assayed and the results obtained using the method validated for six kavalactone standards were compared with those obtained when only kavain was used as standard. Baseline resolution for all kavalactones wted variety "noble Kava" and the toxic "two-day Kava".Development of a flexible pressure sensor is crucial for the future improvement of the wearable electronic devices designed to detect dynamic human motion. In this study, a novel pressure sensor with remarkably improved force sensing characteristics is obtained through combined usage of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and ionic liquid (IL). Keratin is dispersed homogeneously in the PDMS matrix to serve as a reinforcing filler. High conductivity IL is employed as sensitivity-enhancing constituent in the elastomer, and the effect of the amount of IL on elastomers' pressure-sensing performance is investigated. The elastomer with 70 parts per hundred rubber (phr) IL shows excellent pressure-sensing performance. This novel pressure sensor demonstrates high linear sensitivity (0.037 kPa-1 ) in the large pressure region of 0-10 kPa. Response and recovery times are 8 and 11 ms, respectively, which are much shorter than previously reported. Moreover, the pressure sensor could distinguish different pressures via stable sensing signals in the pressure range of 0 to 50 kPa.