In a previous study in 2016, we presented how 129I in coral cores from the east (Baler) and west (Parola) sides of the Philippines recorded the impacts of human nuclear activities, including nuclear weapons testing, nuclear fuel reprocessing, and nuclear accidents. However, the 2016 Baler dataset only had a two-year time resolution and a crude age model based on growth band counting. Here we present a new 2020 Baler 129I/127I atomic ratio dataset that features at least annual time resolution and a more accurate age model constructed using 3D X-ray Computed Tomography. Results show that the bomb peaks in Baler primarily came from the Pacific Proving Grounds or PPG with a time lag of about 1.8 years (or more specifically, between 1.3 and 2.4 years). Moreover, a review of the Parola dataset shows that PPG signals may have been transported to Parola in the West Philippine Sea via two pathways the northward and southward bifurcations of the North Equatorial Current, reaching Parola about 4.5 and 8.5 years after detonation, respectively. Moreover, a prominent peak in the year 2014.7 in Baler possibly came from the 2011 Fukushima Accident, transported by the Kuroshio Recirculation Gyre and the North Pacific Mode Waters with a 3.5-year time lag. This study contributes to the understanding of the impact and transport of human-made radionuclides to the Philippines and the relevant oceanographic processes in the Western Equatorial Pacific region.Educational media often contain fantastical information. Although some prior research suggests that this information interferes with children's learning, other work shows that fantasy benefits learning under certain circumstances. To investigate this issue and to clarify how different types of fantastical events might affect children's learning, we presented preschoolers (N = 99 in Study 1; N = 101 in Study 2) with stories that contained events that violated real-world physical laws, violated real-world biological laws, or did not violate any real-world laws. Within each story, we embedded two pieces of educational information, one each from the domains of biology and physics, to test (a) whether there are benefits of fantastical information on learning and (b) whether such benefits are domain specific. Across both studies, we found that children generally learned both types of information best from the story with physical violations, suggesting that such events can bolster children's learning.Acoustic cavitation and sonochemical reactions play a significant role in various applications of ultrasound. A number of dosimetry methods are in practice to quantify the amount of radicals generated by acoustic cavitation. In this study, hydroxyl radical (OH) yields measured by Weissler, Fricke and terephthalic acid dosimetry methods have been compared to evaluate the validities of these methods using a 490 kHz high frequency sonochemical reactor. The OH yields obtained after 5 min sonication at 490 kHz from Weissler and Fricke dosimetries were 200 µM and 289 µM, respectively. Whereas, the OH yield was found to be very low (8 µM) when terephthalic acid dosimetry was used under similar experimental conditions. While the results agree with those reported by Iida et al. (Microchem. J., 80 (2005) 159), further mechanistic details and interfering reactions have been discussed in this study. For example, the amount of OH determined by the Weissler and Fricke methods may have some uncertainty due to the formation of HO2 in the presence of oxygen. In order to account for the major discrepancy observed with the terephthalic acid dosimetry method, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis was performed, where two additional products other than 2-hydroxy terephthalic acid were observed. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) analysis showed the formation of 2,5-dihydroxyterephthalic acid as one of the by-products along with other unidentified by-products. Despite the formation of additional products consuming OH, the reason for a very low OH yield obtained by this dosimetry could not be justified, questioning the applicability of this method, which has been used to quantify OH yields generated not only by acoustic cavitation, but also by other processes such as γ-radiolysis. The authors are hoping that this Opinion Paper may initiate further discussion among researchers working in sonochemistry area that could help resolve the uncertainties around using these dosimetry methods.Due to its physical and chemical effects, ultrasound is widely used for industrial purposes, especially in heterogeneous medium. Nevertheless, this heterogeneity can influence the ultrasonic activity. In this study, the effect of the addition of inert glass beads on the sonochemical activity inside an ultrasonic reactor is investigated by monitoring the formation rate of triiodide, and the ultrasonic power is measured by calorimetry and by acoustic radiation. It was found that the sonochemical activity strongly depends on the surface area of the glass beads in the medium it decreases above a critical area value (around 10-2 m2), partly due to wave scattering and attenuation. This result is confirmed for a large range of frequencies (from 20 to 1135 kHz) and glass beads diameters (from 8-12 µm to 6 mm). It was also demonstrated that above a given threshold of the surface area, only part of the supplied ultrasonic power is devoted to chemical effects of ultrasound. Finally, the acoustic radiation power appears to describe the influence of solids on sonochemical activity, contrary to the calorimetric power. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has spread globally. Therapeutic options including antivirals, anti-inflammatory compounds, and vaccines are still under study. Convalescent plasma(CP) immunotherapy was an effective method for fighting against similar viral infections such as SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV. In the epidemic of COVID-19, a large number of literatures reported the application of CP. However, there is controversy over the efficacy of CP therapy for COVID-19. This systematic review was designed to evaluate the existing evidence and experience related to CP immunotherapy for COVID-19. A literature search was conducted on Pubmed, Cochrane Library, Clinical Key, Wanfang Database; China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) were used to search for the proper keywords such as SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, plasma, serum, immunoglobulins, blood transfusion, convalescent, novel coronavirus, immune and the related words for publications published until 15.10.2020. Other available resources were also used to identify relevant articles.