The attitude and heading reference system (AHRS), which consists of tri-axial magnetometer, accelerometer, and gyroscope, has been widely adopted for three-dimensional attitude determination in recent years. It provides an economical means of passive navigation that only relies on gravity and geomagnetic fields. However, despite the advantages of small size, low cost, and low power, the magnetometer and accelerometer are susceptible to external disturbances, such as the magnetic interference from nearby ferromagnetic objects and current-carrying conductors, as well as the motional acceleration of the carrier. To eliminate such disturbances, a vector-based parallel structure is introduced for the attitude filter design, which can avoid the mutual interference between gravity and geomagnetic vectors. Meanwhile, an approach to estimate and compensate the external disturbances in real time for magnetometer and accelerometer is also presented. Compared with existing designs, the proposed filter architecture and external disturbance rejection algorithm can feasibly and effectively cooperate with mainstream data fusion techniques, including complementary filter and Kalman filter. According to experiment results, in the case that large and persistent external disturbances exist, the proposed method can improve the accuracy and robustness of attitude estimation, and it outperforms the existing methods such as switching filter and adaptive filter. Furthermore, through the experiments, the critical role of fading factor in handling the external disturbance is revealed.In recent decades, emerging fungal infections have changed the clinical mycology scenario as a consequence of the advances in medical diagnostics and therapeutic procedures, long hospitalization times, and the growing number of individuals with debilitating chronic diseases and impaired immune systems. This report presents a 19 months old Brazilian female patient who developed a severe fungal sepsis by an uncommon yeast. She was admitted at the intensive care unit with severe pneumonia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and weight-for-age z score of less than -2. She remained more than 30 days in the intensive care unit where she had a femoral venous catheter placement, enteral nutrition, broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, and prophylaxis with fluconazole. Moreover, pericardiocentesis was performed due to cardiac tamponade. She had a previous history of prematurity, cardiac surgery due to patent ductus arteriosus, and a long period of hospital stay. Despite the antifungal prophylaxis, two yeast isolates were recovered from blood and then identified by classical mycological methods and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing as Wickerhamomyces anomalus. Both isolates exhibited susceptibility to amphotericin B, ketoconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, and fluconazole. Her clinical state worsened, presenting anasarca, epistaxis, and hemorrhagic suffusions in the mouth, sclera, oliguria, and bradycardia. Two days after the first positive culture, she presented a gradual reduction of the white blood cells count, with severe leukopenia and neutropenia. She died five days after.Ovarian cancer (OC) is one of the most fatal cancers in women worldwide. Currently, platinum- and taxane-based chemotherapy is the mainstay for the treatment of OC. Yet, the emergence of chemoresistance results in therapeutic failure and significant relapse despite a consistent rate of primary response. Emerging evidence substantiates the potential role of lncRNAs in determining the response to standard chemotherapy in OC. The objective of this narrative review is to provide an integrated, synthesized overview of the current state of knowledge regarding the role of lncRNAs in the emergence of resistance to platinum- and taxane-based chemotherapy in OC. In addition, we sought to develop conceptual frameworks for harnessing the therapeutic potential of lncRNAs in strategies aimed at enhancing the chemotherapy response of OC. Furthermore, we offered significant new perspectives and insights on the interplay between lncRNAs and the molecular circuitries implicated in chemoresistance to determine their impacts on therapeutic response. Although this review summarizes robust data concerning the involvement of lncRNAs in the emergence of acquired resistance to platinum- and taxane-based chemotherapy in OC, effective approaches for translating these lncRNAs into clinical practice warrant further investigation. the aim of this study was to assess the 2-year pulp survival of deep carious lesions in teeth excavated using a self-limiting protocol in a single-blind randomized controlled clinical trial. At baseline, 101 teeth with deep carious lesions in 86 patients were excavated randomly using self-limiting or control protocols. Standardized clinical examination and periapical radiographs of teeth were performed after 1- and 2-year follow-ups (REC 14/LO/0880). During the 2-year period of the study, 24 teeth failed (16 and 8 at T12 and T24, respectively). Final analysis shows that 39/63 (61.9%) of teeth were deemed successful (16/33 (48.4%) and 23/30 (76.6%) in the control and experimental groups, respectively with a statistically significant difference (z score = 2.3, = 0.021). Of teeth with severe and mild symptoms at T0, 42.9% and 36.7% respectively failed at T24 ( > 0.05). Within the self-limiting group, there was a lower success in premolars compared to molars ( < 0.05). after 2 years, there was a statistically significant higher pulp survival rate of teeth with deep carious lesions excavated using self-limiting protocols in patients with reversible pulpitis. Molars showed higher success than premolars in teeth excavated using the self-limiting protocol. There was no statistically significant association between the outcome and the severity of symptoms at T0 ( NCT03071588). after 2 years, there was a statistically significant higher pulp survival rate of teeth with deep carious lesions excavated using self-limiting protocols in patients with reversible pulpitis. Molars showed higher success than premolars in teeth excavated using the self-limiting protocol. There was no statistically significant association between the outcome and the severity of symptoms at T0 ( NCT03071588).