Stress provoked by the peptide is evident by N2a cells generating high levels of biothiols as a defense mechanism. In our study, we demonstrate that Aβ aggregates act as seeds for aggregate growth upon interacting with the cellular membrane, which results in cell permeability and damage and induces lysis. In parallel, these damaged cells undergo a significant increase in intracellular biothiol levels.The development of biomedical science requires the creation of biological material collections that allow for the search and discovery of biomarkers for pathological conditions, the identification of new therapeutic targets, and the validation of these findings in samples from patients and healthy people. Over the past decades, the importance and need for biobanks have increased considerably. Large national and international biorepositories have replaced small collections of biological samples. The aim of this work is to provide a basic understanding of biobanks and an overview of how biobanks have become essential structures in modern biomedical research.The spice paprika (Capsicum annuum and frutescens) is used in a wide variety of cooking methods as well as seasonings and sauces. The oil, paprika oleoresin, is a valuable product; however, once removed from paprika, the remaining spent product can be used to adulterate paprika. Near-infrared (NIR) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) were the platforms selected for the development of methods to detect paprika adulteration in conjunction with chemometrics. Orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA), a supervised technique, was used to develop the chemometric models, and the measurement of fit (R2) and measurement of prediction (Q2) values were 0.853 and 0.819, respectively, for the NIR method and 0.943 and 0.898 respectively for the FTIR method. An external validation set was tested against the model, and a receiver operating curve (ROC) was created. The area under the curve (AUC) for both methods was highly accurate at 0.951 (NIR) and 0.907 (FTIR). The levels of adulteration with 100% correct classification were 50-90% (NIR) and 40-90% (FTIR). Sudan I dye is a commonly used adulterant in paprika; however, in this study it was found that this dye had no effect on the outcome of the result for spent material adulteration.This generation faces existential threats because of the global assault of the novel Corona virus 2019 (i.e., COVID-19). With more than thirteen million infected and nearly 600000 fatalities in 188 countries/regions, COVID-19 is the worst calamity since the World War II. These misfortunes are traced to various reasons, including late detection of latent or asymptomatic carriers, migration, and inadequate isolation of infected people. This makes detection, containment, and mitigation global priorities to contain exposure via quarantine, lockdowns, work/stay at home, and social distancing that are focused on "flattening the curve". While medical and healthcare givers are at the frontline in the battle against COVID-19, it is a crusade for all of humanity. Meanwhile, machine and deep learning models have been revolutionary across numerous domains and applications whose potency have been exploited to birth numerous state-of-the-art technologies utilised in disease detection, diagnoses, and treatment. Despite thesosed algorithm is effective in performing a rapid and consistent Corona virus diagnosis that is primarily aimed at assisting clinicians in making accurate identification of the virus.The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant role of Thykamine, a botanical extract of thylakoides obtained from spinach leaves, has been investigated in animal and cellular models. The oxidative properties have been proven by inhibiting NO production (>98%) in J774A.1 cells and by protecting a linoelic acid emulsion subjected to lipid peroxidation caused by AAPH. Thykamine injected intraperitoneally to rats reduced the inflammatory process of (TNBS)-induced colitis and carrageenan-induced paw edema. As neutrophils are the first cells to migrate to inflammatory sites, the influence of Thykamine on the primary neutrophil functions were studied. Thykamine dose-dependent reduced neutrophil chemiotaxis, phagocytosis, and degranulation. No change in the release of LDH by neutrophils on Thykamine was recorded. Thykamine inhibited by 85% the neutrophil production of O2-. A superoxide recovery activity was observed on a zymography demonstrating a SOD-like enzyme on Thykamine extracts. Spontaneous fluorescence provided by carotenoid and chlorophyll pigments (488/675 nm) detected Thykamine on the surface, in the cytoplasm (mainly central where Golgi are present) and weakly in the nucleus of neutrophils. The results argue that SOD and pigments found in Thykamine are part of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties shown in in vivo and in vitro models of inflammation.Wnt signaling plays an important role in the self-renewal, fate-commitment and survival of the neural stem/progenitor cells (NS/PCs) of the adult central nervous system (CNS). Ischemic stroke impairs the proper functioning of the CNS and, therefore, active Wnt signaling may prevent, ameliorate, or even reverse the negative effects of ischemic brain injury. In this review, we provide the current knowledge of Wnt signaling in the adult CNS, its status in diverse cell types, and the Wnt pathway's impact on the properties of NS/PCs and glial cells in the context of ischemic injury. Finally, we summarize promising strategies that might be considered for stroke therapy, and we outline possible future directions of the field.The ingestion of gluten-containing foods can cause wheat-related disorders in up to 15% of wheat consuming populations. Besides the role of gluten, α-amylase/trypsin inhibitors (ATI) have recently been identified as inducers of an innate immune response via toll-like receptor 4 in celiac disease and non-celiac wheat sensitivity. ATI are involved in plant self-defense against insects and possibly in grain development. Notably, they are largely resistant to gastrointestinal proteases and heat, and their inflammatory activity affects not only the intestine, but also peripheral organs. The aim of this study was to understand the changes of ATI throughout the sourdough and yeast-fermented bread-making processes. ATI tetramers were isolated, fluorescein-labelled, and added to a mini-dough bread-making system. When the pH decreased below 4.0 in sourdough fermentation, the ATI tetramers were degraded due to the activation of aspartic proteases, whilst in yeast fermentation, ATI tetramers remained intact. The amylase inhibitory activity after sourdough fermentation decreased significantly, while the concentration of free thiol groups increased.