The association between soil loss and convex topography indicates that tillage-induced erosion is an important driver of soil loss, yet tillage erosion is not simulated in models used to assess nationwide soil loss trends in the United States. We estimate that A-horizon loss decreases crop yields by 6 ± 2%, causing $2.8 ± $0.9 billion in annual economic losses. Regionally, we estimate 1.4 ± 0.5 Pg of carbon have been removed from hillslopes by erosion of the A-horizon, much of which likely remains buried in depositional areas within the fields.Neural circuits are structured with layers of converging and diverging connectivity and selectivity-inducing nonlinearities at neurons and synapses. These components have the potential to hamper an accurate encoding of the circuit inputs. Past computational studies have optimized the nonlinearities of single neurons, or connection weights in networks, to maximize encoded information, but have not grappled with the simultaneous impact of convergent circuit structure and nonlinear response functions for efficient coding. Our approach is to compare model circuits with different combinations of convergence, divergence, and nonlinear neurons to discover how interactions between these components affect coding efficiency. We find that a convergent circuit with divergent parallel pathways can encode more information with nonlinear subunits than with linear subunits, despite the compressive loss induced by the convergence and the nonlinearities when considered separately.Behaviors that rely on the hippocampus are particularly susceptible to chronological aging, with many aged animals (including humans) maintaining cognition at a young adult-like level, but many others the same age showing marked impairments. It is unclear whether the ability to maintain cognition over time is attributable to brain maintenance, sufficient cognitive reserve, compensatory changes in network function, or some combination thereof. While network dysfunction within the hippocampal circuit of aged, learning-impaired animals is well-documented, its neurobiological substrates remain elusive. Here we show that the synaptic architecture of hippocampal regions CA1 and CA3 is maintained in a young adult-like state in aged rats that performed comparably to their young adult counterparts in both trace eyeblink conditioning and Morris water maze learning. In contrast, among learning-impaired, but equally aged rats, we found that a redistribution of synaptic weights amplifies the influence of autoassociational connections among CA3 pyramidal neurons, yet reduces the synaptic input onto these same neurons from the dentate gyrus. Notably, synapses within hippocampal region CA1 showed no group differences regardless of cognitive ability. Taking the data together, we find the imbalanced synaptic weights within hippocampal CA3 provide a substrate that can explain the abnormal firing characteristics of both CA3 and CA1 pyramidal neurons in aged, learning-impaired rats. Furthermore, our work provides some clarity with regard to how some animals cognitively age successfully, while others' lifespans outlast their "mindspans."Reducing the costs from human-wildlife conflict, mostly borne by marginal rural households, is a priority for conservation. We estimate the mean species-specific cost for households suffering damages from one of 15 major species of wildlife in India. Our data are from a survey of 5,196 households living near 11 wildlife reserves in India, and self-reported annual costs include crop and livestock losses and human casualties (injuries and death). By employing conservative estimates from the literature on the value of a statistical life (VSL), we find that costs from human casualties overwhelm crop and livestock damages for all species associated with fatalities. Farmers experiencing a negative interaction with an elephant over the last year incur damages on average that are 600 and 900 times those incurred by farmers with negative interactions with the next most costly herbivores the pig and the nilgai. Similarly, farmers experiencing a negative interaction with a tiger over the last year incur damage that is on average 3 times that inflicted by a leopard and 100 times that from a wolf. These cost differences are largely driven by differences in the incidence of human death and casualties. Our estimate of costs fluctuates across reserves, mostly due to a variation of human casualties. Understanding the drivers of human casualties and reducing their incidence are crucial to reducing the costs from human-wildlife conflict.Most of the tales were about animals, for the Jungle was always at their door. The deer and the pig grubbed up their crops, and now and again the tiger carried off a man at twilight, within sight of the village gates. "Tiger! Tiger!" (Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book, Collins Classics, 2010).Klebsiella pneumoniae is an opportunistic pathogen that mostly affects patients with weakened immune systems, but a few serotypes (especially K1 and K2) are highly invasive and result in systemic infection in healthy persons. The ability to evade and survive the components of the innate immune system is critical in infection. To investigate the role and mechanism of transcription regulator KP1_RS12260 (KbvR) in virulence and defense against the innate immune response, kbvR deletion mutant and complement strains were constructed. The in vivo animal infection assay and in vitro antiphagocytosis assay demonstrate K. pneumoniae KbvR is an important regulator that contributes to virulence and the defense against phagocytosis of macrophages. The transcriptome analysis and phenotype experiments demonstrated that deletion of kbvR decreased production of capsular polysaccharide (CPS) and biosynthesis of partly outer membrane proteins (OMPs). The findings suggest that KbvR is a global regulator that confers pathoadaptive phenotypes, which provide several implications for improving our understanding of the pathogenesis of K. pneumoniae.Haemaphysalis longicornis is a blood-feeding hard tick known for transmitting a variety of pathogens, including Babesia How the parasites in the imbibed blood become anchored in the midgut of ticks is still unknown. Leucine-rich repeat domain (LRR)-containing protein, which is associated with the innate immune reaction and conserved in many species, has been detected in H. longicornis and has previously been indicated in inhibiting the growth of Babesia gibsoni However, the detailed mechanism is unknown. In this study, one of the ligands for LRR from H. longicornis (HlLRR) was identified in Babesia microti, designated BmActin, using glutathione transferase (GST) pulldown experiments and immunofluorescence assays. Moreover, RNA interference of HlLRR led to a decrease in the BmActin mRNA expression in the midgut of fully engorged ticks which fed on B. microti-infected mice. We also found that the expression level of the innate immune molecules in H. longicornis, defensin, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), and lysozyme, were downregulated after the knockdown of HlLRR.